Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pace Taker 2

Layla 's car had been keyed the night before Easter and a dead mouse placed on her doormat .On the drive over to the church several members of Neuronautics had made sure to drive too close to her car ,if only so Layla could see their glares and hand gestures Clearly
it had surprised Layla that Patrick Pace had been able to get a temporary court injunction concerning what Neuronautic's called the Religious Relation Entrainment clause in their doctrine that claimed that the Father's religious stance and not the mother's -pre - destined children of The New Way 's co re being. A core being that could be destroyed ,perhaps irrevocably, by even limited exposure to what Gary Rainy called 'the sword and sorcery ' of any organized religion besides his own.
Gary claimed "The Children of the Evolution" raised on psychophysics and Neuro Linguistics should be granted special rights by the state for their possible use to the union as the true ideal of man.

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