Monday, April 18, 2016

The Office of Interior Intent

ADRIEN BODIE,an INSTRUCTOR who specializes in Prisoners of War detained with Brain Entrainment Advanced Technology's use of the internet
uses a power point presentation
-a 7 foot high Social Media Page of a detainee targeted with Psycho Acoustic ,Psychotronic Hand's Off Active Denial deterrent.
BODIE- (using a walking cane direct's CLASSROOM full of STUDENTS in surveillance at a post 4 'boxes" down from the last of THADDEUS GARCON's jottings-
a JPEG of ex porn star Maltese Falcon 's best seller " A Whore at High Mass : I didn't find Jesus ,Jesus Found Me"
and next we see the BODIE's cane "underline" a JPEG of a headline "The use of Direct Energy Weapons in Afghanistan" makes remains less than 3 meters high in stature
BODIE (to the students ):
-notice Thad writes nothing of Afghanistan. instead about "a friend" of his
who called 2 mights before saying he had been hospitalized for for what doctor's
called a psychotic break
this "friend " THADDEUS had presented earlier on the 7th post down on November 15th.
atop a video of a local girl's choir singing "Cry to Me" at the University of *****'s new neurobiology unit.
As we discussed in yesterday's class there is no new neurobiology unit at the University of ****Hospital nor a local girl's choir called 'The Voice of God
Children's Unlawful Combatants..
.in fact the video's of "the girls " singing 'Cry to Me" was re-vetted
down to the displacement of running town to a rather suspicious seven minutes and eleven seconds
furthermore the actual girl's choir singing in the video is from Fort Montesquiey island
home of Cerebral Vortex Laboratories which produces 1/4 th of the nation's Microwave and Millwave Psychotronic Weapons
.. The post above this?- an un altered version of The Orlons "South Street "
Obviously THADDEUS who had been Targeted 5 years ago is aware every single keystroke ,back space, pregnant pause -concerning command and shift on his keypad
is sifted by The Office of Interior Intent
...How do we know this ?
because on October 2 nd THADDEUS wrote .."I sit here before a small camera atop a vivid white bright screen ..I add another dab of White Out to the built in camera as the White Out liquid paper chips so easily..
..before me on the bright white screen is Dr Lance Logan's site on Grey Aliens who he claims are known to communicate with earthlings with telepathy.
I know Lance Logan from college and my time working at the Office of Interior Intention's Advanced Technology Division where Lance successfully modified a tricky Ultra Low Frequency into Sine that fell .005 Hzs outside of a human hearing's threshold to a 1.43 within this threshold..
I was in Lance Logan's laboratory when he demonstrated the software that he believed best mimicked what a small in -house group of scientist's believed might best sound like "alien" vocalization
based on a computer algorithm's pupil dilation ,facial recognition and galvanic skin response data from a study that asked volunteers to watch 37 hours of films based on "alien invasion"
.I am surprised the words of Dr . Lance Logan are on white background ..usually these shills for The Office of Interior Intent usually choose black background and neon green lettering to get their disinformation across..
as I type these words I am aware that my every keystroke ,pregnant pause and delete are scrutinized by "the black slacks ' at the Office of Interior Intent who 3 years ago began driving me to synthesized madness for feeling it was my duty to inform actress Kimmie Baker through posted mail that her public breakdown was not as she now claimed while filled to the eyelids with dangerous neuroleptics the onset of some Thought Disorder
but Microwave Brain Entrainment Technology.
I was aware that The Office of Interior Intention's had a working relationship with Parasol Pictures to develop aspects of Brian Computer Interface that required screenwriters
and was aware that Kimmie Baker had spoken publicly about a director making unwanted advances on the young star during the filming of "Quarantine Theory 2" WHAT is Mister Garçon doing with his 8th Floor Social Media page with his barely disguised
.Playing games ?.
.Informing other Targets how the 8th Floor Social Media is up to it's eyeballs in defense and intelligence contracts..? and that a TI might have more luck getting their word outstanding on a street corner with a cardboard sandwich board .
.that every congressman ,senator and news agency is aware of the use of Direct Energy and Neuro Weaponry on it's own citizens..
but either afraid or in on the take or
for the active denial weapons used to keep traitors like Garcon under this unique form of house arrest..
slowly coming psychologically apart at the seams..apart at the seams his very cell membranes leaking ectoplasm into their white matter from the ceaseless EMF and Frequency aimed at his anti freedom ,anti -liberty brain
or is something else going on here? yes you in the back
STUDENT; Maybe he is asking fellow Anti - Freedom ,Anti-Liberty Targets of Covert Electronic Harassment to meet him on south street or 12 th street at the FortMontesquieu Cortex Vortex Weapons Laboratory to demonstrate ?
BODIE ; No..he is mocking the Office of Interior Intent..but he is also doing something else...he is demonstrating rather vividly
what amounts to - high treason -in real time
and because of this we can and must do what
STUDENT-Liquidate the hostile force
BODIE ;No...we do nothing..
or make the Target possibly a martyr
people like THADDEUS GARCON want to be martyrs ...all activists ,all whistleblowers might convince themselves that their actions are altruistic but we at the Office of Interior Intent know this is not the case ..
STUDENT ; I don't understand ..aren't whistleblowers and activists usually
BODIE (picked up his pen and put a small checkmark next to the STUDENT'S name
BODIE ; Are usually what miss?
STUDENT - Oppositional ,Narcissistic Sociopaths

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