Monday, March 31, 2014


the script was already written

for the book
           that had not yet been written

the idea
like a   
it seemed
that drizzled
         noted author Indis O'Say's head

 as if by transmission
as if

         and who can say(not Indis O'Say)
such may not be

The New Way

Indis O 'say ,an author of note,awards and accolades 
                            put aside his
             half written
        follow up
to his well received novel about
 a liberal politician
who as if by magic 
had  charmed the
 into investing every tax dollar and private and public subsidy
creating Flying Cars.

The flying cars
 would not only fly the politician  explained
would not only fly
but  would run
on an organic non fossil wonder- fuel that
had chemical compounds in it
that were quite the same as MDMA..

the fictional politician in Indis's Utopian novel
explained that until the Flying Cars
were up
and running
and spreading chem trails of MDMA like ecstasy
through their emissions

(in the novel Indis explained that these emissions were not only "good for the mood and  soul of every individual on earth ..but the emissions that would be 'exhaled" in the exhaust of these Flying Cars were  not only non toxic but beneficial to  the soil ,the streams the oceans ,the  plant life and all matter of species )

the country would
have to stop fighting all wars immediately
as all monies the country had 
 would be put into this venture of creating Flying Cars
which would
create hundreds and hundreds or thousands of new jobs...

other countries
were asked if they might like to also
cast aside grievances past and present
and also spend capital on flying cars instead or war
on other marvels
of design
such as
backpack type apparatus
that might  enabled all the men ,women and children of the world to fly
along side the flying cars

Indis ' follow up to the popular book "Flying Cars Now!"
 began with the fictional
announcing he  was moving out of the White House into  One Bedroom in a mid priced suburb
and reducing
his salary to
but a dollar more than
minimum wage

over night
quite literally
the famously liberal author
had a change of heart about his literary endeavor 
deciding  his follow up book
to "Flying Cars Now"
would have  be put on hold
he had
to such a cacophony of fresh new insights  and ideas that
very little of his previous state of mind
it was quite like Indis had not only found his Muse
but had been
absorbed by
this Muse
and the musings were quite unlike Indis
had ever been compelled
to not only think of
but in the end (in a moment so brief ,so terrifying but terrific in it's tenacity and power ,in a moment Indis felt(and was) not like Indis anymore -except in name and shape .only)
to concede to with a sense of exaltation
for there was majesty
a sense of being "chosen"and thus
to begin again
reborn ...and oddly content to not be the  driver ,the helmsman of "self"
 that the curious  muse made sure he understood 
was that "Oneness"
of Grace with All Things
and The Divine that All Men had through all recorded time strived for
 that  loving sense of release of being but the Happy Passenger
of  A Higher Purpose 
A Higher and Greater Power!
an entirely NEW perspective
and objective
concerning his 
imaginings of a Brilliant New World
 the New World he saw in his Mind's Eye
was more serious
dubious of the  notion that everyone could or should
share in
an Enhanced state of Being..
that all people
were certainly
learned enough to
thought someone.
teach the world
"how to Be"
the world
could "be  "re -New-ed"
the novel
the New Novel seemed
almost to write itself
The novel begins with
Invading the Earth
the aliens
 look just like humans ,act just like humans 
Unlike other books
that have dealt with similar subject matter

the earthlings being taken over by these superior beings
do not fight the take over
but accept
that the beings are simply Better than their species
and realize that
they (the earthlings) have been waiting for a change of this magnitude
the opportunity
to be "re-educated" and "redefined"

The 455 page novel entitled ,"Let Us Be Conquered,"Indis completed
in an unprecedented 5 weeks...

The novel
 became a bestseller
 but caught many off guard
as it seemed to be a complete redux
 of the Indis O Say's liberal found in the "we the people for the people" context and subtext of his previous novels
but also
Indis O 'Say of the public  airways-.
the author, cherished like a savant  by more esoteric scribes and pontificators for his" almost childlike conceit that the world was "meant" to be "easy , joyful , lazy and crazy...
that basically everyone was good and just wanted and needed more

 of what ever the media (or what Indis called the cake and custard shop that displayed all those colorful ,mouthwatering  flavors with not only a clear tv screen separating us from the treats but a bullet proof window
 ( fleeting youth and rare physical beauty we are subconsciously "forced" to compare ourselves to

"how many people actually "look like actors? 1 percent of the population ..or ..09 percent of the population THAT become models and actors..

