Tuesday, January 24, 2017

origins of Compo Cola (1)

for lack of a better word
it's a wheels within wheels thing going on
concerning the twists and turns they want you to make
in your equivalent of -enforced narrative-
did someone say UCLA  Shooting
-what's up with that as it concerns anything concerning Neural Narratives
being studied in conjunction with good old fashion
neuromodulation as it concerns -warfare-and the ability to convince a person via
"altered States" of RF as these heightened states of awareness (or lack thereof) are over ridden with
the most purposely elaborate myths meant to have you -soon enough - thinking your Naploean or something
-and that 's what i assume they want me to shut up about
-the details of what i guess what one might call -inception or brainwashing
via voice data induction technology
yet at the same time they want me to scream scream online how I am being destroyed
-but there are limits
according to 'my team'
as i have written (to who ? except the "teams" who understand -at the very least -compartmentalized versions of -what they were employed to study
beyond keystrokes ..and how  a "POW" might might mask SOS in metaphor
-i assume many of thos eworking on the hundreds of projects in this gold mine of A.I. Neuroweapons and Data
and the neuromorphic "chips" robotics algoythims that require simulated ..
first and foremost
is the importance of the researchers unaware that far from being mentally ill
most -in the program- were lead to the various mental health clinic s
decades ago because their initial aptitutde tests demonstrated there was no mental illness in their family
of course their families were often targeted back in the 80's as well to have a  pretty good fall so
some of the most important researchers could convince themselves
-why good gracious
all the things these TIs say
is proof they have thought disorders
ask yourslef
how else were they gonna keep you
working on this project

Manhatten anyone?
or should i just serve you more -Compo Cola

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