Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cole L. Cohen (The Blob) Van Nuys

Cole L. Cohen (The Blob) Van Nuys 
On the evening of December 12 2011 I smashed the window of my apartment and ended up in "Olive -cue" hospital

And I had only been back in it a few days .Back I the apartment .
It all had to do with Science
Not me
It was an ideology of science that saw people as objects...
It was not what it seemed
Nor was it..ever.
Under all it's many guises
Including the freakshow that was my youth
That raised me on behaviorism ...
There are many purposely idiotic terms to describe B.F . Skinner "mule skinner umbrage
Monarch Programming ..Ritual Abuse ..
The very use of these terms makes on seem "conspiratorial "
That is why I make sure to include the terms often in my posts.
To dare write about being a human guinea pig without draping oneself in all seeing eyes and pyramids. And "illuminati New World Order " manifesto
TIs not a good idea..

.after an incident provoked by "Voice to Skull"- it felt good to be safe -away from the university hospital that seemed invested (no not seemed ) in amping up the tests.
I was aware of this
And scared of this and rather thankful "provisions" were made in advance for this
with the use of what I now understand are called psycho physics weapons
Also I thought there was some important reason I was put in harm's way- and trust me they used whatever sense of ethics or "greater good" I had than ..for all it was worth- (it's gone now - for better or worse ..behavioral testing has a way of making one see much less than great in greater good
Belief systems are tinkered with so much ..used as ploy conditioning .eventually serving anyone -doing anybody's bidding for any cause becomes not only absurd but impossible ..
The same tactics used to get me to toss a chair at a window were used to get me me to show me regard for comparative liberties ..)

Since I will never have a day in court
All I have is this documentation
What's the purpose of fictionalizing something based on non fiction if one doesn't at least attempt to discuss the basis of one's reason for trying to explain something
..early on I realized trying to describe the
situation as it occured (as it is occuring ) would read as madness

But the point ...of researching neuro weapons is madness

All through this horror however I was "accompanied" not only by what. I now understand is audio spotlight..
But also accoustic ,EMF entrainment concerning brain states to not capitulate to fear of this synthetic unknown
But in fact embrace the fear
You see..according to those operating the Tele -presence I was -training- being trained to become - an UrbanAstronaut
- how does a grown man "fall" for such a ploy..
Well ..let's just say microwave energy being beamed at one's grey matter to "make them" as giddy ,dim and uninhibited as an 8 year old playing war games cow boys and Indians light sabers

- I did not know what was going on at the time .
And I think it has taken me 5 or so years to begin at the beginning ..not of the
To be honest I haven't the slightest idea what I thought was going on.
Or why I did not seek psychiatric treatment for "The Voice"...
except that
by than
I was under it's "mentorship"'s all knowing intelligence and aptitude at guessing or knowing with exactitude human behavior
was tantalizing ..
A week?

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