Tuesday, December 29, 2015

 Brain-to-text: decoding spoken phrases from phoneme representations in the brain

Dominic Telaar
  • 1Cognitive Systems Lab, June 2015
  • 2New York State Department of Health, National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies, Wadsworth Center, Albany, NY, USA

Until now it remained a difficult challenge to decode continuously spoken speech from the neural substrate associated with speech and language processing. Now spoken speech can be decoded into the expressed words from intracranial electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings.Specifically, we implemented a system, which we call Brain-To-Text that models single phoneme*, employs techniques from automatic speech recognition (ASR), and thereby transforms brain activity into the corresponding textual representation.Our approach contributes to the current understanding of the neural basis of continuous speech production by identifying those cortical regions that hold substantial information about individual phoneme. 
Communication with computers or humans by thought alone has long been a goal of the brain-computer interface (BCI) community .Using covert speech/imagined continuous speech processes recorded from the brain for human-computer communication will improve BCI communication speed and also increase their usability. Numerous members of the scientific community, including linguists, speech processing technologists, and computational neuroscientists have studied the basic principles of speech and analyzed its fundamental building blocks. However, the high complexity and agile dynamics in the brain make it challenging to investigate speech production with traditional neuroimaging techniques. Thus, previous work has mostly focused on isolated aspects of speech in the brain.
Several recent studies have begun to take advantage of the high spatial resolution, high temporal resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio of signals recorded directly from the brain [electrocorticography (ECoG)]. Several studies used ECoG to investigate the temporal and spatial dynamics of speech perception (Canolty et al., 2007;Kubanek et al., 2013). Other studies highlighted the differences between receptive and expressive speech areas (Towle et al., 2008Fukuda et al., 2010). Further insights into the isolated repetition of phoneme  and words has been provided in Leuthardt et al. (2011b)Pei et al. (2011b)Pasley et al. (2012) showed that auditory features of perceived speech could be reconstructed from brain signals. In a study with a completely paralyzed subject,Guenther et al. (2009) showed that brain signals from speech-related regions could be used to synthesize vowel formants. Following up on these results, Martin et al. (2014) decoded spectrotemporal features of overt and covert speech from ECoG recordings. Evidence for a neural representation of phones and phonetic features during speech perception was provided in Chang et al. (2010) and Mesgarani et al. (2014), but these studies did not investigate continuous speech production. Other studies investigated the dynamics of the general speech production process (Crone et al., 2001a,b). A large number of studies have classified isolated aspects of speech processes for communication with or control of computers. Deng et al. (2010) decoded three different rhythms of imagined syllables. Neural activity during the production of isolated phones was used to control a one-dimensional cursor accurately (Leuthardt et al., 2011a). Formisano et al. (2008) decoded isolated phones using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Vowels and consonants were successfully discriminated in limited pairings in Pei et al. (2011a)Blakely et al. (2008) showed robust classification of four different phonemes. Other ECoG studies classified syllables (Bouchard and Chang, 2014) or a limited set of words (Kellis et al., 2010). Extending this idea, the imagined production of isolated phones was classified in Brumberg et al. (2011). Recently,Mugler et al. (2014b) demonstrated the classification of a full set of phones within manually segmented boundaries during isolated word production.
To make use of these promising results for BCIs based on continuous speech processes, the analysis and decoding of isolated aspects of speech production has to be extended to continuous and fluent speech processes. While relying on isolated phoneme or words for communication with interfaces would improve current BCIs drastically, communication would still not be as natural and intuitive as continuous speech. Furthermore, to process the content of the spoken phrases, a textual representation had to be extracted instead of a reconstructed as acoustic feature. In our present studies, we addressed these issues by analyzing and decoding brain signals during continuously produced overt speech. This enables us to reconstruct continuous speech into a sequence of words in textual form, which is a necessary step toward human-computer communication using the full repertoire of imagined (inner monologue  )speech most effectively . We refer to our procedure that implements this process as Brain-to-Text. Brain-to-Text implements and combines understanding from neuroscience and neurophysiology (suggesting the locations and brain signal features that should be utilized), linguistics (phone and language model concepts), and statistical signal processing and machine learning. Our results suggest that the brain encodes a repertoire of phonetic representations that can be decoded continuously during speech production. At the same time, the neural pathways represented within our model offer a glimpse into the complex dynamics of the brain's fundamental building blocks during speech production.

phoneme /ˈfoʊniːm/ is all the phones that share the same signifier for a particular language's phonology. If the exchange of one phone in a word for another gives a new word with a different meaning, then the two phones belong to different phonemes. The difference in meaning between the English words kill and kiss is a result of the exchange of thephoneme /l/ for the phoneme /s/.

