Monday, April 11, 2016

Pace 19-sympathy for the devil

"Some parents Mrs.Pace who come to the TruGenix Rational Research Center are not Friends of The Grey Man..they decide to RUIN the experience  by not taking measures to convince the child that their experience is not paranormal but technological in nature. Suspension of disbelief is one of the hallmarks of a good adventure. Certainly the fear needed to reroute Denny's  neural pathways for Denny's Deep Learning sessions requires he understand that whatever is making him see,hear and feel things is not just a man or women sitting at a computer terminal sending him frequency based on Theta  Waves and so forth. Nor is it any fun  for the Operating Tele-Presence who  rely on the role play of the great unknown to establish the type of upper hand that is required for Mentor /Mentee steering.Furthermore  if something goes wrong..if a child can't handle the testing ,the experience of a lifetime and we have some kid and some irresponsible ,neurotic mother out there blabbing to every Tom ,Dick and Doctor about the service we provide you not only spoil it for the participant  . but you spoil it for  others  with more robust natures  who might benefit form important Off Grid testing that would be hindered by any sort of regulation .Luckily Mrs.Pace Merge Neural Prosthetic testing is affiliated with The Office of Interior Intent and thus we have alot of leeway concerning what one might call Black 'Hops"and One Small Leaps -concerning Trans-humanistic endeavors both  solicited and otherwise .As you must realize acquiring such contracts and winning such bids means an awful lot to Tru Christie and we cannot very well have 'a participant" doing or saying anything that might cost us these contracts besides the Direct Neural Interface is to help steer Denny's Autistic thought style away from thinking inward to outward and I think you might agree with me that one who might begin telling people he has chips in his head becomes quite the social a way that someone for instance who might claim that have gone "Co Flow" with an alien or demon...just look at the many stars today who speak rather openly about their kinship with such things..,' Layla watched The Large Man cover his one eye and next make a index finger /pinkie gesture Layla had seen an actress she had grown up with do at a televised court hearing concerning a 72 hour hold...what a shame thought Layla that this actress who only a year before was the epitome of taste and virtue now was in so much turmoil. Her pantie -less performance at the Young People 's Coast Awards had shocked many a young mother who's daughters had looked up to the actress and had wrought havoc on many a prep school's dress code standards concerning girls not being allowed to wear pants.
The Large Man snapped his fingers and next made a the one eye gesture with his hand to bring Layla herself back to "outward thought" ,there was something about the Large Man's eye contact and cadence that seemed to lead Layla in and out of attentiveness..
" ..some folks opt for the Slender Man explanation mainly single father's with tween girls and some of out clients choose to go old school ,brass tacks ,cut to the chase-The Boogie Man being the true nature of the child's tether..others allow us to create a nice 'Sympathy for the Devil" package for them ...Alot of parents though stay clear of Demon possession motifs to best help their child have a tidy understanding for their BrainLink as wouldn't you know an awful lot more people than one might suspect actually believe in such things and feel they might be messing with some genuine Higher or shall we say Lower Power. by using these still relevant stand ins for Neuro Technology masquerading as myth based 'They're Here" true communion.
..Many people as well stay clear of The Grey Man /Reptilian "body snatcher" paradigm because once again Mrs. Pace they fear some cosmic payback from some all seeing all know 'Fire In the Sky" we all have our own unique superstitions ...we all believe in something whether what we were asked to believe was created by others who had some pretty good reasons to want to instill fears within the masses...I myself do believe there is probably life on other planets...but feel any genuine "space man" like entity who might actually be able to read our minds would be amused rather than aghast that we are trying our best to simulate what oit might feel like and be like to indeed be possessed by another....It's rather important you choose only one type of Beingness .to help young Denny understand exactly what is happening concerning his sudden ability to see and hear things..that can have nothing to do with either chips or advanced technologies ," The Large Man said ,,"Many clients,many parents who come to us to cure their son or daughter with Operand A.I. and Voice to Skull Virtual Reality Co Conscious rendition make the mistake of thinking less weighty suppositions -angels gnomes,fairies .-might serve the child's needs for explanation best ,believing more frivolous Role Play devices might work just as good as The Boogie Man for instance ..but let me put this clearly ...The Operating Tele -Presence whose job it will be to decoded and than write upon your son 24 hours a day ...that will take Denny 's mind to places we can only hope to understand ..well these are not the type that do fairy or Gnome very well...I know what you are thinking Mrs. Pace Tru Christie promised you and therefore Denny he would be entranced and cured by Parasol Picture's 'The Big Littles" characters ...and he will...but there is an awful lot more The Trugenic Rational Research Center understands must be done upon our participants than Gaming nor Therapeutic aspects of Game Play to help bring Denny out of himself ..out of his Autism that requires a type of synthetic telepathy steeped in Tough Love push/pull Psychic Driving Techniques ...It's a pity -a chance in life time loss really in terms of experience and the chance to be Urban Astronaut Neural Prosthetic Pioneer for those poor children ..not geared properly to the very seriousness of what Entity they have been taken by needs to represent for all of our sake Mrs. Pace ..I am afraid those children and the parents who RUINED it for these Pioneers do not last long. in the Program when a certain amount of what we might call 'ritualized imbue" and 'Trauma based -Obtuse" is not understood by the child terms of THE SOURCE of their interface ...'The Large Man suddenly slapped himself ,hard on the face " Oh Layla did I say interface ...oh my I said it again .."Here ball up your fist and let me know what word we never use and what word is that ? 'The Large Man said
Layla looked at the man
"Good ,Good ,you didn''t say it ..and here I was thinking I'd have to teach YOU Mrs.Pace a little Operand Conditioning ..If we don't instill in the child a properly intimidating source ... .the child invariably makes the mistake of telling a classmate,a teacher , a dr ...about their BrainLink and next thing you know's as if indeed they have been taken by something sinister on a milk carton style ..mother in drive by."

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