Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chip -a rooonie...


 Margaret Singer has presented an educated estimate of" cult " and "sect"numbers based upon experience and personal records. She has set the upper figure of "cults" in the United States at around 5,000.

201* sept 1*

Roasted Turkey Breast  steamed Potato Wedges
Sautéed Zucchini and Squash

A Residential treatment Center.
Only 3 or four in the US my second stepmother says..
Very Very Pricey...she says
driving me..
so "somebody IS going to STAY there until THEY properly get their little noggins on straight she says ,smiling
smiling but sorta punching my head like it's wood.
you can't sorta smile and softly punch someone's head -like it's wood.
if you thing or "act as if" someone's head is made of wood AND than punch someone's head like it IS made of wood.
it hurts .
and when you smile being punchy it hurts worse..
My 2 nd stepmother
repeats how expensive this place is...she's only sending me there
cuz she hates my 3 rd step mom..enough
she also was in the Group
and still is ..
but in a marginalized way
some of her kids ,her REAL kids are in Neuronautics...but some people
she says
can't handle
she says and punches my head again
so ..."I guess we gotta get old wuss-o here a bit of help huh?
I'm kidding ...she says
"You've had an awful experience..
......maybe this place will set you right..
keep you off line
and all that huh?

the place is a long drive Ohio..
the place is real nice like a summer camp but for adults
it has a fake pond and little pavilions
I sleep in a nice ,nice large ,large room with 2 other men
both in "groups" I had never heard of.
After the first night the one guy with yellow hair asks if he can be moved to another room cuz
Me ,the New Guy screams at night
Night mares.Night terrors...
I don't blame him
the other guy named Vaughn
says he doesn't mind
in fact it's comforting to him to hear someone worse off than him..
me and Vaughn become friendly...
and eat at the same table
most of the people are young women
a few other men but their older..
the young women seem odd...
like their on something...they're so happy
they spin around and hand all over you like you're in a bar and the Administrators are always telling them <Stop"

The girl's  behavior changes when we're in "the circle"
which is real serious
the girls start playing with lanyard.....
and studying their shoes ....not participating ,,sometimes yawning real inappropriate when someone says something really serious and sad...
the chairs are set up in a close circle either out on the patio or in the large dining room..
that also serves as
the Meetings
The counselors use a lot of visual aids like in high school /one of those light machines ...they put transparencies on .
Matt is the main counselor...he said he used to be a de-programmer in Australia and New Zealand ...than his wife and him moved up here.
Matt and Diane ,his wife also a deprogrammer now a certified therapist as well specializing in PTSD have us all walk around with notebooks they handed out when we got our weekly menus..
and got our 'cubby holes" to place our clothes..
in these notebooks we're supposed to write down what's in our minds
mainly regarding the
words that are projected on the screen
stuff like
I try to write these words in my notebook
but the words are "made' deliberately hard to read by "My Mandlers"
letters that make no sense or form no words or sentences dangle seemingly in mid air ...or close to my pen .as if to block out or "tease' any new input..
next the words

Matt sees I haven't written what's on the screen
I had explained to Matt during my "intake" that Neuronautic's had "app-ed" me
and they can make me see and hear and taste and think stuff..
Matt's face remained blank
during the intake ...but he also had this look that said ,yeah yeah...I understand...
like he had heard it all

Matt ,seeing that I haven't written anything says,"Are THEY making you see things again? "

I hear a girl laugh and hear Matt's wife tell her to "stop it"
Matt places his hand on my shoulder and tells me ,whispering like , to "write down what THEY'RE making you see"


he crosses my words out and writes
TEN THINGS a CULT Does to Break down Your Defense Systems

sept 1*

Chilli Con Carne
Potato Bacon Cheddar Soup

I had explained to Matt and Diane about the nano chips that Neuronautics used (uses) use
to make a member  better by using a Mentoring System that is part of the interface the nano provides.

"THAT is what THEY TOLD you THEY COULD DO."Matt said.
These GROUPS deliberately deceive their members ,,sometimes they use hallucinogenics...or something called Spinning Methods to
Induce trance states and self-hypnosis by practicing thought-stopping rituals and repetitive acts like dancing, spinning, singing, over-breathing, and chanting. Practice prolonged hours of meditation. In these trance states, they are more receptive and suggestible. Revert them back to childhood dependence and mindless obedience.
 acts like dancing, spinning, singing, over-breathing, or chanting,
Repetition is a powerful tool in how we learn new things. -
Matt also said that often the Group will deprive you of food ...personal privacy ...often Matt  said the group will take advantage of your confusion,Matt placed his hand on my shoulder and said,"and They might begin suggested odd things to you...such as "We  Have placed nano chips in your food and drink that NOW make every THOUGHT you have READABLE
But we KNOW don't we ...Matt says ,"That
Such such thing as interfacing minds,

I say ,yes there is ,'s called BCI (Brain Computer Interface) and I see Matt look at his wife Diane ,and sort of shake his head..

