Monday, July 1, 2013

"Everydays and Emotivations"

Tabitha Sorkin's job
was to manage Emory's "Everydays"and Reactives for the Compo Cola studies based on a new technology that read and deciphered a Human organism's brain signals into natural language
Once the Merge bio product bonded to the consumer's neural tissue one on the other end of the "apps"
could see and hear what the subject observed and sensed and therefore felt about either the stimuli the subject perceived by traditional sensory perception
or via interfaced sound and vision an operating Tele-Presence could transmit remotely and discretely upon a subject's temporal cortex.
The Compo Cola studies of discovering what colors and shapes a consumer whose eyesight was marred by certain vitamin deficiencies due to both low wages and lack of supermarkets within the locale ran in tandem with other sociological tests that Merge Proxy Cyber conducted using the spiked Compo Cola as delivery system for biotech that would bio degrade in three months,leaving no trace no scars and no evidence except the reams and disks of Neural Data both firms would share. The bio sensors which would bind temporarily to the subject's brain tissue would help Compo Cola best understand and thus serve their demographic constituency who consumed their low priced consumer select beverage.
Essentially Tabitha Sorkin's job would be to read and next interpret Emory's mind. The Merge bio tech was created to specifically to cross a constituents' blood brain barrier and latch upon a constituent's dendrites to reap the millions and millions of brain signals that thanks to Merge bio tech could next be transmitted electronically to any number of research facilities who used any number of Brain Computer Interface programs and apparatus to amplified and thus could translate a subject's everyday waking, sleeping and dreaming thought. In some studies the subject 's team required neural data on how a subject might react to a 2 way interface...(where not only were the subject's thoughts read and translated .but next ,thanks to Merge "spoken to" OR rather" interfaced to be Teams that needed to understand how a genuine Brain Computer or Direct Neural Interface might work. Many of these particular studies focused upon gathering data on how a subject, often unaware of the technology that could indeed foster a "inundation upon the subject's visual and auditory cortex sights, sounds, thoughts and even ,if one's mind was primed for such intervention- Emotions and Feeling upon and through the Merge Bio tech in or attached to a subjects' hippocampus, cerebellum and amygdala. Voice of G-d applications often so frightened the subject, unaware of the technology that most if not all the neural data collected as Neural read were worthless except to sectors involved in Weapons testing and A.I. /BCI renditions for intracortical interrogation and so forth. The Compo Cola studies primarily about a consumer's autonomous response to colors and brand based Evoked Predicative choices assuaged by logo,jingle and placement of the item (sodapop) in a store display did not wish to much up it's gathered neural data by inundating the subject's senses with extra sensory stimuli but did in fact need to study Evoked Potentials and Evoked Response caused by "situational" stimuli and for this reason The Troop had to used...The Troup ,often called themselves the "Community Theater" acted as Candid Camera.".and "Girl on a Billboard" facilitator of "theme based, emotion based Cues and Triggers that might make a subject "reach for a soda pop"/living commercials played out as street theater to the unknowing subject to garner a Reactive.