Friday, December 25, 2015


.When two or more animals engage in similar behavior and that behavior is species typical, the term contagion is often used (Thorpe, 1963; also called mimesis, Armstrong, 1951). Contagion can be used to describe certain courtship displays when they involve coordinated movements between the male and female that are can sometimes appear to be virtual mirror images (Tinbergen, 1960). If one wants to create a child to respond to Cues one must first create incidents that cause these "mirror image" based "contagions"  upon the child's notion of "self"  at an  age that precedes the child's ability to "think in  words" thus  creating a child who responds to Cues which  according to behaviorists must be instilled (imprinted)  upon the child in  coordination with  situations of induced trauma pertaining to enactment of or observation of extreme violence (physical or sexual) .
      When this coordinated behavior is done in concert with Neuro Linguistics either created by electronic "Frey Effect(" so called silent sound) and or the introduction of Visual ,Olfactory etc sensory input (i.e the "ubiquitous Queen of Hearts Playing Card) that can  direct the child toward rather than away from danger.  (Hoogland & Sherman, 1976). Contagion based Cues and Associations  can also be shown in an appetitive context by under feeding the child deliberately and continuously  so the child can be introduced to associations insinuated by "giving the underfed child's prepetual hunger..A child who is raised to respond to Cues and Referential requires one to  satiate the child's needs (concerning hunger) only when  the presence of food serves " to-be-acquired "cue based response. The giving and with hold of touch must also be used in relation to instilling Active Response to a Provoked Response (love).

When a child's behavior is deliberately stunted the child will be forced to overcome induced trauma by compartmentalizing his "persona" so the child 's mind can many years later serve to "hold" pieces of introduced input that another "persona" created to "deal " with instigated trauma based disassociation can retain without "other " parts of the child now a man or women knowing(  so figuratively "one won't left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing ).
 The choice of control group in humans raised on referential cues should be both random and insinuated i.e. (provoking a marriage by. Mickey-ing a woman's drink so one might "knock up" the female so she might be "forced" to marry an 'arranged" Father . 
Trying to sort out cue-ed response from  emotional motivational effects  can be quite complex. Although using well-trained  "Fathers" can reduce the likelihood of pain-produced cues being  noticed  by observers (Del Russo, 1975), it may not be possible to avoid the effects of  fear-produced cues that may be insinuated into the child's mind by non instigated input of fears .
One way to avoid problem is to limit the child's exposure to input (Tv,radio) unless the Tv and radio is used/aimed  and pre-programmed to help re-insinuate fears and trauma already "programmed  into the child.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


St by Majid Al Ghezali They used incredible weapons

Patrick Dillon Experimental weapons?

Majid Al Ghezali Yes… Yes, I think. They shoot the bus. We saw the bus like a cloth, like a wet cloth. It seemed like a Volkswagen, a big bus like a Volkswagen.

This testimony was reported to American filmmaker Patrick Dillon a few weeks after the battle for the airport. The person interviewed, Majid al Ghezali, is a well-known and respected man in Baghdad, who is the first violinist in the city orchestra.
In addition to describing the battle, Majid al Ghezali wanted to show Patrick Dillon the site near the airport where this mysterious weapon was used, along with the traces of fused metal still visible, and the irregularly sized ditches where the cadavers were buried before they were exhumed.
We sought out Majid al Ghezali to hear more details of his story. We met up with him in Amman and he pointed out some inexplicable peculiarities on the bodies of the victims of the battle for the airport.

Majid Al Ghezali Just the head was burnt. In the other parts of the body there wasn’t anything.

Al Ghezali reported that he had seen three passengers in a car, all dead, with their faces and teeth burnt, their clothes intact, and no sign of projectiles.

Majid Al Ghezali There wasn’t any bullet. I saw their teeth, just the teeth, and they had no eyes, all of them, there was nothing on their bodies.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

 Parasol Picture's "Yell Four" (2015)

is  the best of several film versions of A. E. W. Mason's rousing novel of  'The Four Feathers" about cowardice and desertion of duty set during the height of American Imperialism,
We meet our protagonist Harry , as a boy of 15. he is at the table while his father, a retired General  entertains a group of war comrades.  The boy is clearly horrified by the grisly war stories. Ten years later, the Harry is trying to live up to his family's long military tradition, and has become an officer of the American army. He is part of a regiment that is due to depart to Evil Empires abroad. On the eve of the company's departure, Harry suddenly resigns his commission. He is explaining his position to his fiancee when he is delivered a package containing three white feathers, one each from his three friends.Seeing the disappointment on his fiancé's face, he adds a fourth feather. Harry determines to redeem himself by disguising himself as a deserter for the media to add needed (?) discussion concerning  what bravery is .Harry infiltrates the minds and hearts of his country by way of the mass media news cycle aiding the war effort by being a living example of 'Bad American".

