Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Proxy Syndrome -progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus
General Discussion
Proxy Syndrome is an acquired neurological disorder characterized by progressive muscle stiffness (rigidity) ,loss of emotional affect and degeneration of cognitive skills caused by Direct Energy weapons being used upon a human organism . Spasms may occur either in conjunction or days after an organism is exposed to extreme low frequency ,electromagnetic  ,acoustics or by a variety of psychophysics weapons or direct energy weapons being researched to entrain another in a less than lethal manner.
Proxy Syndrome can cause difficulty walking and significantly impact a person's ability to perform routine, daily tasks. Because these are considered"neuro-weapons"care has gone into creating methods of augmenting a target' psyche to best cause symptomolgy of organic psychological turmoil that displays most vividly as such.Often direct energy is used with advanced technology weapons used to alter perception ,thinking and emotional states.Silent Sound ,often refered to as Voice to Skull is also used to not only entrain the victim but to discredit the target's claims.

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