Who do these people think my father is ? he's a Level 9 Operating Presence for God's sake
A Remote Viewer of The Stars! I wish I could tell the waiter it my father ,Patrick Pace who drove actress Kimmie Baker into a 58 hour Tweeting Full Mental Racket about Kazarians ,Zionists and what she wanted to do with actor Adam Parker with a strap on. The same Patrick Pace who with just a kiss of brain computer interface to Adam Parker's Merge nano bio incited Parker to Tweet "I am been beyond plastics in that neck of the woods since 1996"
sending the plummeting box office of Parasol Pictures "Voice to Skull 2" into the box office gold.
Setting the tone for tween boys everywhere to be casework confused at critical onset times of sexual identification concerning their "bromance " with action star Adam Parker .
The view of the open kitchen is just as unsettling the food critic of the Memfis Ohio Times wrote about
i thought i typing about
my anger at waiting ...supposedly I was suppose to add elements of asshl to my online person as Thaddeus Pike who had begun a campaign against Parasol Picture's new comedy about child beauty contests that contained a 16 minute bikini swimsuit competition supposedly as the films "arc' to inspire the mother of the girl to beg the judges to let the "girls' wear a one piece.
in my campaign against the film that Parasol Pictures asked Proxy Cyber to begin by Merge
I debunk director Drew Decker's stance that by showing "the perversion" in all it's splendor
he forces the audience to ...
I toss the pad on the table
My team isn't sending me enough of Poe 90 frequency (14.3 Hz) to help me write as over privileged law student
I am in full Denny Pace
Doing exactly what they wanted him to do .Be there display case..
Merge Proxy Cyber Gets Them Home .Merge brand neural bio tech Keeps Them Home
And who am I to put it down.Well compensated as paid mourner
They had tried it .Tried having me write of being "app-ed" with the actual tech in my neural tissue on "pause' ..on "off' for a few months .Even i admit it wasn't working.
Letting me graze the minds of several "unfortunates" deemed "collateral damage"for research.
But felt I would read as -more authentic with Mandler literally practicing aspects of Psychotronuc Torture upon me.
Luckily Dr.K has swung some of psychic driving to more applicable R&D concerning keeping up with my exercise program and a tendency since early childhood or before that to see or hear the color blue and think Mind's Eye style the color blue.
Several on my team make me see now viridian when I encounter such visual or aural input
-running joke it seems via the brain computer interface
Since the simulation turned to something -anything but stimulant.
Seems. Do not have the mind for a a chronic neural read that instills in neural engineers the desire to present my cortex with arbitrary feedback
so few unicorns and rainbows anymore .Not like the old days before my re-patterning by way of Proxy Cyber began to get the "enny" in Denny Pace out of the way .Barely a trace of me remains and what does my Mentors work night and day to adjust to The New Way
I do wish they'd just speed up the process..knock it all down as to rebuild me in their image
The sooner I become more applicable the sooner I might receive their oh so carefully doled out signal upon my neurons to instigate feelings of euphoria atop my core being at the touch of a button.
I must earn these rewards according to EVAN who has no problem heightening my intelligence every few hours so I can "feel the burn"of my ""Tone -alities" being pitched to a 12.7 Hz Beta state
I see a woman waiting for her order to come .her daughter to come back to the table .Staring seemingly into space.
I cannot help but think like. I she has been "app-ed" and is seeing things.
What did this woman do I cannot help wonder .
She is sitting with what I presume is her daughter.
A 20 something .Maybe younger.
I heard sometimes they "app" the people around a potential "find"to record the potential 'dose -en '
dose em'
to study the potential Proxy's dailies.
The daughter looks like 'just the type "a Pay to Play Mand;er would like to manuever from dorm room to depravity.
I think to call my father.Who is seldome late. And wonder if this think might ellicet another Proxy somewhere in my father's immediate vacinity to say "out of nowehre' to dad "Sun,sun,sun...Sunshine or something to that effect. It's what we do.
I start to reach for my phone and in doing so realize the woman I am People Watching has not been "app-ed" she's just not looking at her phone to appear so lost and staring.At nothing.