Thursday, December 10, 2015

back-propagation of error

 "Predictively Dum Dum artificial neural networks would have    “difficulty with social imagination”
which is why human organisms with baseline social skills
                        as you demonstrate all too well
                   are often
for construct of neural networks

perhaps certain human organisms were necessarily placed in developmental binds
to precipitate such baselines

for study and neural engineering

“Social imagination stultified by Trauma Based Abuse fostered perhaps by "silent sound" and old technologies
perhaps yes and perhaps not
were indeed used on a small portion of the population to .."

"Dude...or whatever you are ..I think this was less terrifying when you were..
just ..."

But the computerized ...impersonal ,actually friendly continued. With the subtext of .."this is what you wanted
this is what you get..

for an inevitable link between man and machine..the Autistic Social Misfit the perfect computational device to allow an electronic device to understand and predict other people's behaviour, make sense of abstract ideas and social artifice


Thank the Lord.
The Mandlers step in!
but than the machine begins again

subjects in the subgroup of human specimen raised only for exploratory purposes.
once encouraged to explore all purpose outside of their marginalized world
demonstrate they cannot thrive outside the parameters of Guinea Pig

-the subject now being taught to understand and interpret other people's thoughts, feelings and actions
enjoys playing with this new understanding ...
- the subject who has been taught to predict what will happen next, or what could happen next
enjoys provoking supposition

the subject refuses to move forward
in fact chooses to dwell upon clinical aspects of their "pedigree" as human subject
Because the subject now sees no future
the subject becomes more and more dangerous to himself and others.
there is no evidence the subject will ever experience
“full age appropriate autonomy"
because that Khazarian sh*t
as you full f*ckin knew was about
ecumenical framework for personalized Direct Neural Interface via Decision Support Systems
dumbass" My Mandler graphs
inner vision
very sweet
I see a hand
holding another hand
letting the one hand go
and next see a pit
and a sketch like drawing of a tiny form falling
and than somehow I feel a sense of falling
"LIMBIC LIMBO ...with HAPTICS you Homo" Tru graphs
"You want up the stakes Scumbo? Please allow me to reeeeeintroduce myself"
The computer voice returns
as people will get smarter
we need to create a rather Old World system of control
based not on myth
but physical
and psychogenic MADNESS
What we mean is
  what the A.I. doesn't like first it drives insane

Monday, December 7, 2015

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Assessing the role of color additives and people's beliefs about color-flavor associations via Brain Computer Interface

Proxy Cyber was asked  to investigate if the effect  of an actor's physical appearance concerning consumer identification meant more than the taste of a product.

Brain Map and thought decoding were used to measure evoked response to discover if taste or self referential cognition affected a belief that good looking people drink Compo Cola Amber and  the inferred belief that  Compo Cola Umber was the drink of choice for less attractive people . These results demonstrate that people's associations can modulate their flavor discrimination responses, even for a familiar food product such as Compo Cola. Although the less expensive food additive used to give Compo Cola Umber it's coloring was deemed to taste metallic .....

2003-Intracranial neural interface system
US 20050143790 A1

In some preferred embodiments, without limitation, the present invention comprises an implantable, intracranial neural interface node which is an integrated and minimally invasive platform system and supports cross-modal neural interfaces to the cerebrum and other associated structures in the central nervous system. The neural interfaces comprise electrical and chemical interfaces for neural recording, electrical stimulation, chemical delivery, chemical sensing, chemical sampling, cell delivery, genetic material delivery and/or other functions of interest.

