Friday, September 12, 2014


Friday, August 15, 2014

recording intra neural pain bio signals with nano tubes to induce synthesized pain inception in others

Theodore heard screams
 even in  deep sleep Theodore could tell the screams were not human
Theodore had begun sleeping in his office  during the synchronized sleep studies
Theodore's office was conveniently  located next door to the animal testing  laboratory
where the animals were caged
was in charge of the neural data collected by the computer interface
concerning  induced sleep patterns in  primates

another study ran consecutively concerning primates not
fused with nanotube biosensors
to see if directed energy
without a specific "end" point receiver (a chip,an insert ,a "chip"
might also be augmented through beams and wire-less

(true to his presumption even without a sensor ...many Mind Augment exercises could be preformed ONLY with directed energy aimed

the main focus was on
the Merge
 and the monkeys
 embedded or riddled with bio
sensors no larger than white blood cell
now the monkey could could also emit directed energy
namely their brain signals
as the organism was now open
to engage and be engaged by a
Brain Computer interface

Theodore rushed into the lab

and the harsh light of the fluorescent light
woke not a single primate
the invisible waves that
penetrated the subject's skulls
over riding the natural brain signals
of the primates
as the primates "fitted"with nanotube transmitters
could be remotely
to  slumber
at the touch of a button

the invisible waves from the computers allowed the nanotubes connected to the primates dendrites and neurons
 interface with synthesized signals
so the "communion" of computer and brain could together work

although some called Merge Technology
an abomination
Theodore considered Brain Computer Interface
brains were really little more than signal systems

now that the "chips" were small enough to actually bind to specific portions of the brain
the patterns of signal(hearing,seeing,feeling)
became much easier to decipher

Theodore realizes the scream were not coming from the lab
but the operating table two rooms down
trying to get his mind off the awful screams
he pushed inward
the un -emotional section of his mind

the screams were terrifying but Thedore remained
how could he save the monkey
if he didn't think
in a removed fashion

nano technology and computers that could race as fast as a human mind
made for
good dreams for monkeys
and good dreams for investors

some baboons ,monkeys and other primates had nano bio sensors
introduced into their mucous membranes
which swam as if salmon up stream past the blood brain barrier
to attach to whatever sections the merge was designed for
previously cumbersome combs and electrodes,next meshes and many other so called micro processors
stagnant data collection was the problem
hit or miss thought transcription

previously the microprocessors could only linger NEAR the neuron
 between in or between  the neuron itself

it took over 50 years for small
to become something almost indescribably small

more valuable
than a diamond
unlike a diamond however
nano tech is all about replication

but who cares about this
that awful scream continues

is slow waking
his mind never stops

the sensors relayed brain signal to an outside computer created to run as fast as the human mind
attempts were made to
reply to the messages
as the lab techs attempted to "speak money"
the best they found they could do was
send visual images ..aimed at the monkey's occipital lobe of
environments or pieces of environment (home)
that made them forget they grey green walls and silver cages

also experiment were being done to alter vilent primates
with psycho -tronic surgery
that did not injure parts of the monkey's brain but simply simulate
sections that ..monitored violence
much of the will an animal, especially a caged animal
could be controlled
directed energies, beams and waves ..
.Theodore felt this a more humane means
of behavior modification
than drugging the animal up with tranquilizers

there were amazing things being done with Merge Nano

for instance a depressed ape named Darla who had lost her brother was diagnosed as severely depressed
she refused to eat or interact even with the most playful lab assistants

Theodore who had studied Darla's habits over the past year knew what food Darla liked and faces Darla responded either by Tele-Presence or face to face .Theodore knew which lab residents the Monkey liked best.

because Darlene was raised with nanotubes
that allowed other's to
send her visuals

environmental "white Noise"
Darla was unaware all monkeys were not telepathic 

Theodore would think to Darla certain treats she liked -  mainly blueberry muffins
it was not difficult to think of objects
and which representation of object (blueberry muffin)
might be transmitted to
Darla's Occipital lobe that "saw"
Theodore insisted Darla be given a real muffin at least 2 minutes after the induction of the snack into her frontal lobe.


Opening the door of the operating room Theodore felt his stomach lurch

it was like something out of a horror movie Darla was tied to the bed. straps and four point restraints Theodore know the Dr. "working" on Darlaa and as he got close he could not believe what he was seeing nor hearing without anesthetic seemingly without pain killers of any kind dr was stripping the skin from Darla Theodore noticed electrodes placed beneath the monkeys skull apparently so each  pang of pain could be collected by the computer Darla 's brain and nervous system were hooked to

it was like something out of a horror movie Darla was tied to the bed. straps and four point restraints Theodore know the Dr. "working" on Darlaa and as he got close he could not believe what he was seeing nor hearing without anesthetic seemingly without pain killers of any kind dr was stripping the skin from Darla Theodore noticed electrodes placed beneath the monkeys skull apparently so each  pang of pain could be collect by the computer Darla had been hooked into

Researchers turn pain perception on and off in mice using light

by Bob Yirka report
(Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers at Stanford University has found a way to turn the perception of pain on and off using only a light source. In their paper published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the team describes how they genetically altered nerve receptors beneath the skin in mice, and how doing so allowed for controlling the perception of pain.

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