.that's who
 but THE,the actors ..and I love actors..some of my best friends ARE actors
 are represented ..out of proportion
as are not only their private life style s but moreso the fictional lifestyles of programming
taken in by our senses hundreds if not thousands of times a week
if we divide the projected image  into individual frames
as the mind both does 
and does not
 (hi def Tv that  is clearer than the reality we might see with  20/20 vision becomes MORE real to the mind  than organic vision it..soon the same will happen with sound ..look at Google Glass for instance. Where sound literally bypasses the ear itself. Sound and thus "a new reality" made by someone else that literally enters our minds through a type of "sense" we never had before...there is a new reality being placed upon us whether we want it or not.Some of it deliberately meant to confuse  and confound the senses..")

Indis's naïve  yet hopeful concession that eventually all things will even out
man innately likes to share it's good fortunate

if not 
Indis had written and said on his many Tv appearances,

"the natural balance above man will see to it.

a good natured man ,Indi even apologized for the 1 % who perhaps have-

"held court too long'
 we needed them to Rule Over Us and define us and even Control us to the extent that they do
after all ...
we are a young species...
maybe we needed a strict Father and overpowering Mother
to set down tracks for us to
but we are
Older now
as a species
and need no such tracks
soon we will be so domesticated by The powers that seize
and lead
that we will be incapable of managing without
if we are not already...
if something happens
for instance a metero hits earth
would YOu know how to build a Tv set...or even fill a cavity?
the regulations on medicine for instance prohibit any one from knowing how to stich a wound...
who has not the money ,the benefit of "intelligence" etc to "know" much of anything
all men and women should Know how to "fill a cavity" ..."stich a wound" ...know how technology  such as air conditioning work
in case some catastrophe man made or otherwise occurs 
that disrupts this expected continuity ...

his first book
was about a Comet that hits a fantastical planet in another galaxy
and the results
"expected continuity"
although the word was never used..
and small blue-ish figures were substituted
as if  Avatars
for genuine concerns about Human-ness
and how domestication and enforced reliance
might do most of the population in
because "Knowing-ness" is hidden.
his long excitable rants
and telegenic "mad man" excitability made him
a  much welcomed
guest on many Sunday Morning Pundit driven panels
and more so
a favorite on late night talk shows

 late night 's own telegenic "mad man "-Owen Kendriks
who claims
Indis O 'Say not only saved his sanity by making him feel "he was not alone" in his beliefs
 but his talk show as well
Indis O'Say 
 could be  depended upon to always pull in high numbers
and high ratings
as there was something
telegenic about this decidedly  untelegenic misfit

The number 2
Late Night "comic/commentator"
who usually began his program
with some type of skit

began his program with footage of an early dusk book burning
of Indis O Say's
latest contribution to publishing
"Let Us Be Conquered"

The crowd in the late night audience went wild with cheers and applause
watched the taped footage
and boo-ed
the usually
exalted Indis O Say's entrance onto the Owen  Kendrick's stylized "Living Room/coffee house " stage

Owen did his best to soften the footage
still playing on a large screen
as Indis sat down
by smiling ,next making a WTF gesture with his shoulder than tossing a copy of the book in a trash can
in plain view beside his "desk'
next Owen made a shame -shame gesture
with his finger
and removed another copy of
"Let Us Be Conquered"
and said ,as the crowd 's applause for his exaggerated expression of affront and castigation stilled'
"You got a lot of splainin' to do..."

Indis was not his usual unkempt self.
In fact he was put together better than Owen
he wore a T-shirt which touted some designer or other
Something Indis had always purposely avoided.
something to the effect -"when I was growing up the only time someone saw who created my shirt was when I accidentally wore it inside out...."
his hair was slicked back..
Indis' new muscles bulged through the "branded" shirt.
his usual somewhat stooped postured
replaced by an almost authoritarian up- righted-ness.
He laughed at the right times..
the book being tossed in the bin...
the "you got some splaining' to do"line

He listened intently and with a great deal of outward empathy to Owen's genuine
that "Let Us Be Conquered" was in Owen's opinion the antithesis
of absolutely everything
one expected of Indis
and that didn't he feel he had let a lot of people down...?"

'it's a book Owen..a book" Indis said..

Owen ,not used to being "put in his place" by a guest, especially one as like minded and kindhearted as Indis...who had commented on the coarsening of America...

may as well have kicked Owen in the groin with the way the lines ,"it's Book Owen, simply a book"

one could feel the audience's confusion as well.
The audience that had just cheered the Talk Show Host for a public book burning

now found themselves
cheering for Indis...

the confused commotion ..of the audience died down. Owen realized he might have mistook "a joke" for some type of personal "affront"
or had overdone it with the "jabs" at the once reliably simple and simpatico guest..