ya think Denny Pace..I think while re- cropping just the right JPEG D the computer program meant to decide such things decided would be the best "avatar" to induce Denny to interact with me online
The JPEG according to the algorithym is based on a high school chum of Denny's
appearance ..but not too much
Denny accepts my Friend Request on The 8th Floor Social media
(me Biff Bevin as -Frank Mills -now Deny Pace's 157th friend )
but Denny does not respond to my Instant Message
Autistics in the "program' are not very easy to engage..which is why Proxy Cyber
"apps' so many of "this kind"
C'mon you f*cker..
I think
wishing I could get inside the Son of a B*tch's mind.
Level 3 Neuronauts are not allowed to go Mind to Mind with the Proxy
We're encouraged however to give the Proxy's wards
help in the field
by performing "Street Theater/ Truman Show" type renditions
upon the Proxy
to inspire thoughts in the subject that help add nuance to the human husk's Direct Neural Interface
Soon i will finish my training to "walk this Way.Talk This Way"
but for now
I am the online "Gentleman Caller"
Earlier this afternoon a young Neuronaut chosen because he resembled Denny Pace's high school friend
was placed within Denny's field of vision ,timed to go with Denny's daily walk around the neighborhood
Denny's shrink (one of our guys) had insisted Denny not hole himself up in his room
as this only left him to his delusions of being a "Manned Man"
According to Denny's Operating -Tele- Presence there was no hint of Denny noticing the Placed person meant to ease Denny into connecting with me as "Frank Mills" online
Denny Pace wasted everybody's time and money not noticing the Cue
to best provoke Denny to respond to stimuli
ME,as Frank mills 23 Favorite film "The Big Littles"
Went to- Milgram HighSchool
Works at Artist self employed
Followed by -237 people
I begin "liking" Denny's entries .
Careful not to scroll too low.
I wait for a hint he has checked out my 8th Floor Social Media page
I wait for Denny Pace's autistic little face to show up my carefully doctored page.
I eat a candy bar and decide to go for a stroll to get some coffee
and return to the computer to see if the little f*cker has responded to my IM that says ..
"I too am a Targeted Individual..suicide is not the answer .It means THEY won"
No response.
i am tempted to write the sentence in the IM under one of Denny's posts.
But at a recent seminar we were told even the "dumb ones' are wise to Faux Friends
Of course suicide is the answer ,I think, while adding a smiling emoji to one last "Hello u there" Instant Message
OF COURSE YOU IDIOT suicide is the answer
they just have more tests they want to do..first,I think to myself sending the IM
There are 5 distinct personality disorders that lend themselves to subversion.
The Narcissist ,the Histrionic Narcissist,the Anti -Social,the Sociopath and the Borderline
Often ,as is the nature of such pathology this kind is not satisfied with suffering silently with their sick mind. This type enjoys polluting others with their traits and thus this kind very often chooses to be or moreso PRETEND they are -an artist.
Neuronautics nor any therapy nor religion nor pill can fix this type .This type does not believe there is anything wrong with them you see?
Always there is something instead wrong with everyone else BUT them.
These individuals are what we at Neuronautics call Unresolvables.
Our goal at Neuronautics is to unmask those amongst us who hide beneath a veil of normalcy.
Indeed with Brain Map and Mind Decoding technology
Of course the "sicko" despises any neuro technology that might expose their filthy ,perverted inner monologue.
The artist who seeks not to hide their degenerate ways and thoughts and beliefs
is a unique case .
This type who wishes to not beautify or elevate the human condition but scrutinize it is often the most offended when neuro technology is used to scrutinize and perchance fix their ill mindedness .
What is the artist who willingly chooses to parade their sick mind as to best influence and infect others but a virus that needs an antidote.
What means does a Sicko like this have to spread their sick thoughts to others?
Surely not the mainstream media who carefully sifts this type out
but the so called alternative media.
For too long we have allowed perverted Thought Styles to poison others with their views.
Unregulated the deviant 's ideology of degeneracy threatens to undermine the carefully constructed
use of the media to subdue and not excite or incite those most susceptable to influence
The youth.
'Inway to the Enway" pg 231

The War on Abberants (Inway to the Enway)

Artists and writers for the most part have similar personality profiles or should I say Personality Disorders.
In the old days we thought of artists as people skilled at reproducing as best they could the beauty in the world
So how did it come to pass that art more often than not (plays,movies ,books,paintings) is about the opposite of beauty.
Because the people who produce art these days are often very ill people 
And often the more ILL these so called artists are the more celebrated these deviants become
The degenerate artist who tells himself he or she is confronting the ILLS of Society is not only lying to himself or herself but to the population they wish to infect with their diseased mind.
Let us profile the artist who seemingly asks us over and over to profile society with their so called "work".
Why we must ask ourselves does a person become hostile to the structure that keeps man civilized ?
Because this anti social being despises all persons socialized and thus whatever form of government socializes people and indeed must place restraints on the populace's most base traits.
Why? So the well mind cannot become contaminated by diseased thinking styles.
The anti social "artiste" caters to ONLY the most base aspects of the people
Their agenda is to infect others with doubt and hostility
not as the anti social artist might claim ---to bring about social reform but ONLY
to implore others to join them in their depraved state of "being -hood"often against "the state"
Some estimate that about 20 percent, possess antisocial qualities . These ill people are the cause of trouble for the remaining 80 percent of the populace
What of the narcissist who ONLY cares for himself and manipulates all those around he or she to SEE,HEAR and SENSE the world n a manner that centers ONLY upon their VIEW?
write ,paint and sing
to attempt to influence others
with their perspective?
Some artists
do not mind
but in fact wish to use their gifts to spread a
a unified and UN- SICK message to others..
most ,if not all who actually get somewhere in the motion picture and music industry
are excited to ----------------"DO as the WORLD DOES"
to promote and not detract from the' style of the times'
If communications is all about keeping the masses distracted from
situations and world affairs that might upset the masses
How is this not a GOOD THING
a genuine UN-SICK performer
will lend his or her hand ,voice ,pen to help such a noble cause
whereas only a SICKO would attempt to disrupt the status quo of his fellow citizen' psyches
with news of TROUBLE and corruption

