Friday, August 30, 2013

"A Mistake of A Man"(1982).freedom of "Breach"

Evan is disappointed.
that I cannot "roll " with the give and take .chain of command of mind to mind communication
Evan Rainy who has taken it upon himself (and with little pay)
to "manage my case"

"I am lucky",Evan graphs , it could have been  ******* or as he privately refers to as "Raven Mismanage"

who moreso than Evan "took over" Neuronautics" in the late 1980's
 and lent "it's mind marauding" "see meter" system of a 'tell"to other "change agents"

 the "see meter" that saw past one's everyday mask
and the lies we tell ourselves
according to Gary Rainy to "keep ourselves going and to keep other's from KNOWING who we really are.."
the gadget that preceded and anticipated direct neural intervention
the "truth machine" Gary Rainy "invented" in the 1960's when sales of "Inway to the Enway" sunk
and "hard science-ideologies" were deemed necessary to Keep the Fight against Ruiners robust.
Gary Rainy ,who spent some time at sea as many of his "land lubbing" pursuits were "for a time" filled with legalities and white collar offenses better put in off shore accounts was good at charting not only the waters but also charting the bloodlines of man..specifically the bloodlines and traits of men and women who were "Mistakes"
"A Mistake of A Man"(1982) was never published (as many stockholders and org.anizational men told Rainy that it had" a Mein Kampf air to it that did not "go" with the "style of the times" as the charting of "mistakes" which included homosexuals ,the mentally ill and intellectuals who Rainy claimed were really "closet homos" who read too many books to offset their deviant sexual needs)..
but can be perused if one becomes a Level 7 "mentor" with" PSI Leverage"

I am pumped
much of this
to simply gage my response to
"mocking one's bettors"
...............................................I turn on several fans .an air conditioner,the Tv and try to block this unwanted information..
.I am not up for truly considering that a genuine Group or the "gang"that  participates in Mind Augmentation .. really believes much of this except to garner a neural spike or synaptic corelet correlation for future Brain Mapping exercises...and prefer to ONLY think of IT as a Test rather than a real philosophy of mind reading and mind impart technology to be in the hands of Mentors or Leaders who wish to rid the environment of a certain type of mindset or predisposition "in the blood"

Evan says I must be suicidal as I am crossing lines
that should not be crossed.
mainly he means any reference to whom Evan Rainy in his "private" interfaces of neural mentorship
thinks of as Raven Mismanage whom his father saw more
"alpha male-ish"
than "rightful heir" HE Evan Rainy

How does it feel Evan to have another glean and read and record and Process your private thoughts..?
your inadvertent "graph"
of resentment
that you want nobody to know..
It is what you do to me and others ....The Lives of Other's is Neuronautic's specialty...and keeping
once private ADMITS on tape.neural and otherwise.

"keep it up Dumbo...
the people you're messing with ...He begins to interface

Fuck you Bossman I graph ...the people I'm messing with...People who have this techno to literally take over another's mind it any wonder I care less and less if ,"they come and get me" as they already have me   detained maimed and restrained...

through interface Evan reminds me sending me visualizations of ultra violent acts and "payback" that are not so "hand's off"...

but this isn't really happening I think ,I graph ...
this is all some type of psychological breakdown
not a psychotronic rundown..
there is no such thing as
psychotronics or mind augment technology
but there is still a freedom of speech..

"freedom of breach?" Evan graphs".Is that what you just stated..I was unaware a mere Proxy had a freedom of breach Dumbo..."

"what else DOES ONE HAVE! ! when one is caged in this manner!"I graph back.

