Sunday, April 10, 2016

Pace 18

.Richard understood that a good many of the children being used for human testing were Low Tone Ruiners and were good for little else. Certainly Denny Pace's mother's Brain Map" had indicated her son was not only "a high risk case" but a risk to others.It had been scientifically proven that Low Tone Ruiners could cause Bettors to trip and stumble and get ill with the brain signal alone. A See Meter never lies .
Gary Rainy had discovered that Low Tone Lessers often developed something akin to psychic ability which according to The Church of Neuronautics was based on a Low Tone 's innate desire to find relief for their envy of Bettors.
Gary Rainy wrote in Enways magazine that "It was nice that 'the world was finally catching up ' to The New Way and Neuronautics. Nice to see 'Change Agents' finally stop side stepping their way around "The Ruin-ish Problem" concerning people of Ruiner descent with contagious Abberant 'Brain Map'.
Long before mind decoding had became the new choice of deterrent concerning "The THEM" who seek to destroy liberty and freedom of thought more often Neuronautics investigated both the ideology and science behind a Ruiner's "bad brains" and how Abberant neural pathology has been known to cause earthquakes, floods and nearly all power outages .According to Gary Rainy ,Neuronautic's founder ,"A Ruiner oftne directs Ruinations in the form of Latch Upons at their Bettors to compensate for their lack of normalcy. Gary rainy explained that the main reason Neuronautics offered reasobaly priced courses in 'Psychic Discourse" was and is because Neuronautics understands just how motivated the Aberrant Mind is to 'bring world around he or she down to their level."
"Ever notice it is always The Ruiner and not one's Bettors that complain about the state of things ," Richard remembered Gary Rainy saying at the TruGenic's Annuel Meet and Greet Picnic , "The state of things ,you see was never meant to support Lessors.Not surprisingly Lessors liked to stir up other who might be less than -but are by no means Ruiners ....I have seen many a High Tone be made Low Tone just by spending too much time near a Ruiner in a subway car or simply eating food too close to a Ruiner who might not be shouting endlessly about the so called unfairness of the state of the world but no doubt they are thinking it .And one thing we have learned is the with or without neural prosthetics THOUGHT TRAVELS. Why was it Gary Rainy asked that High Tone people always seem happy with their Bettors taking care of things until Ruiners try to explain in the Low Tone style that Bettors are controlling and manipulating them?
Why? Because it is all a Ruiner knows how to do Ruin it for others.If a Ruiner sees a Bettor climbing up a mountain often the Ruiner will hope the Bettor falls from the mountain.So badly do these Lessors envy Bettors their thoughts alone have been known to cause accidents, illness and in some cases death."

Tru put his hand on the Trainee's shoulder,'This kid ,this Denny Pace ..he might seem like just a typical kid .but we don't use just any kid for testing.....what you take us for...?... this type of Begat-ness has begat all the troubles of the world have to look at Denny Pace purely from a scientific ,sociological perspective
and trust me that is what this type sees the Powers that be as..a Social Welfare Sociology State that by Science and Ethic-isms owes them something
and what is this something ?
a complete restructuring of the world based on THEIR own views of what is wrong with the world
and what is that?
the types that propogate this kind of vermin
only have kids to create more and more of their kind to be Ruiners of the social fabric..
enemies from within
that's why this type has babies
and don't let Layla Pace trick you either with her caring mother routine
unwatched you have no idea what she might be training Denny to do
this type knows how to put on airs like no other..
THIS IS A WOMAN who let her son be "app-ed" with god damn bio chips ..WHY?
oh don't think it's because she cared about her son
she had him 'app-ed" because her son
displayed signs of Autism and it embarrassed her to have an Autistic son.
.because she couldn't deal with the situation burdened her..
made it difficult for her to pick up men or have fun
run around
you know the type..
Layla Pace doesn't care about Denny
except as doing her part to add another piece of Ruiner pathology
to infect the world
with Error-ist minded malcontent
a Trugenic piece of Anomaly Ecto this Denny Pace...notice how good he is at 'playing ' the part of a six year old..
I thought you would have sensed that Richard
a little too good
this type is sneaky
Look at it's mother
..what kind of woman is tricked into a marriage by a man who was placed in her path to catch her?
I will tell you what kind of woman..
a woman who has no inner capacity to even sense feigned love from real love
this is the type of pathology we're dealing with here.
.other things I hold back from you you know why?
Because if you knew what type of monster this Layla Pace was
and the type of vermin she comes from
you'd be doing nothing but pressing that little button to send the kid pain..
feeling it is your duty to zap any bit of that kind of "Being-Hood"-the kid has inherited from THAT side of the tree
that's what these child studies are about
understanding what effect bad blood has on good
I trust you to not harm Denny Pace but understand him
and I trust you to not be fooled into Denny's predisposed ability to play with your good nature and cajole you into taking it easy on him regarding these tests
do you know why?
because if we can Maneuver the BAD of Denny with the interface
BEFORE the kid has a chance to take on the role Ruiners wish their litter to have
than maybe Denny has been saved..
I trust you to handle him as you might any wild animal
but I trust you to also not finish him off in a huff
TruGenically you are a superior person who understands the Science and the ideology behind rooting out Aberants amongst us
..or we would not have hired you
YOU are a far sighted person who does not give into the sentimentalities these Ruiners count upon
YOU are -
a far sighted person of restraint and conscious who understands that the species of man depends on us learning how to master this technology to once and for all
seek and expose all sick and diseased minds hiding in the fold
that make it almost impossible for the unsick people of the world to evolve
they have stolen that from US
you might think WHY not just get rid of the scum
that pollutes the Neural highway with bullets....
why study them?
why map their thought style?
why try to understand how this kind we wish to once and for all weed from the gene pool .
WHY? Not just so they don't pop up again in the gene pool without us being able to find this defect before it starts ALL OVER AGAIN
but almost as importantly
THIS KIND likes to linger in the Enway
long .long after their ill souls have passed on from their physical bodies
their diseased life energy does not just leave the Electro Magnetic Spectrum so easy as Gary Rainy pre -supposed
and proved
scientifically when people were still call Neuronautics a silly notion
Gary Rainy warned us that
Ruiners perhaps more than others
once freed from their bodies
only had even more power to Latch Upons their Bettors
your child
our children
this technology takes care of that
for nothing but a Direct Neural interface works better to destroy a very soul!
trust me Richard if we do it right
once we are through with THEM
with this technolgy
we can be assured
they will never come back...
in body
in spirit

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