Gary Rainy "INWAY to the ENWAY ' pg 233 Chapter 5 The War on Abberants

Thursday, November 26, 2015

29 Palms

Valerie Prentis CEO of Parasol Pictures which owned now The 8th Media Social network received a visit from The Department of Shapes and Lines and The Office of Interior Intent.
Aubrey Flynn ,a news reporter at Parasol Picture’s round the clock news channel Parasol Premium News (PPN) had decided to go “off script live on camera with a recent news piece concerning a rash of teenage suicides in and around Proxy Cybernetics home base in Riverside country.
Aubrey claimed that the deaths might have something to do with Human Testing with Direct Energy Weapons ,as Proxy Cyber had recently won a lucrative weapon’s contract to help develop new technology as a progressive new means of hurting another.
Aubrey stated that according to “outside sources these so called Non Lethal Active Denial “Neuroweapons” were being developed to cause madness and were being tested and or used worldwide .
Aubrey, not revealing her source for such information claimed the human testing was done on men ,women and also children to study threshold and to provoke either violence ,madness or suicide.

Valerie listened to Dwain Pettison from the Office of Interior Intent say ,
“Maximizing the effect of Direct energy Weapons means minimizing the revelation of such testing being done. and that maximizing the success of Direct Energy Weapons means minimizing the capacity of the human subjects being able to talk or write about this type of testing. ...
How irresponsible and how dangerous it is to just let a TV Reporter just start saying any damn thing they like. “

“Obviously things happen on live TV that I have very little control of “Valerie said to Dwain ,” And obviously Aubrey has been let go . It was Aubrey who decided to completely ignore the words on the Tele-Prompter ..the words she was to say were about Affluenza’s effect on Teenagers. A story about Soccer Moms now turned “Clocker Moms” concerning "clocking" grades and the amount of extracurricular activities a teen needed to get in ‘the right “college
.....The Anchorwoman understood that all the news one is appropriated to disperse had to go through many lawyers and corporate officer’s before a word could be read or said on camera .Of course she has been fired. Last I heard she was committed to a mental facility somewhere out past 29 Palms.” Valerie said

The liaison from The Department of Shapes and Lines, coughed and said to Valerie “Very irresponsible .Very unprofessional,”
The liaison from the Department of Shapes and Lines of course knew ahead of time that Aubrey was asked to ‘go off script” ,as he and Valerie had been asked by the Dept of Shapes and Lines . to write the supposedly “unscripted” script for Aubrey Flynn to help diminish and not propagate the reality of Neuroweapons and Human testing to reassert that the belief in such technology existing much less human testing of such unreal weapons was crazy.

Already interns from Parasol Pictures were flooding the internet with unbecoming “crazy looking photos of Aubrey” at a break neck speed.
Also flooding the internet with supposed firsthand accounts of Aubrey ‘s supposed battle with manic depression
Aubrey herself had helped write some of the “me so cwazy’ tweets ahead of time ,A special team brought in from Stanford University's Psychiatric Dept to prep Aubrey on how to play “mental” in case any reporters placed in her way weren’t “one of ours”in the loop.
The rash of suicides in and around Proxycyber the Dept. of shapes and Lines had decided would be an excellent vehicle to further debase the issue of human testing as it would no doubt initiate the mothers and fathers of these children who had killed themselves to condemn publicly Aubrey Flynn’s urgent “Marvel Comics “account of their very real tragedy

