Friday, December 13, 2013


Operation Paperclip (definition)
 the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States                                                                                                                            
1953: ** Begins Project MK-ULTRA Mind Augmentation Experiments

Nov.28 1953

split splat splintered like that  poor fella at the Statelier Hotel
some  men really can't hold their klicker..    
imagine if

Dec 1966
"Imagine if the pharamacology was
 combined with
  that shit Delgado is working on in Canada? Electrodes in mental patients and homosexuals fuckin brains.than you add television and televised cues and "fuck right G-d is dead"..conversation allegedly over heard  by man (name withheld)claiming  he was subsequently "dosed" by the ****  with LSD-25  -

October 1995
President Clinton publicly apologized to the thousands of people who became victims of MK ULTRA forcing many disgruntled ,now unemployed cognitive /behavioral
scientists  to move to more hospitable  grounds

                                                          The disposition  of  those that                co-operate
in driving
 sane men
 to dissociative madness
may seem hard for you, dear reader to understand...
yet I've been told that 
 many a hopeful, excited parental teams
due to their  nature
 have inadvertently
done so
to their own  children must forgive them or at least realize  that  They did not know (the Mother or Father) what they were getting "into"
becoming parents

"how is a Mother to Know  she is not a "Mother Type" until it's too late?

is it so odd
to imagine that "outside agencies" might  appreciate a propensity and "talent "
for hinky child rearing
 and one might (for a lighter sentence perhaps?)be
offered a rather lucrative
"re -parent"another
 in a  "hand's off " manner

these non traditional
families as well as
many disgruntled "visionaries"
from "agencies of all kinds" that were now backing away from
certain studies in mind Augment measures
that the public ,perhaps rightly
found repellent
took solace in
Gary Rainy's  Ranch  and solidarity in Neuronautic's vision
of a better world through corrective

H.A.A.R.P. or H.A.A.R.P may refer to:

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