"Evan graphs that my .
last  "slip" back to
crackhead has cost me ...
even I don't believe that addiction is really a disease ...they know I am truly sorry for "wasting everyone's time".and that my anger at the Process really has more to do with ..."the slip" than The Mentors.But I just needed to escape...anyway possible from the intrusion...of a Group Mind...sometimes I can't stand it so much that I do anything to try to keep it closed from this "Village of The Damned " by way of bio sensor

I hope it was worth it.
I hope THIS is worth it..." Evan graphs referring to "this schizo, blog of betrayal of Neurnautics and The New Way."

as always Evan has a Reason for everything He does and The Group developing The New Way does...he keeps me ina constant spin with his spin on everything...sometimes the "fear factor" is because mind to mind communication can get so personal "on both sides" of the "bluetooth"..and Evan cannot help but "shout back" via the headset ...Intra Cranial communication takes 2 to  tango ingrate he interfaces ..and thinks I am out of line comparing my "tough Love" techno technicians to "child abuse" as BCI is also being tested on drug addiction .. that train people to voluntarily recalibrate their neural activity in specific areas of the brain, allowing them to gain unprecedented control over, for example, pain perception5 or emotional processing.6 During drug addiction treatment, this approach could greatly reduce the risk of relapse by enabling a patient to control the powerful cravings triggered by a host of cues (e.g., people, things, places) that have become tightly linked, in the brain of the user, to the drug experience.
Other promising advances stem from ongoing research and development of direct communication pathways between a brain and external computer devices, the so called brain-computer interfaces (BCI).


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

das raven

Evan is disappointed.
that I cannot "roll " with the give and take .chain of command of mind to mind communication
Evan Rainy who has taken it upon himself (and with little pay)
to "manage my case"

"I am lucky",Evan graphs , it could have been ******* or as he privately refers to as "Raven Mismanage"

who moreso than Evan "took over" Neuronautics" in the late 1980's
and lent "it's mind marauding" "see meter" system of a 'tell"to other "change agents"

the "see meter" that saw past one's everyday mask
and the lies we tell ourselves
according to Gary Rainy to "keep ourselves going and to keep other's from KNOWING who we really are.."
the gadget that preceded and anticipated direct neural intervention
the "truth machine" Gary Rainy "invented" in the 1960's when sales of "Inway to the Enway" sunk
and "hard science-ideologies" were deemed necessary to Keep the Fight against Ruiners robust.
Gary Rainy ,who spent some time at sea as many of his "land lubbing" pursuits were "for a time" filled with legalities and white collar offenses ---better put in off shore accounts---Gary was good at charting not only the waters but also charting the bloodlines of man..specifically the bloodlines and traits of men and women who were "Mistakes"
"A Mistake of A Man"(1982) was never published (as many stockholders and organizational men told Rainy that it had" a Mein Kampf air to it that did not "go" with the "style of the times" as the charting of "mistakes" included homosexuals ,the mentally ill and intellectuals who Rainy claimed were really "closet homos" who read too many books to offset their deviant sexual needs)..
homosexuality can be perused if one becomes a Level 7 "mentor" with" PSI Leverage"

I am pumped
much of this
to simply gage my response to
"mocking one's bettors"..who scare the living hell out of cure me of my "art is sick"
but can be ...changed...into something-
decent and Hard Asset..if I only...
don't fight ...the
I cannot stand this shit...I had gone to the overpass again...
what they call suicide bridge and one of "their guys" a cop...
came and got me..
drove me all the way home..
didn't say a word..
but gave me a look ..
the same look -that I will Ruin It for everyone if I don't cover it up..
...with crack ...
they can care less....that I hate crack..that I hate them...
Raven Mismanage,,,
I am not even allowed to think what I would like to do to him...
he's little but strong..
but he wouldn't be too strong if I hit him over the head with a pipe would he now..
and with that I feel
the searing pain...always the same left arm where they injected me...
Raven Mismanage is an alpha male..
he or "Adam parker" gonna be King Creole 2020
they already won..
hip hip hooray
one hope the Israelis'..
but look what other Kings these dudes shook hands with..
the thought of ..
my brood kind shaking that little kunt's hand..
is too much ...MORE than the pain...
or Adam Parker...
who they literally made a monkey out of ..ON put him in his place..
c'mon" Parker"start your own damn

the pain becomes excruciating..
I almost pass out...but keep thinking of hitting Raven over the head with a piep...badda bing badda BOOOOM!!!!
...............................................I turn on several fans .an air conditioner,the Tv and try to block this unwanted information..
.I am not up for
truly considering that a genuine Group
or the "gang"that participates in Mind Augmentation is gonna be president
and ya' know why
cuz' they agreed to do human experimentation
and in return
these lunatics get to take over the asylum that
was...long ago the united states
fuck all knows what it is now...
but dude if you only knew what's next..