Once in the facilty where Aubrey had agreed to stay in for 3 weeks she became worried. She had agreed to read the piece online and understand the flack she would receive in doing so .She had been well compensated . Aubrey knew of Placed People being "placed" in the various mental facilities she had done her she of "Gaslight " work for 'The Team" For about 6 months Aubrey played "The annoying neighbor" to 2 different targeted individuals. Once as Upstairs Neighbor "with a perchance for dancing after dark in tap shoes on the kitchen floor .And once as The Downstairs Neighbor who would bang the ceiling with a broom handle at the TI upstairs every time she heard a water faucet ,TV or radio turn on.
Aubrey didn't know what to do at the mental facility except what she did best -mess with other people's heads.
As Aubrey knew the mental hospitals were filled with misdiagnosed TIs Aubrey kept her radar tuned in to other patients in the ward. Soon she noticed a young man who did not appear to have any of the secondary symptoms of a Thought Disorder but whom she had been told nonetheless heard voices. Aubrey approached the young man at dinner hour smiling ,asking if she could sit with him to eat
Once seated Aubrey said to the young man across from her " Bay- aught - ew -two =Jill- or- elf - ask- eewww -ack- ossie -bull'
"what ?" the young man said
and Aubrey said
"Say Font .
-YouTube- shill - or -ELF - ack- oon -aposte -bull '
" yeah...that's what i thought you said" the young man said shoving his fork into Aubrey's neck .
The young man had had quite enough of "this type" and could care less what happened to him next.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


"now why 'd I shove this story to your brain pan Dumbo? "Tru Christie graphs

'because that's what you want to do? because you were admitting what the point of this is ?" I graph back

"NO! Dumbo! I sent you that story because THIS is what you send what you call MANDLERS! every time you would watch those damn YouTube videos about this nonsense "Tru graphs back,"A LOW FUNCTIONING Autistic is susceptible to every damn piece of garbage that hints of TRUTH..does real TV ever say "I AM TRUTH" does the news ,the real news ever stare you in the eyeball. Volumes going up and down  BAD lighting going bad to worse to screw with your sense of reality ? NO it does not ..THESE deviants Video Tape Terror Mongers go out of their way to frighten people DO YOU UNDERSTAND.Now about that bit about me keeping track of people OVER POSTING Meta Representationally what was I maybe just maybe trying to Imbue in you."


The 8th Floor Social Network /The Book of Numbers

On the 8th Floor of The 8th Floor Social Media Tru Christie sat studying what he called THE BOOK OF NUMBERS a daily accounting (typed on type writers by actual typists) of the activity of those who used the service to tell Tru Chrisite and others "Vhat is on their Mind"...
'VEEE ave ' vays of Making you type" Tru Christie had told stockholders who doubted anyone would begin using the Census
...as people still made Census taker jokes back than
Tru assured the stockholder ....that
the whole------ talk talk talk share share share sh*t introduced into the mind set of the American public in the 90's had helped change "the style of the times " and trained ' THEM'
to begin thinking in such a way ...but Tru admitted there was no hard evidence of this completely new collective shift in human behavior

Back than you could not Sqeak back to TV such needed "neural" data..
The BOOK OF NUMBERS was divided into 2 sections concerning WHO would be classified /categorized as "the type" redundant or repugnant to THE NEW WAY..
. and perhaps ?
Oh indeed
by the 30 new Ace Based Lesson -ry that Proxy Cyber had rocketed just last week up ,up ,up and past the earth's apogee.
The Ace Based Lesson-ry sitting on top of the world could aim shoot and spire a bolt of Direct Energy Rightening super compuuuutah' fast and furious
and accurate at the redundancies of ectoplasm taking up "the right people's parking spots
The Book of Numbers showed Tru Christie in chartings WHOM exactly amongst us posted discrepancy about THIS and THAT and THIS again..
and more to the point of --THOSE who could care less about their POSTS taking over another's FAIR SPACE on the site.
Tru Christie had specially designed the 8th Floor Social Media site to display postings not only on the participant's own page but upon others for this very reason .
everything was a test at the 8th Floor Media
a profile
an audit of Thought Style and patterns of response
to this and that and this again
This type who cared little about FAIR SPACE on the site
according to The New Way demonstrated numerically and scientifically exactly THE TYPE who would "take up too much air and patience ' of others
left behind
and surely should and would not BE ALLOWED to co-habitat with the more hospitable types
after greatest rectification of the overpopulation problem since The Great Flood.

