Tuesday, March 8, 2016

nobody tells you jack sht.about why they agreed to do this to a kid except "your no kid" and "if you keep talking about it we might have to lock you up ."...but when they try it doesn work.......THE ONLY PERSON A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL does NOT tell about the hearing and seeing or THE FAMILY who raised you on CUES is no intake shrink....you say what ..you say GEE DR> I am writing a story is all...
.you visit your 2nd foster father..you hate him less than your 3rd stepfather..and he talks this one..in a way he's somewhat like me..says stuff he isn't supposed to say..i know that because he hints at thing i.e.after WW2 people were concerned with what and how people thought so Never Again would or could certain things happen the OSS office of strategic services or some such stratum HAD to understand HUMAN BEHAVIOR as what happened in Germany was SO barbaric ....so outside the realm of humanism..my 2nd foster father says there was more very ODD human behavior BESIDES Hitler.concerning all who finaced Hitler...and the wheelings and dealings around ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that ONLY concerned scum -jews included- who according to dear paw paw thought polish jews etc were scum and much less than them..just as israelie's think of american jews as LESS than even Christians....
i pour paw paw a drink and take whatever I need when i'm around the piece of human garbage and listen to him "go on " go on I say knowing he's toasted enough to "let it go " let it out past past the OSS and "they were doing it in Russssska" bullsht
"modern"control systems of human systems relied and relies upon neurophysiology, mathematics, and philosophy ....yeah this is coversation when I mix him a drink..top heavy on the rum..
i know he HINTS and says stuff he knows he can't because he lives in a sh*t hole ..usually they keep their Team all sporting -to the end..
he did something to betray his team so you can't hate him that much
I don't even steal anything from him..
but i do rip all the money he has in his wallet before I leave into 3 sections..
yeah you DO this to a guy who'se job it was to rip your mind into little sections..
Cole.Denny/Dumbo .Aimian,Indis O say to much he did did did
rum and coca cola and coca
powder I tipped into his glass
my foster family so good good good with Mickeys and Monkey..
he doesn't spill the beans about how he and my 2nd foster mum went all Ibsen Eugene Landy Eugene O Neal on me as a teetering tot and all Unkle Earnie on me after a nic ebeddie bye story about little bad bois who ended up trapped in refridgerators in marsh land cause their oooo poppa don't ! took the little yammer out to the marsh and stuck him stick figure like into one of these fridgerators..
in addition to the bed bink story he'd show me newpaper articles about boys who got stuck in empty abdamoned fridgerators ...when he wasnt showing me photos of his tour in vietnam of some guy's missing face as the guy got too close to a helicoptor blade.
all my young life was about never getting TOOOOO CLOSE to nothing
especially not saying anything about how close old poppa dock 2 got to me after sttttory tyme..
I say what i like now ...not caring
what my Mandlers might do to me
and my biology via Electro mag Not -a gain! OUCH!
The human raised as "control system' is first raised on Neuro Linguistic Cues (Aural and Visual ) often the cues had and have to be set by instigating trauma that assures the cue is processed by the human control subject in a way that can most likely work itself away from the conscious to the unconscious as to "not be lost" in the day to day input as to become-1. Variables: that defines a human who can be "taught"or managed ,rewarded or punished by
interrelated variables.The VARIABLE / Cue will reinforce all future events in the subject's managed existance.2 Events that are set as variable (staged ,placed ) are an attempt to limit aspects of TIME and PLACE in a subject's life so the human subject of study can be be best programmed using a limited and "predestined"
sequence of instructions to keep the subject as opened as possible to feeback by
3. Groups: Social systems with a set of shared interests or goals.In the case of Human testing the goal is to keep the subject submissive to pre-assumed Advanced Technologies (Brain Computer Interface) Game theory and Role Play is one way of describing the strategies that individuals and groups adopt to achieve their ends which include keeping the subject "up " for being used in various threshold tests concerning human computer interaction being used as weapon by real or percievd threats. To keep the control subject busy as to understand the dynamics of Co Consciousness (TV ,film ,pop culture) and the systeme's understanding of "gatingall human features; that stray from Singularity of 4. Ideas: One feature of complex social systems is that
different individuals and groups are "playing different games."
Different hierarchy of "human' not only have different goals, they live in different
conceptual worlds. One way to compare and modulate the control subject toward "the norm' of being "less" than the social system is to use the interface to "interrogate " the control system's key beliefs,
assumptions or values until they no longer "get in the way" of Singularity of a desire template of Man as he relates only to systematic control of one's "Bettors" (society and societal norms)
Human Engineering researchers claim that knowledge is
a biological phenomenon and that each individual
constructs his or her own "reality" and that
knowledge "fits" but does not "match" the world of experience
Assuming that we are interested in improving our
social systems and that we regard social systems as collective
we may well ask how we
might influence what people think to alter an individual's OWN construct of Reality to a virtual realy he or she does no twish to OWN but be ONLY a participant in by way of returning the subject to CUES both aural and visual that can and will be blended into reality .
A reintroduction of "Cue" after the human test subject has been through threshold tests and inbues of terror will in most cases be a pleasure and no longer an issue to the subject assuming the subjecvt has become aware of their childhood only as clap board programming and trigger.
By this time the subject should be responsive to logic and hesitant at feeling used or injured ,in fact now vetted in understanding the larger designs rather than the smallness of their own self will and regret concerning "service" to the Collective
Explain the reason for Visual and Aural Imput is not "a game" but a type of conditioning
Explain that the interface is about REASONING and REASONABLE behavior set by RULES and SYMBOLS (explain that one cannot drive a car without coming to a stop at a stop light )
Explain People reason through images of
themselves and the world in the Mind's Eye that should and must be studied and encoded. Not as intrusion but as Standardization Explain the nature of the interface is about gleaning a cross demographic of Mind's Eye Self Referential Thought Process as Peoples' self referential images determine their
Explain that Images can be changed by new messages and
conversation and THIS not subjgation is the reason for the Synthetic Telepathy
Explain that- When images change, behavior changes.

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