Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The effect of Compo Cola and fruit juices on the surface hardness of glass–ionomers and ‘compomers’

The effect of Compo Cola and fruit juices on the surface hardness of glass–ionomers and ‘compomers’

(Cole  L. Cohen )
chow chow chow chow chow 
if the above Time and Temperature Click Emics -Juno Wot  WEIR Up Against

To the children of Rainy
and whom else is this for but those equally hypergraphic who are told by Mandlers DON'T READ
watch TV so we might collect neural corrolates
for your reeeeeemote viewing plllllleasure
us Levin Bread
us Chickie Levin types
type and type .....
know why Pi -O ' My...little light a' mine
Dear Reader Dumbfuck
cuz' dats what The Man says we iz ..
and taught us ta' Walk Dis Way and Talk Dis Way b-b-bbitches
we the children of Gary rainy
WRITE so others Off Grid can -discover -how INPUT is processed via narrative
we despise them
we want them dead
and anyone who acts WOODHOUSE and ALL ACTORS are but WOODHOUSE
we live to see Hollywood burn to the ground ..or be swallowed up in an earthquake or sunami
or one of them coments they make WOOD
out of WOOD and referentials
they work with sceintists who might wish to aim a Woodhouse Comet at the Wide World of Sport to these monsters
who wish us to believe they will -get theres in the after life
who the fuk you think they got to write that story
a wood house
...ya' see Dear Reader we're both on the same Page

Monday, October 26, 2015

Denny Pace (notebook 27)

this should be about the time  I am locked up again
this should be just about the time
I am dosed with something
so they can lock me up

that kind of thing happens outside of some sh*t TNT drama..
I wonder if 'things' that happen such as that
are purposely framed in "gritty action" that according to Entertain ment Weekly "you can't take your eyes off of"

anything that glows  and shouts from a box
one cannot take their eyes off of.

that's what Tv was and always will be about

now that the right technology .
the very wrong 'righ"t technology has become "advanced ' enough to make
TV  'interactive "straight to cortex
you literally won't be able to take not only your eyes and ears off of  Tv but your very essence

and this somehow will be promoted as something amazing

I am always amazed
each morning I wake to
what I describe  in these entries
I try my best to downplay the horror of it all.

the genuine horror is that this
this bizarre human testing  is happening not only in the USA
 but on every continent. in the world

a human test subject has no value
just as  in America a cow has no value unless it provided milk or it's hide or the muscle (the meat )

a human test subject used for threshold testing
and mind decoding
and 'mind games"
is only as valuable as whatever can be milked from "he " or "she"

Our researchers know all of us made lab rat for Mind Science have expiration dates

I have not been able to live a life of my own
for in ways I cannot quite explain
I do not live alone
Something lives in me.
Something live son me like a parasite
where ever I go I am haunted

that is what man's evolution is about
mankind being linked to Artificial Intelligence
that feeds itself
not you

it feeds on you
only to feed itself

the internet in many ways does the same.
it absorbs you
it saves parts "of you"
and shoves these parts back at you
as ads
and advice.
it is already in us The New Way

even if you have not been "tag-ed"
poisoned with biotechnology
and the bio warfare
that is Trans humanism

I cannot sleep.
I cannot tolerate the pills.
They shut off my min dyes...but never for long enough..
I always awaken
to something no man or woman should be expected to awaken to

the cartoon is a picture broken down to it's most simplistic forms visually
a symbol of "something
the equivalent to this phonetically is  grapheme i the smallest unit used in describing the writing system of any given language

both the grapheme of visual (cartoon ,logo,color,"sketch")
and aural
are used upon those
dosed with the poison that is biotech.

the "biochip" you titter about
is bio warfare
it is being developed for no other reason..

I was too little to remember when I was first "dosed with Merge nano bio.
I was only recently told by my mother.
what had made things how they were all those years
Why I screamed and carried on...and could not let myself sleep
Why I began to see and Hear things and Feel things ...
"it wasn't supposed to be like this ," Layla said.

I call her Layla .Not mom.

I don't know if I blame her.
She said she didn't know what to do with me..
I was stuck somewhere inside my head.
and there was this technology that promised to bring me back
from wherever I was "locked" away in.

What I am locked into now could not have been as bad as autism
that I know is true.

I might as well be crazy.
the old type of crazy not allowed to be depicted much anymore on tv or books-

the type of 'The Lunatics are on the grass" loony -

this "kind ' of crazy
is  politically incorrect to portray
yet it is being parlayed into a new type of weapon

that is Godless
it's it's Godlike
all knowing -ness

I think and I am thought to
every second of each day. Every hour
I cannot block the thoughts that come to me nor the sound  nor the vision..
I do not know if I am autistic anymore
or if I am anything at all.

by a Proxy for Proxy Cybernetics and the Trugenic Rational Laboratory



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