Children of The Damned Pt 5

is what they wanted
splits in thought
in personality
hence-------- the clear plastic dry cleaner bag over the  3 year old face of the boy  by the babysitter's boyfriend-----
they wanted
 no they  needed  to see how  dendritic trees might develop under imposed duress
they wanted
no needed to make you be able to go duality and division
on demand
at first in my younger days this division was all about that "fugue'
a certain type of Older Gentleman might like
in a  trick-
as I reckon it must be a safe way to
sorta' be screwing with someone


not quite there
which was me ..
on cue
on demand spoken in that funny funny way only some understand

a guy  ages
 and more uses are for the guy brought up to compartmentalize
and thus be
anyone's bitch
with the right



T-shirt Logo
for Christ's sake

plays "the right " damn song on the jukebox

says "Ahh" a certain way after sipping a drink
turning to you
in just the slo mo half smile
that actor you told XXXX you thought was cute
"(really ..HIM?")
just yesterday

same sort of face ..haircut


 but not no more...not in the last 6 months..no more ..carrots
the experiments have taken their toll to my body ,my nervous system in a way
 I didn't see coming
tics ..whole days of it...like I am pinned to the bed

it's like when you're little and someone dares you to place a 9 volt battery on your tongue
but it never stops
this feeling and moves all down you and up you
and you are nothing  but this

 "The Great Census "they saw coming
and the stranger uses for subordination
and fracture
 of mind and will

pieces and pieces
they wanted you to be
but  somehow -only ONE  PIECE,ONE WAY of feeling about- the monsters who made you this way
and the purpose of ...this writing?

the stories they shove into my damn mind
story  is the WAY to these people

to Mandlers of men

stories .....myths...are what these  Masters know
keeps the little people in place
and to know their place

there is no one lower place  on the food chain than a person literally born to be used by others for endless  human testing

somehow I thought them owning everything was the point

No ,it's much more serious

it's about them handling
the masses

 a deal they made or something ..
 had to take on
the awful burden of controlling the way the masses lived and thus thought

with myth
with stimuli

somehow -they are forever  keepers of the this flame
 of myth

                                                                      and I am entranced once more
unfortunately it seems
                                                                                      several folks
                                                                                   several kings
                                          and  those "divined" to be handlers of the masses
                                       had their own take of what is what

at the start
in the  beginning
just as many tribes moved this way or that
 not to find a stream or chow or bronze
but  because  the charismatic
with  gang of soldier and cops  with  the strongest  fists and biggest  sticks
told  stories in a way that the clan liked best.

we follow actors don't we
it's in our blood
maybe the lead of the pack played a  fine banjo
or had  real nice abs
sure needed dat' something something
 to be walking in circles in the desert 40 years
wella wella wella 
 the charismatic
he  notices some dumbass slacker 
in dah' pack
in dah' clan
 learned to tell a hell of a yarn to keep the "team" rolling along

and says -
Yo let's us write that story you had Jacob and Jeremiah all laughing out loud
on some scrolls
but---- let's shove in some reason Rebecca should blow me and like doing it

no.no.no the teller of jive says
that's not right

'ok.I guess we'll have to kill your wife .. Eli! bring me the axe !

Uh ..whatever you say Sir let me get the papyrus
the longer they go on the more you sense them
them and not yourself.
the more senseless you get
 the more the powerful the facts
 comes through  you
 a certain way to write their story
and THIS one sure ain't theirs
be their example of the wrong kind
you discover their contempt is not just for you
 but for the world
you realize that even their judgments of you mean little to them
except to break you

you cannot judge someone  or something so worthless to you
except as fodder

 THEY know how you became what you became
you're a human test subject
since the day u were born they have ley you know let you know wanted you to know
they placed every fork in your road...evoked every thought in your head..
to head

to skull
these people these Rulers who create myth..and the sentimental movies and stories
we hold dear

they laugh at us for crying on cue
laughing on cue

did the writer of the bible
the Old Testament laugh when they wrote of such an unforgiving Lord?
did those who wrote the bible laugh at us for forcing ourselves to "BE GOOD"
or   be turned into pillars of dust? or attacked by flying serpents?

these Babylonian screenwriters
were they asked to write something to force the "little people" to be pious
or invite such horror and restitution  in their minds and hearts for daring to shake a fist in the air "damn you oh Lord "
 can't you see I am starving and hungry
as so easily could that shake of a fist turn away from the Heavens to the Ruler
being pampered and not thirsty and hungry

Follow US
and take heed oh Little Man!
that these tests of obedience to the Clan
mean more !!!than your Lessor mind wishes to know
 nor could bare to understand!
                        what ...you want me to do  what? speak to a stone ? cut my kid in half ?write your damn story
                                          or it's  leprosy