Cali-Form -ya is becoming a reality
I will go back there and light that state on fire...
it deserves to burn ....
if ever a tower ..
a tower of Babylon need to go down down down is that

"Is that how you want me to write it?' I graph..

and wait for a glean

a graph back...but nothing FOR FUCKING ONCE ....booooooya!.

it's all.. really to garner a neural spike or synaptic corelet correlation for future Brain Mapping exercises...they prefer to ONLY think of IT as a Test
but it's really this whole sick philosophy..
a real philosophy of mind reading as Eugenics
so scientific Even das Jews ..will say LLLLLet's Goooooooo!
Mentors or Leaders who wish to rid the environment of a certain type of mindset or predisposition "in the blood"

Evan says I must be suicidal as I am crossing lines
that should not be crossed.
mainly he means any reference to whom Evan Rainy in his "private" interfaces of neural mentorship
thinks of as Raven Mismanage whom his father saw more
"alpha male-ish"
than "rightful heir" HE Evan Rainy

How does it feel Evan to have another glean and read and record and Process your private thoughts..?
your inadvertent "graph"
of resentment
that you want nobody to know..
It is what you do to me and others ....The Lives of Other's is Neuronautic's specialty...and keeping
once private ADMITS on tape.neural and otherwise.

"keep it up Dumbo...
the people you're messing with ...He begins to interface

Fuck you Bossman I graph ...the people I'm messing with...People who have this techno to literally take over another's mind it any wonder I care less and less if ,"they come and get me" as they already have me detained maimed and restrained...

through interface Evan reminds me sending me visualizations of ultra violent acts and "payback" that are not so "hand's off"...

but this isn't really happening I think ,I graph ...
this is all some type of psychological breakdown
not a psychotronic rundown..
there is no such thing as
psychotronics or mind augment technology
but there is still a freedom of speech..

"freedom of breach?" Evan graphs".Is that what you just stated..I was unaware a mere Proxy had a freedom of breach Dumbo..."

"what else DOES ONE HAVE! ! when one is caged in this manner!"I graph back.

"Evan graphs that my .
last "slip" back to
crackhead has cost me ...
even I don't believe that addiction is really a disease ...they know I am truly sorry for "wasting everyone's time".and that my anger at the Process really has more to do with ..."the slip" than The Mentors.But I just needed to escape...anyway possible from the intrusion...of a Group Mind...sometimes I can't stand it so much that I do anything to try to keep it closed from this "Village of The Damned " by way of bio sensor

I hope it was worth it.
I hope THIS is worth it..." Evan graphs referring to "this schizo, blog of betrayal of Neurnautics and The New Way."

as always Evan has a Reason for everything He does and The Group developing The New Way does...he keeps me in a constant spin with his spin on everything...sometimes the "fear factor" is because mind to mind communication can get so personal "on both sides" of the "bluetooth"..and Evan cannot help but "shout back" via the headset ...Intra Cranial communication takes 2 to tango ingrate he interfaces ..and thinks I am out of line comparing my "tough Love" techno technicians to "child abuse" as BCI is also being tested on drug addiction .. that train people to voluntarily recalibrate their neural activity in specific areas of the brain, allowing them to gain unprecedented control over, for example, pain perception5 or emotional processing.6 During drug addiction treatment, this approach could greatly reduce the risk of relapse by enabling a patient to control the powerful cravings triggered by a host of cues (e.g., people, things, places) that have become tightly linked, in the brain of the user, to the drug experience.Other promising advances stem from ongoing research and development of direct communication pathways between a brain and external computer devices, the so called brain-computer interfaces (BCI)

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