Friday, July 19, 2013

the Indoctrination and Reincarnation of Peter Prough

People,mainly Ruiners laughed at Gary Rainy and his 'big ideas"
Gary Knew this.
and Gary
liked this.
It is one of the reasons he wrote and spoke the way he did .
He knew people liked mixing with people they felt were dumber than them..he would gladly play the fool...
at the Fools that didn't believe his theories about how one could recreate one's own "internal guidance system" by simply studying and deconstructing
their own "way
by following the rules of" The New Way "
In the 1980's many in the hierarchy of the Neuronautics movement told him to update his image , streamline his teachings and retract many of his more "far out" claims..
but Gary balked
stating that the more he said that was
"out there"
would in fact get people
"in there"
and how dare anyone call what he said- a "claim"..
making his famous 'to the moon gesture followed by a salute to "the sky" ( where The Entity presumably waited for New Way Orders to SHOW this his disclaimers as Gary would say "How ClaIM-ATIOUS THINGS MIGHT GET AROUND HERE..")
No doubt the next day the Ruinerous dissident who "so politely suggested" to Gary Rainy how Neuronautics should be run would be removed from further service..
or join those at level One ...going through The High Chair..early rundowns
Gary did not take well to confrontation
especially from people who had sat for years typing and listening to the Muse of The New Way
who had also taught Rainy
that there would be many people who would join The Cause- ONLY because they found The Cause and Gary Rainy himself so daft ,so stupid ,so contrived and "weird"...
Gary Rainy imagined many a young man and woman from "the right families " who 'should KNOW better" joining Neuronautics ONLY to boast ,"You're never going to believe what I signed up for ."


  Peter Prough in fact might have said "you're never going to guess what i signed up for?"
to some friends perhaps at the deliberately "dive-ie" dive bar near the Chemistry dept.
who might have said 'Oh Peter you're could you .." surely laughing,surely curious what would drive a man of practiced science -to go New Way on them
all of sudden
.But besides there being something "unique" to the New Way of Neuronautics Peter Prough admitted to himself that he had joined Neuronautics tp add a certain bit of rebellion to his personal biography Peter felt he lacked , Bit this was not the only reason
Peter might have initially been driven to a group that aimed at pure science instead of sentiment being the key to understand and building self .
Peter,than a 23 year old Engineering student was stuck .
and scholastically ..
unable to quite "care enough"to finish his thesis on Integrated Micro processing and Social Systematics ..The intent of his suppositions presupposing a near future where people and machines would "work " together to make both "more than just made the present of 1981 seem depressingly "Less Than".
Peter,who might have joined Neuronautics "for all the wrong reasons" and often said that the entire "movement" was little more than what he called a'mishmashed megalomaniac's brew of Freud ,Skinner and pure fantasy 'science;.Peter also told others that the other 1/4th of Neuronautics that dealt with seeing one's mind and thus oneself as a computing station whose sequentials and associations could be recalibrated and if need be overhauled completely clearing the accumulated 'data" through intense diffusing techniques that biologically activated the brain's wiring by scaring it into Primal ,pre-societal mode.. was beyond any organized religion he knew of.
The mentors who accounted the members journey also to some extent served as a "back -up " system as well as cheerleaders, devils and angels who moved The Process and the subject ahead by practicing Gaming and Role Playing "rundowns' to stimulate cerebral function and delineate un needed or unwanted "imprints"
The Process was very refreshing for Peter who had spent the last 4 years of his life in and out of some therapist's or another's searching for A New Way
In Peter's opinion whether Gary Rainy knew it or not his taunting ,ritualized hazing and "deep interrogation" stylings which increased amygdala output and adrenal function to near fatal combustion with what Rainy called "still brain" function , all recorded on primitive scanning devices was actually a "gridding" of a Targeted Individuals mind into easy to read
high resolution ..
all black and white.
all zeros and ones..


The bio sensor consisting of two closed loops ,eight hydroxamate oxygen atoms coordinated to form a distorted octahedral geometry around the metallic center, enabling the electrode surface to nanometrically interface with select dendrites if used in conjunction with a Nafion-coated glassy carbon electrode.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in bio sensor transduction of neural signals has unique advantages like being simple, nondestructive, highly sensitive, and allowing separation of pre-neural intent and follow through validity



Pre-neural intent is not always easy to separate from the subject’s desire to “act”


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