Monday, December 23, 2013

Dumbo 91"Los Angeles

the baskets and the beads were handmade
made by the "bead and basket division "
which primarily consisted of
those  members who had  failed to pay off their Neuronautics classes.

One doesn't want to become a basketcase for Neuronautics
it just tends to happen.

      We sold the baskets and bead bracelets out side the Annex on Hollywood Blvd.
      besides the bracelets and wicker baskets we were also asked to  sell Gary Rainy's First Book ,the quote unquote Bible of The New Way Movement,"Inway to the Enway"
 but people weren't buying.

  We were in sharp competition  particularly on that street
 as Ruiners were more open to The Words
"Hollywood" on  coffee mugs to ashtrays) than they were to The Words of Gary Rainy...

Money was always a problem with Neuronautics
as Ruiners had a habit of attempting  to sue the Group
for damages to their psyche and whatnot...

"anything to destroy The New Way..."Gary would say,"They will stop at nothing."

was also a problem with Gary Rainy personally
 who had to not only maintain the "physical plant" of the organization but also The Rainy Ranch (or what some Ruiners called The "Pawn Ranch") where Gary lived amongst his most devoted followers ...behind 12 foot concrete walls out past Pasadena...

Gary spent alot of time
(and money) out there in his desert paradise.
Time with other "vision-eers" who devoted their lives to "SEEING the world as Gary Rainy insisted it be SEEN.(Some people even called themselves in this select group within The Group ..The SEEING ORG.(or See O rg.) asthey had acquired 2nd sight ,as all memebers of the SEEING ORG were either Level 6 or 7 Neuronauts.

we who sold basket and beads were kept quite far from our Bettors but
had the promise of becoming True Seers ourselves if we proved ourself worthy..
and worth was measured by how much money we brought in.

like i said Money was always a problem being in neuronautics
has it's

oh boy .yes it does.

The Notorious Chair Throwing Incident  that blinded a Level 8 "See Org "member was about finances
or lack thereof

The bead and basket makers
who were kept in a basement in an old hotel  that Neuronautics had acquired 
worked day and night weaving  and beading
as theses members had to not only  pay off their debts
to Mentors
but pay
their yearly alms to "The Church"

for services rendered.


*****,now blinded as result of the banquet style chair thrown in her direction during a meeting to assess that month's bills was persuaded to not to sue but write a book that claimed "she didn't need eyes,that thanks to her Neuronautics training she SAW without eyes.heard without ears and KNEW without KNOWING...

beside the bi weekly meetings that gaged
the flock's dedication to a Higher Level of Existence
an emergency meeting was called when creditors threatened to
force Gary to consider a second mortage on his Mansion in The Compound /fortress at The Ranch..

In the mess hall some of the highest officials of See-ers
brought their minds together to  re -think
A New Way to bring in necessary cash

a young Level 6 raised his hand and addressed  Gary rainy,"Sir ..Maybe Hollywood Boulevard is too close to the tourists,maybe the beads and baskets would sell better in West Hollywood,homos like beads and I think they like baskets"

Another level 6 Neuronaut raised his hand ,"Maybe ,"he joked " these freeloaders should sell beads and baskets on Santa Monica  boulevard to the Johns in cars who like HOMOS...or better yet maybe they should SELL THEMSELVES on Santa Monica to pay back their debts.."

The second level 6 Neuronaut covered his mouth and eyes(perhaps fearing another Chair Throwing Incident)but
the Level 6 Neuronaut noticed Gary Rainy was not a bit perturbed by the joke.
In fact
the opposite


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