I reach for my phone not wishing to appear so "alone" ,so unconnected and friendless waiting for Porxy Cyber to swing my Neuralities to "the type' that allows me to maintain several 8th Floor Social Media accounts in different 'persona" to get the word out their
of the great Merge
my temperal tempo is swayed to 32 Hz
a feel the Emotive elements of a 24 year Small Applience salesman upon my mindset
to best type for the demographic in his social circle
some muckity muck about false flags to garner a resonse
and next some JPEGS of me as Steve Strater chugging a 6 pack with two girls on some beach.
Where in god's name the 8th floor Social media gets some of these photos is beyond me
I only work here
I tell the same story as the othe rproxy
in about 700,000 socail media "sets" of friends
Dad comes up behind me ,"Ya know Denny ,I forgot all about our lunch date till a young lady wearing text to me in a newsstand suddenly began singing "My Boy Bill" to into a Fitbit on her wrist.
Sitting down dad said ,"How's Memfis ? How's my little catcher in the Rye doing these days.
My little Fisher of Men.
How's that sicko art doing ...Valerie said you gave Reggie Gaskill a landscape last frieday
put the damn thing on your webpage .Are you insane ?
"I took it down,' i said
"Ugly faces ,pathos and pathetic..is what we want.And what's with that hair cut. You're supposed to cut your own hair.Unevenly ..what's wrong with you these days?"Dad says ,folding his napkin on his lap.
I need this like Merge on the brain I think ,feeling a pain bolt through my left arm that nearly send me under the table
Dad tried to pretend he hasn't seen it.
"Somehow ," Dad says ," the word Jew is now conspiracy theory.You mention them and you might as well be talking about Roswell and a big foot sighting"
Denny threw down his silver wear ,"Not even a hello how you doing son? We just start right in to work."
"since the day you were born Butterfly you've been my work Denny ,nothing else..These tiresome tantrums about some "real Pop" stuff are almost as annoying as your "real live boy" needs ,like that hair cut and that landscape."
"Jews,? I say ,"you don't think this everything but the kitchen sink business isn't going to just set off a few red flags in themselevs ?"
'Leading to what Mister Know It All? Leading to the people you're trying to cue to feel they too can see past the what Denny ..in the media ?"
"We're back to the Military Complex sh*t.." i say
"You've been demoted Denny .You've done it to yourself." dad said ,'you lacked the gumption to go all the way with that Zionist rant in November.They had high hopes .Had you all set to "do a happening" .Do you know how much money was spent ? 6 of your neighbors went to acting school to get the "He was a loner but the friendliest man you've ever seen ,,but I knew something was wrong with him bit down pat.You're a lot more like Layla than anyone could have guessed in terms of genetics ..Why didn't you ask the maitrdee to change your table .Why do you think you were given this table?"
I looked at the woman and her daughter I was previously recording get up and make shaming gestures with their fingers while the waiter ,making sure he didn't look at me ,actually sniffing his nose ,began swiping up their menus and leading us to the center of the resteraunt .
"Everything counts," Patrick Pace said ,now that we are at the better table
Taking a sip of water Dad said ,"Look at the films they make ..They're not even trying to hide it anymore.This time someone wants to say something .They got all the proof they need "
"Who?" I asked
"Jesus F.Christ Denny ," Dad said ,'The Jews .The Jews. You said you wanted another try .Here it is "
Denny hated his father.Hated visiting day .Hated sometimes that he agreed what his father said about the kids all dressing like whores,talking like "wiggers".He wanted it to go back like it was.Before "the Jews" put this sh*t in his head.
Merge Proxy Cyber Keeps Their Fingers Moving
Keeps Them Off The Streets and Congregating
Keeps them doing the equivalent of basket weaving
-what else was the post one post two of the social media page for the unpaid shills
Meant to represent brain entrainment online
Denny Pace imagined EVAN Rainy ,his Mandler on Tuesdays and Thursday in a boardroom
A PowerPoint blow up of his posts ,the times he posted
A audio or written script, of The Poe 90 .Semio -drone. Semio -drone, Once one was tagged.once was poisoned with the biotech.the synthetic brain disease you couldn't escape the increasingly bizarre stories induced in one's head...
He knew how he came off online
But not enough
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