Saturday, March 29, 2014

human experience-a-tion.

Sony\ patents \\a brain manipulation technology (ultrasonic controller beams sounds, sights into brains)
November 22, 2011

Imagine movies and computer games in which you get to smell, taste and perhaps even feel things. That's the tantalising prospect raised by patent on a device for transmitting sensory data directly into the human brain - granted to none other than the entertainment giant Sony.

 The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non-invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating "sensory experiences" ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds.

Richard Mihran,a scientist  of the University of Colorado, Boulder, has concerns about the proposed method's long-term safety. Sony first submitted a patent application for the ultrasound method in 2000, which was granted in March 2003. Since then Sony has filed a series of continuations, most recently in December 2004 (US 2004/267118 ).

  - From issue 2494 of New Scientist magazine, 07 April 2005, page 10

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