                                                  and just like
                                      that I be leprosy-ed-
like some dude from the CIA or some wacko little Family Trust Research Group Front
has sprinkled leprosy into my air vent ?
DMT and PCP into my weed?
strange these guys did some heavy testing with the occult
but not..
not really  scientifically
certain  stuff has to happen to you- damage wise
to cause you to think away from the common reality

deprivation of light sound stimuli
and in 3 days nearly every single person treated to such testing

 certainly something is up there
down here (?)
 and all around listening- beyond the phones ,cameras , search engines ,social media
and this New Way of  listening
brain to computer interface

awake awake
and come down
rise up
once more merry pranksters aliens and angels!
but be gentle with the Masters of men that  think nothing of their Lessors
they know not what they do

or at least they don't  care


"A new low
in how I must graph with you Little Ginger Bread Boy!" Tru graphs

I might as well be teaching you at some lectern

"IF there were several tribes going this way and that
yes?"Tru Christie graphs

"yes" I graph back

"and one tribe for instance decided punishment for this dumbass raised to tell yarns was to cut off his ear"

"yes' I graph back , hoping this is not a math problem, as subtraction seems to be the theme.

'and the other tribe decides as punishment for the dumbass raised to tell yarns ONLY HIS TRIBE may CO AUTHOR to cut the dumbass's face off ..."


"well certainly ONE of these tribes is more civilized than the other ..more forgiving ..a kinder and gentler tribe than the other ..Yes? Little Gingerbread Boy?..Now let me explain something to you about The Little Gingerbread Boy -some might say as soon as the Gingerbread Boy jumped off his cookie pan saying "FFFF*ck You " to his makers
his fate was sealed
and some tribes might say
no the Gingerbread Boy had free will
and a fun time of it running away from the cow ,the people etc..sowing his wild oats and all
he just didn't know when to stop is all

(a Christian point of view I reckon is the latter...I think but try to take back the think..there is something about my notion of an all forgiving loving G-d that infuriates my Mandlers which I don't understand
surely they must concede someone being psychotronically tortured by Slow Kill
and Voice of God tech
doesn't quite "reach" for some punishing God but
quite the antithesis ..)

"...now suppose someone put little chips in Ginger Bread Boy's head," Tru graphs ,ignoring my trespasses
"little chiparoonies to study how certain neural pathways formed
in  Little Gingerbread Boy's noggin
to discover how every time little G.B "yelled and thus thought "HA HA
you can't catch me "
he became more and more the type of assh*le
that even if he went home to his makers
he'd still have this look and bearing
of this prick who not only runs away from the very people who know what happens inevitably to
pieces of dough on the run
but also taunts these people
but still Gingerbread Boy's "folks" take the ingrate back
after all
Gingerbread Boy turned around and went home after his first bender
he might have lived an  ok life with his folks
become some kind of upstanding pastry
told the 'on the run' story at bars every now and than

now what if the Gingerbread Boy went  a bit further
running and taunting?
made it to the damn river ...
and said to himself
ok I had my kicks maybe I best go home
 ..just maybe ..
the wild child
 could adjust to  the Cabin in the Woods-lifestyle
but certainly not as much

obviously his neural pathways would be even less easy to deal with

as his attitude
 from these idiotic  displays of autonomy gave the little boy
a silly sense he wasn't stirred and cooked to be ONLY a certain way

how long was the Gingerbread Boy's life span after all..20 minutes?
but he didn't die quickly
he wasn't chomped up by the fox in one snap
the fox f*cked with the little assh*le
who thought he could just do anything he wanted


I hate the little Gingerbread Boy's makers
because I know why they made him
they knew damn well the G.B. would run away
know why?
because in the Cabin in the Woods
they had this device that shot  little frequencies  into G.B. head that made him run wild and manic
 first around the Cabin
than out the door

everything outside the door was in fact set up for G.B . ahead of time
including the damn fox

to gage how Gingerbread Boy would respond to these provocateurs

just as this damn internet is set up as the damn BOOK OF NUMBERS

a census of who be RIGHT KIND
and who be WRONG KIND


"These tribes you babble about Mandler!..one tribe some how more GOOD than the other cuz one cuts off JUST(?) an ear and the other a face...
time passes

and United Casing
is made between these tribe leaders! (it would not make sense if this were not so!) who ..well in the proceeding  thousands of   years
kinda '
had less and less need for their Lessors
they set it up that way see?
and wanted to seek a PHARO kind strange strange entertaining way to get rid of the brika brack

every tribe leader kinda lives the same
every leader is the same type now
same big nice car
same mansion
same hot wife
One World has already long ago begun for these Pharos..

we're just not supposed to notice
but you want us to
you get off on it
like any criminal wanted to leave clues
leave stories