Thursday, December 12, 2013

mentored "sway" and" fostered"play"create shared "Mind Movies" based on mutual themes

"our true nature as a species ,as men and women is lost .But I have faith and I have The Way...
We have become domesticated and nearly obliterated by Sound and Vision that is meant to both console our nature to a state of listless EXPERIENCE-ERS
This same Sound and Vision is also presented to us
to incite envy that one is not
"the beautiful people" in the "box"

all we
do not do

we do not say

Immersive Reality .Direct Neural Interface is a mind to mind connection
 in Real Time
bio-sensor  encoded brain waves and frequency
 between 2 or more "apped" participants

 mentored "sway"
and fostered "situationals" can than form
"THOUGHT PICTURES" that in time
may Intersect
to form
"MIND MOVIES" based on  the mutual themes
of the Mentor (the Guide)
and the Proxy

before one can "play" in this new format
one must first learn "how to be"
according to a prescribed Format
otherwise it might (and would) be dangerous to enter "the true theater of  mind to mind communications
as one must first  learn to train one's cognitive and emotional output
so one might non aggressively "share the stage"

Tru Christie and Valerie Prentis ,Parasol Pictures

"some Proxy do not care to seek obedience from their Bettors and do very little to attain through the teachings of Neuronautics their True Nature
(their inner "Actor"or graces)

Woe to the Man or Woman who has not found their Automatic Response
nor True identity and goes half cocked into the Group Mind "Hive"
 Woe to the Man or Woman who wants only to "Play" and seeks no growth  or seems in No Rush to undo their Neural Spikes created by lifetimes of fears and false fronts
and is asked (or indebted) to go mind to mind without buffer or a compassionate Other


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