Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I make a mistake
I turn on the TV and the first image that appears is a dog
the same breed of the dog
According to  Mandlers I hurt
by not calling the black man a nigger
The image caused me to remember the incident

And I feel the nerves on the side of my mouth pulse into a smile

The nerves I know by the familiar tingling
are from the directed energy
the smile the weapon has induced
doesn't cause me to immediately smile

First there is a sense of -smile
The dog is gone from the TV replaced by something else
But the memory of the dog and what that dog means to me
Is still there
now taken by me as -something  to smile about

Meaning to Mandlers who boom into my audootry cortex -Youliked having the power to cause the dog pain

I felt no such thing
In fact the opposite

"You like hurting others" the Mandler graphs
"You smiled when you saw the dog on TV and thought of the dog your actions or lack thereof hurt

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