Monday, January 23, 2017

Batman vs Indis O'Say

Guys like Indis O'Say
are only In Dis at all
thought Bloom because guys like O'Say
eugenically want nothing else but to ruin things that do not fit into their limited
and naive view of the world
frighteningly many of the best and brightest
who understand what sustainability means in terms to the species itself
fall all over themselves convincing themselves
that extreme measures must be taken to in fact -save the world
Guys like Indis O' Say are incapable of keeping their mouths shut about
their views that plant seeds of doubt in others
and what has always perplexed me about Ruiner
was they believe that shouting 'Fire" in a crowded movie theater
is somehow better than making the best movie possible
direct neural interface style and so forth -if need be
to give the crowd the most amazing experience of there lives while we
"The Gardners of the Galaxy" burn the movie theater down 

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