Saturday, May 14, 2016

thumbs up

The Mandlers stripped the prisoner and placed their naked thoughts one atop the other
laughing at the nakedness ..
thinking upon the prisoner
black ,chomping barking dogs
and whatever fears the Mandler knew would cause the prisoner to scream ...
inside out....each mental cry captured on disk
displayed in Real Time on screens
the "magic" of biotech
and brain computer interface
synthesized signals of madness not only sent and received
but the target 's pain transmitted for Mandlers to relish and next build upon

The Operating Tele -Presence could not resist sending a visual cue of
"Thumbs Up" so the target might see
head's up style -a woman's touch.
There was a reason, thought the Mandler why -this now "iconic" photograph had been "leaked"
concerning "over there" never occurred to anyone -over here - that IF nobody wanted the pictures published they would not and could not have been ...
it was important the public still believed in
rogue journalism
and more
that "They"
over there
as much as
were true savages
While pressing the tab on the keyboard that would send the the symbol / variable /
straight to the TI's visual cortex
Thumbs Up!
the OT thought
how important it was
these shorthand references
to allow psychotronic torture to work
sound and image
comcastic -ly weaved into the collective consciousness
the ABC NBC s
the needed common ground of neuro weapon
ain't it funny thought the Operating Tele -Presence(OT) to his ward "app-ed up "
like a monkey
that-THUMB'S UP means something so different in a certain context
than it did before 2005..
you faggit freak "
The OT waited for the computer screen to display the Targeted Individual's Mind's Eye vision
he hoped
he hoped
on what he had spent so much time
establishing in the TI hours and hours of semiotics
shoved into the TI's visual cortex
so the husk for the neural prosthetics understood
what the symbol "thumb's up "
meant to non persons
The Operating Tele - Presence had
imbued upon the TI
in spite of the cruel associations the Mandler
wanted triggered and processed by the human vermin
the TI had better had learn to keep certain unwholesome images and thinking to himself
when goaded with verbal and visual cue
and how a better man
could think away from the artificial telepathy meant to evoke response
a better man
would not let autonomous response disturb the Mandler's
own need for neural data beautiful
The OT watched the TI's Inner Vision
re-pixel ing on the monitor
the recall of the color photographs released to the press
"you sick,sick ,sick fuk! "The OT yelled into the mic that would send silent sound direct to the TI's auditory cortex.."
The non persons for brain research were used to not only teach OTs how one could destroy another with Active Denial Weapons but also teach their captors how one might buffer a breach of the mind.
fearing reprisal I begin re shaping the scene for the Mandlers.
I know I must reformat the image Mind 's Eye style -quickly . I begin zooming in on the sections of scene
of thought picture
that I know are the most disturbing to Mandlers .I quickly dress the stack of naked bodies in garments of primary blue ,red and yellow.
next visualizing the figures as male cheerleaders - quickly ,quickly as old cars in a junk yard..the less one thinks of "Them" as people - the better..
next I focus my Mind's Eye on the foreground
focus on -woman in front of the stacked cars- I visualizing her as visual grapheme - a cartoon
.in her -thumb's up -hand my brain as brush I places a bouquet of flowers .
anything to please the BrainLink if only for seconds

"Good Boy," The Mandler graphs sending me a head's up visual of a friendly plush toy bull bog with a bone in it 's mouth

Jim Bloom's portrait.

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