Saturday, June 7, 2014

Unconditional Obedience

no real choice. I pop the pills prescribed

to listen more and more..
to what ..
my mentors...
think at me..

                 the neuroleptics.
              .the pills...prescribed which are supposed to stop the
(my drs  have tried them all Haldol.Thorazine Stelaize.. Seroquel ..Risperdal..)
the meds only STOP me from ..."thinking back"to the "interface " in any luid way meaning I am on DOWNTONE
and will castigated for my turncoat,Ruinerisms
my transgressions...toward "pretending" that THEY are not real people Doing Their Job
but just

"YOU WANT US TO "PLAY Voices" again!
you want us to really make you crazy
cuz I got a really prime! neural read from a psychotic who lit himself on fire RIGHT HERE..
which I can overlay on you
anytime buddy..

they give me more leeway than I deserve
it is them taking the time
the money
sticking with me
helping me and saving me
and I suddenly feel truly bad that I fucked up the whole next 24 hours by taking the pills

"Not good enough Dumbo" A voice that is not Evan's Imparts..
I try to recall if I really meant what i thought about feeling bad...about them giving me leeway...try to remember if I was just "apple polishing"
towards the Mentors..

"shut up shuttin Up,....take another pill why dontcha?'''I hear through me ,in me ,over me
 in anyway that can be perceived as a civil conversation ...let alone a Mind to Mind Interface..

I am ashamed of my "slowed down mind" and the dulled output  to their input
I imagine
 that for Evan and the rest of my team.
my interface is rather like attempting to have a conversation with a drunkard..
or rather a Brain Computer Interface with one who is apt to fall of a chair in the middle of a long joke that one has heard one too many times
I try to convey some type of excuse
but they already know about the pills..
the pills are a personal and organizational AFFRONT
that i will be punished for
("when I least expect it"-I know the drill....)
 my mentors keep going and going
mainly so i will
grow more and more accustomed to
my brain entrainment
one interesting aspect of my absence of mind
as that my mentors 'let down their hair'
concerning buffers.
and i
can get from time to time get a coherent gleaning of a sort of subtext
beyond the
drudgery of "learning how to" drive another either sane or mad through
re-education via
directed ,pulsed energies..
unconditional obedience
is all they expect
nothing more.
and an unsolicited 24/7 interface sure is one way to get it...
my popping the neuroleptics which only cause my mouth to foam slightly and my body to
stick to the bed ...for it is that difficult to physically move when given this grade
of Major tranquilizer
I suppose is my
attempt to
'show them" there will be no Unconditional Obedience on my part...
but it is a rather pathetic show of civil disobedience to
disorient  my own  mind with rather harmful meds
to disrupt
"the conversation"
they seem to forget I am even here...
their minds..
as i said oddly unshielded by the usual buffers
and i
what is left of me have access to my Mentors...present thoughts and memories
as always
their thoughts and memories
about the cause..

and the purpose of emptying a "subject/participant' of whatever stands in the way of The New Way

Evan's mind is on his father
either one of Gary Rainey's tapes or videos is playing in the background or Evan
has mastered the neural negotiations of regurgitated retention

"it would have been impossible to transparently re- create a government  "opposed to "This Motherment" that truly rules us today-"i hear as aural over iride'''an odd mixture of Gary Rainey's
lectern posturings and Evan's Inner Voice both trying to block the recorded  vehicle "of Relevance and or Revelation"ti
The Movement..
I taste that Evan is eating a Twix bar
and is watching a 'newbie" attempt to draw a mock up of the "history of The New Way" presumably for
the 2nd or 3rd generation
kids being taught The Gospel according to Gary Rainy(i feel a sharp pain in my right arm and retrace my thoughts to
                                                        mocking  GR

my neurals
(as stupefied as they are by my use of psychiatric drugs...a big 'no -no" to my Team)
still are of benefit to the Team
and must be monitored whether I am being re-mastered or not
i sometimes get a Mind's Eye glimpse of various wavelets and whatnot ..
hearing Gary rainy through his son's ear
and watching the back of the
the "hey dummy ,i thought you could draw" men- tee 
trying to draw Gary Rainy's great message
on "To Get things done One must not be out done by Man Made laws made by men I would not have shine my shoes!" Gary Rainy huffs.....

"in order for Neuronautics to have what is rightfully and divinely OURS we must take it...and that is what we did ladies and gentleman....
we trained
OUR men and Our woman
to assimilate themselves
and THUS the Principals of Neuronautics into the
actual physical plant  of what was THAN  the current politic that seemed so resistant to The New Way...
Co-operation inside Man" was what we called IT\or we called it
Coupe' De Fill...."Gary Laughed..
familiar with the tape
from days in the annex...
when I got my education face to face or face to tape or video screen
I could still see Gary rubbing his hands together...
as if the
Coupe' De Fill of his had actually accomplished anything but several years in prison for
"top dogs"

Only from within
can we understand the enemy...and the day to days and play by plays within The Motherment
so with neither fanfare nor flag
thousands and thousands of our loyal Neuronaughts
first trained and than took themselves to the other side of the country
and with papers in hand and
cameras in bags
they took whatever civil servant job
could find..
and their they worked ...there they LEARNED
"what goes on"in that usually OH SO CLOSED
confines of that little city that STOOD and RULED
beside the Potomac

Once placed and trained in their lower managerial maintenance positions
The Teams studied and muddied the despotism and dimwitness of  "Crap-italism"
rewriting a few files here.
photocopying a few files there...
our little band of bandits in only a few short months
enough confabulations ..
downright lies and deception that IT IS any wonder
bent over backwards!
to indict us .....for only being WATCHDOGS!
if you only read some of those misrepresentations written as much like jabberwocky as possible ...YOU see ! they did not expect Neuronautics
to have their own lawyers  ...
and checks and balances
to intercede
of the People
who had no clue about the mandates
and MAN
going on with whose money .with who's rights?
A PUBLIC SERVICE! to the People
Am I in Jail.Am I standing behind Bars? or Am I here .With you ?
ARE afraid of Neuronautics.
They are afraid of The New Way! And THEY SHOULD BE!
know why?
because Neuronautic's NEXT TRIP to Washington ain't gonna be NO FIELD TRIP!

I hear a zap.
or feel a zap..
pressure on and through my head...

"Am I Boring you ..?"Evan Imparts

without meaning to I interface ,"yes" without even my usually apology...

"O.K . than.." Evan Imparts and I feel a smile go through me ,a sense of "pay back" as the voice begins again

Only from within
can we understand the enemy...and the day to days and play by plays within The Motherment
so with neither fanfare nor flag
thousands and thousands of our loyal Neuronauts
first trained and than took themselves to the other side of the country
and with papers in hand and
cameras in bags
they took whatever civil servant job
could find..

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