Attempting to regroup
and restate his "dominance " over this once docile "friend"
Owen mirrored Indis' mannerisms

and began on a less juvenile  footing..

"Let Us Be Conquered seems to be about Selectivism...About some people being Bettor than Others...and that the others should bow down to those who are either physically or intellectually superior to them.."

"Don't They already? Isn't that an almost instinctual response..?primal in nature?
Do you not swallow or gulp a little when you are confronted by a man or woman of great beauty or an almost indescribably great baring?...but than again Owen...This is a book. And may I ad that the superior Beings described "In the Book" are not humans but Aliens.."

"I realize that "in the book'..which OF Course is only a Book indis.the superior "beings " are not fellow humans...but Aliens. But you must concede that the metaphor one might make of "the takeover" has all the markings of ..."

Interrupting,Indis states that he did not write the book to be taken for any sort of metaphor. And if Owen is placing his own fears or fallacies upon his novel it is not his problem...I would be glad to speak about "the book" as a book...a book of fiction...,"Indis said in a non confrontational way, smiling in way that helped Owen feel at ease, "the book came to me by what I believe was an actual Communion with something Beyond myself. I wonder sometimes if "I" wrote IT at all-It was a Voice in My Ear. A Eye in my Eye...who requisitioned "Let Us Be Conquered to be be writ at all.I believe in retrospect a true living supernatural Entity perhaps extraterrestrial in nature came through me and obligated me to write "Let Us Be Conquered"


At this point in the program
When Owen begins laughing at the author
there is a difference of opinion ,even in the studio audience of what exactly happened..

We all know that Owen was hit on the head by a falling spotlight
that had either become unscrewed or was not fastened correctly to the metal lattice high above the stage
killing him instantly

The captured tragedy went viral
The now famous footage
called simply "The Host"
seen by more viewers than any footage ever before.

Second only to new footage caught on tape by several  audience members
that were focused not on the host
but Indis O'Say
the light fell..
the footage collected by 7 audience members which was subsequently studied by experts
SHOWS a blue-ish emmit-tance coming from both of Indis' eyes toward Owen Kendricks
who suddenly stopped laughing well before there was a sound or even a hint of
the light falling
only "the light" or what some called 'the blue-ish beam" from Indis' eyes

There was an open investigation not only on the supposed "beam" that came out of one or both of Indis' eyes but moreso on the possible enticement of "the turn of the screw" that caused the spotlight to fall 10 feet down.

There were divisions on several fronts concerning
both matters.

the divisions ,the speculations ,the opinions of
just what happened
or because of What
for weeks
the only topic one talked or texted about
all that could be overheard on phones
in chat rooms
and so many other
venues of
discussion and comparison

so many outlets
to give an opinion
on what happened
whom was responsible
-the possibility "liked" or "unliked"
for or against
the notion that the footage was "for real"
and that Indis(who had 'gone into hiding after the" accident")
was indeed imbued with
a "6th Sense'
and that this was no mere occurrence
but a genuine supernatural manifestation deliberate or automatic on Indis' part
by something "up There"
quite beyond the open ceiling of any studio stage
that did not want to be  "one of his own" to be laughed at..

some Hand "up there"?

or some Hand.
down here

both .Two hands
that might have had something

"up it's sleeve"

some hand.up there.down here
that could pull something
out of it's hat
(or out of the eyes of Indis O'Say)

by the time
the "story' burnt itself out
there was
so much data
about  WHO among us
"believed in "possible supernatural events and who did not"
thanks to all of the "hits" and posts and "shares"
than had ever been accumulated on any One Subject
or One Event -for as horrific the incident was
it still did not seem to possess the same gravitas
that one might have been reluctant to expound upon
in an open forum
for fear of having
"a spotlight fall on them"

It is recorded
the" Indis O 'Say Affair"
was followed,texted
liked ,un liked,twittered ,posted and followed and un -followed by
6 times as many who had
"said" what "they thought"
about either Brittany Spears or Charlie Sheen put together

  unknown to
the general population

There was a non public bid by a certain non disclosed institute
to purchase
 sole custody
 the accumulated data
they thought
Whom Amongst Us
       believes in magic
 and Whom Amongst Us
                          does not.


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