Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The War on Abberants (Inway to the Enway)

Artists and writers for the most part have similar personality profiles or should I say Personality Disorders.
In the old days we thought of artists as people skilled at reproducing as best they could the beauty in the world
So how did it come to pass that art more often than not (plays,movies ,books,paintings) is about the opposite of beauty.
Because the people who produce art these days are often very ill people 
And often the more ILL these so called artists are the more celebrated these deviants become
The degenerate artist who tells himself he or she is confronting the ILLS of Society is not only lying to himself or herself but to the population they wish to infect with their diseased mind.
Let us profile the artist who seemingly asks us over and over to profile society with their so called "work".
Why we must ask ourselves does a person become hostile to the structure that keeps man civilized ?
Because this anti social being despises all persons socialized and thus whatever form of government socializes people and indeed must place restraints on the populace's most base traits.
Why? So the well mind cannot become contaminated by diseased thinking styles.
The anti social "artiste" caters to ONLY the most base aspects of the people
Their agenda is to infect others with doubt and hostility
not as the anti social artist might claim ---to bring about social reform but ONLY
to implore others to join them in their depraved state of "being -hood"often against "the state"
Some estimate that about 20 percent, possess antisocial qualities . These ill people are the cause of trouble for the remaining 80 percent of the populace
What of the narcissist who ONLY cares for himself and manipulates all those around he or she to SEE,HEAR and SENSE the world n a manner that centers ONLY upon their VIEW?
write ,paint and sing
to attempt to influence others
with their perspective?
Some artists
do not mind
but in fact wish to use their gifts to spread a
a unified and UN- SICK message to others..
most ,if not all who actually get somewhere in the motion picture and music industry
are excited to ----------------"DO as the WORLD DOES"
to promote and not detract from the' style of the times'
If communications is all about keeping the masses distracted from
situations and world affairs that might upset the masses
How is this not a GOOD THING
a genuine UN-SICK performer
will lend his or her hand ,voice ,pen to help such a noble cause
whereas only a SICKO would attempt to disrupt the status quo of his fellow citizen' psyches
with news of TROUBLE and corruption

Gary Rainy "INWAY to the ENWAY ' pg 233 Chapter 5 The War on Abberants

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