Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pace Taker 1

Layla Pace took her son Denny to church as she had every other Easter before her husband converted to Neuronautics and denounced organized religion as a dog and pony show for the un -enlightened .Only the "Church of Neuronautics" understood that what one was in the scheme of things was not about accepting some notion of a "Higher Power" but how a technolgical Higher Power accepted you in terms of comparative analysis to those of your species.
Patrick Pace had at first laughed at Layla's tight hold upon an all seeing, all knowing "God" who as far as Patrick was concerned was yet to be properly created as a Singular force ,except by those in the New Way Movement .
Patrick next took legal action concerning Layla not "coming round" to neither the science nor ideology of Neuronautics at least concerning their son Denny- not being raised on what the movement's leader called the "Mass Psychosis" of Judeo Christian belief.
.Patrick Pace ,a Level 5 Neuronaut unlike his soon to be ex -wide understood that Mankind and one's place is such was only about judgment and thus the neccessary decoding of one's thoughts.
After all ,Patrick had told Layla had not Gary Rainy, founder of 'The New Way " movement not proved with sophisticated neuro technology that read a man's Thought Style whom amongst us was just and worthy and whom amognst us was not.
As Gary Rainy proclaimed - mankind 's Emit and thus psychic energy was not a fanciful notion to be corralled into myth based practices of "Hoping " and "Begging "to false idols that according to Patrick Pace " had been insinuated upon the masses back when the masses were still needed ,back in The Old Way when indeed a template was required to keep the masses going that "had to" emphasize what Gary Rainy called " the absurd notion that everyone was equal
and good in God's eyes

Patrick told Layla that the New Way of Neuronautics was about letting go of these 'silly sentiments"to move man onward and upward to what Neuronautics called
-a Paradise without Parasites.


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