One month before the Compo Cola studies were to begin a troop of stimuli set up camp in and around the neighborhood to provide visual and aural input.The Troup of "extras whose job it was to entice predictive responses based on data acquired concerning past studies meant to test a demographics' social and instinctual behaviors toward whatever "audience " the troupe was sent to "play against" or "for".Often the players were placed in a community only to cause distress...for instance a small group of bikers (or actors asked to play "ruffians/bikers) moved en mass to a small town just west of Mobile, Alabama prior to the town being steeped in a dense mist of particle-ized molecules (created by an accidental fire at the nearby Triangle Bilderberg Shirt Factory) .It just so happened that the fall out "dust' and debris created by the created fire was filled to the brim with nano bio carbon sensors mean to be absorbed in the townspeople's skin ,lungs and finally their minds. Primarily so researchers could see,hear and sense how a small community might respond to Group Mobbing and Gang stalking like behavior from the "actors/bikers/.hoods" who were paid quite handsomely to instigate fear and subordination upon the once peaceful town.The mind sensing devices,the neural dust that had bonded to the townspeople neurons allowed researchers to study the populace reaction to a manner that the citizens being asked to fill out a survey or "be part of a mock disaster scenario) would not nor could not "read true.Only occurrences (stimuli) taking place in real time without the subject realizing the stimuli was manufactured could scientists (thanks to merge mind transcription technology) by able to quantify all aspects of "what type" might "fight back..and "what type might decompensate"
Nothing of such complexity was to occur during Compo Cola's Cerebral Census within Memphis ,Ohio's county line. As noted the Merge bio tech ,within the Compo Cola was simply to be of use to future consumers of the beverage to help gage and classify a small portion of consumer's of this brand of pop.
Tabitha watched the algorithms take shape concerning Emory's likes and "identifiers" each passing day so she would not have to "get inside" Emory's head "cold".. to understand who Emory SAW himself as concerning "themes" and "spokespersons" for future advertising and marketing campaigns WHO Emory wanted "to BE like" LOOK Like,MOVE like and SEEM and PRESENT himself like
Emory's Neural Interpreter also focused on the various logos ,colors and other RESPONDERS that engaged Emory's temporal and prefrontal lobe as well as other regions of the subject's brain that both organized televised and tele-representative thought ,also segments of the brain that made decisions based on impulse and "sway based not only on the subject's own experience but also vicarious experience through radio ,TV and film ..Compo Cola and other interested parties wanted a data accounting of Emory's visceral "engagements "through pre-”imprinted "association and fostered associations with the Media including a foresight into current and future "celebrity" identifications in Emory's specific demographic that all but ensured immolation and cue-ing..
Tabitha,a trained second generation Science-ideology "Neuronautics" Processor split monitoring of Emory's waking and sleeping brain patterns with Dome Proxy Cyber's "super" computer ,whose primary function was establishing and “fractaling” a "silent sound" Brain Computer Interface that measured Expotentials,Variables, Associations pertaining to the subject's Neural Network(the computer that “Neuralists” at Dome sometimes called E.V.A.N.N partly in “honor” of Evan Rainy who helped correlate his father ,Gary Rainy's system of “The Process “ into this still new form of “Group Thought “ )E.V.A.N.N was both more and less personal than Direct Neural Interface with a "mentor" especially as E.V.A.N.N encoded more and more of a client's brain patterns so that it could induce or overlap Artificial Intelligence and Immersive Reality benefits and subjugations ,if necessary,.. based upon a client's style and cadence of thought ..but it was really up to Direct Remote Monitoring with an initial Mentor, Tabitha thought, that began the "getting to know you" coordinates that helped establish a seamless interface with either man or "machine" for “The New Way”.. Tabitha felt that only “the human touch that WAS Direct Neural Interface” really garnered a “humanistic” encode/decode of a subject's interior monologue ,not just the deciphering of brain wave into sentence structure and linguistics that NOW any old computer could do with the “right”program .
E.V.A.N.N 's main function lately was to deconstruct and reconstructed the mapped and decoded "self" to either confound or contour the client with one's neural data through “reflection as the first step towards augment.”..
Tabitha understood very little about A.I .or Mind Augment Direct Neural Interface was more about Steering another through psycho cybernetic techniques to a very “un-artificial sense of True Self”.These recent forays into market analysis bored her to tears often the subject was unaware that their thoughts were being "modified" or gentle persuasive techniques (like angels) were segueing into their hippocampus ";to make them better"
Tabitha was used to using the headset and EVAN to foster "human advancement and enhancement " through Neuronautics techniques based on both the teachings of Gary Rainy and Werner H. Erhard and did not quite know she felt about using this technology for specifically "commercial reasons" .Tabitha felt that Compo Cola was in a sense "being used" (as was Neuronautics,if you asked Tabitha) to simply get “the source “ and purveyors of this technology's main function of surveying another's mind and thoughts as far away from it's true benefactor's as possible.
Keeping her mind to mind to mind interface Tabitha used her Neuronautic's training to all but stop her wandering thoughts and focus on Emory's neural data collection. On this "mission" of Mind Mapping the Team would not use any Impart Technology,Emory would not be hearing voices nor seeing things..He and the others in this Synaptic Sweep would be unaware of any supposed "intrusion" into their emotional or cognitive "puzzle"unless of course as Proxy Cyber made sure Compo Cola knew and agreed to well in advance any "peculiar types" with "peculiar thinking" popped up in the Soda Pop "operandi"in which case Proxy Cybernetics and Neuronautics felt it was their prerogative and "job" to alter the "wayward" whose thinking was so beyond 'the norm" to be left alone ,in which case all matter of Impart and Immersive Reality Techniques might be used to try to Resolve "the situation"

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