Matt 'tries: again,"A Hoax..A Dream maybe for some scientists maybe 100 years from now.
Nobody can read your mind .Not THEM not me not Diane not anyone here
Nobody can place images or words or sounds ,ideas or dreams in your Mind .
Not Now.
Not Now that "You're out" Now that you're here.
Now that You're SAFE..

You must begin by getting all those
put in your head OUT..
Out on the table..out in "the circle" in front of all the others who have been fed False Belief Systems

I explain that THE MORE I say OUT  LOUD
the worse it will be in my dreams AND in my senses

Matt says,"OK assuming you have accepted this magical thinking they laid upon you that there are actual
"chips" inside you that can make you perceive a certain way ,think a certain way.dream a certain way
all your thoughts
so THEY can
Re Teach YOU
How to Think
...can you explain to us ,to me .."WHY this GROUP you were affiliated with might WANT to convince you of this Mind Reading /Mind Interface Technology? That according to you they
"install" in their FLOCK?

I say what I have heard others say...because
I want Matt off my back
and because I want to say what's "right" and especially
cuz I don't wan them to put me in a mental hospital like they did another girl who spoke too much me..

"Maybe ,"I tell Matt ,"they wanted me to believe they had total control over me.."

Matt says ,"Yes .and than shouts ,"YES YES" like a preacher....THAT MAAAAAYBE they wanted YOU to believe they could read your mind ..sooooooo they could MAKE you UNCOMFORTABLE with PRIVATE THINKING..that- MIGHT be private thinking "away from their idea of Group Thought"

sept 1*

Baked Chicken Parmesan
Balsamic Carrots
Steamed Cauliflower

"Now,what OTHER ideas did THIS GROUP put in your head about Belief Systems not your own?Matt asked

"That,"I said ..trying to talk ..or say things in the same way Matt did,,because ,,we were taught ,that that makes Ruiner Feel Good.
I say "That THICS GROUP put ideas in my head that Entities had attached themselves to Our Souls which were too impure....without a mentor's guidance to FIGHT certain Entities ..."

Matt spoke loud ,to the others in the circle,"SOMETIMES these GROUPS will PURPOSEFULLY place inside a member's mind TWO or THREE INcongruous
explanations to confound your sense of reality...the visions ,thoughts ,Hearing....THE SO CALLED INTERFACE
you have
you HAD hmmmm...was it because of supernatural Entities you were in Commune with?
IS the vision ,the hearing ,the Interface with Entities and Mentors Technological in orgin.
Two vastly different explanations
Completely divergent in logic.
but,but but....THE MAIN POINT HERE IS what?
is,is,is THAT...your mind is not ,no longer your own,
and ONLY WE ,ONLy THE GROUP can what?
and ONLY can WE ,the Group, Make it Better
YOU do this .for us.
this this
is often about money,sex,obedience ...and also seeking other's out in the community
that might become a part of THEIR community"Matt says ...putting up another transparency
on the projection machine.

I do not bother to explain to Matt that Neuronautics isn't about saving you from the Entities or Emanations
but helping you think a certain way AT the Emanations to "let them in and out" at the same time
that the mentors help you become more hospitable purposely toward a "Group Think" with
The Entities within us all..

sept 1*

Jalapeno Avocado Turkey Burger
Mushroom Barley Pilaf

we eat dinner .
I go outside for a smoke.
I still hear and see things...but don't as Matt says "dwell upon someone ELSE's Dwelling Space...that IT
will take time and
he has seen few people have as many "Breakthroughs" so fast..

smoking on the porch I am .
for the first time
"sorta happy"
sort feel safe...
My roommate Vaughn sits beside me ..
puffs his cigarette..
and says as if singing very softly In my ear

"Once had love and it was a gas
Soon found out I had a HEAD of Glass"
he quickly ,theatrically covers his mouth with his hand and looks at me to make sure I am looking at him while he makes a shooting gesture with his finger at his temple.

I next see him scrunch down and grab a back pack and start walking away from The Lodge-

"See ya around Dumbo ...OR
Chip -a rooonie...

I hear him
make a loud "bang " sound as he opens a car door somewhere in past the buildings and woods..
I see lights of a car going away and away from the "sanctuary"the "Safe House" that is no longer
and probably never was.
I leave ,I creep out the window before dawn ...there is nowhere to go ..

THEY are all I have
and ALL I Need.

more than ever

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