of my face swollen up - disgusting ..diseased...( the calcium ion flux of Direct Energy Weapons ) but the battery wasn't charged right..
I am still first and foremost invested in this as some kind of patriot..
in spite of what i say
I put the battery back in the charger..
( I don't have to put the JPEG up ..just save it until in 2019 or 2021 someone comes forward talking about the weapons ..and I can help sell the weapons - as a "ME TOO" like thing so "GOTHAM " still has Active Deniability but still can
show it off..)
There's an on- going Joke between me
and "The Demons" ( this shit ain't real - who cares- nor is any reader of this "real " to me ..)
that if I keep
falling apart ( throwing the baby{ the 'fun ' stuff } out with the bathwater { the military / intel stuff}
THEY ( a term nutters use ) won't be able to do this anymore...
I suppose "they" say this to all the Maruta ( we're infants to them - in terms of sense - and I must say the ''DEMON SPELLS" they use as if ELF or medical Tele-Metry on a Patsy - sure do not just infantilize a guy - I am no 'guy' to them - but emasculate them to such an extreme beyond my capacity to 'roll")
They say this ( Voice to Skull . Oh You Demons !)
to give the dupe some feeling they "have a say" in this ..
_ I am not supposed to - BE AWARE - how daft- how crazy - this sounds..
An Outsider Artist ( i.e Strange Character//i.e weirdo , pervert, freak ) is auto didactic in output
( pleeeez)
out there ( i am still at 1:30 PM EST wearing pajama bottoms - I can care less what I look like , smell like etc..I am drowning not just in the entrainment but what life it has wrought in terms Life Style... i.e wearing pajamass. et al at 1:30 PM
thinking about suicide on a beautiful saturday afternoon ..
"GO HOME, " I grok to those whose task it seems to be to send me
visuals atop my natural sight
"GO HOME," I grok to those who always try to reset my mindset to
Pac Man Lives after - one time too many seeing "the face thing "
or thinking " I am 49 years old with nothing but synthetic madness to get me through the day and this ridiculous form of Non Communication to feed THEIR BABY - not me..
I can deal with the TORTURE as TESTING
- even the weird face thing ..
the weird Dystonia caused by the Acoustic Weapons part of this free for all ( I "work - for free- I am a new kind of slave supposedly Master-ed ( Masser-ed) by a hand held mirror ..
Many ain't exactly the experience of being a "man-ed man"
quite the opposite ..
Unified Codes of Universal Consciousness
Understood Signifier as Stimulus -Processing of said Cue ( aural , visual , ideological ,symbolic )- Output as Unit (post)
Post as Unit : A Two 'Tale' Model of Linear Consciousness
Theory of Mind inferred from a data set as real time biomarker
We evaluated the effects of 3 stimulant medications on the ability to appreciate humor in visual (cartoons) or verbal (headlines) stimuli presented on a computer screen following 49.5 hours of sleep deprivation.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Repetitive vocalizations evoked by electrical stimulation of avian brains
The facial somatosensory map in the cortex is derived from facial representations that are first established at the brainstem level and then serially 'copied' at each stage of the somatosensory pathway
The facial somatosensory map in the cortex is derived from facial representations that are first established at the brainstem level and then serially 'copied' at each stage of the somatosensory pathway
James Bloom Retweeted James Bloom
1955 Mk Ultra -substances to produce
physical visible disability
Animal kindling models of induced intracellular ion buffering of transmembrane edema
The Rules The complete official rules and point system -Memfis Ohio/ Gotham City Death Pool Only approved persons symbolically related to "Theory of Mind" testing will be allowed for picks. This may include those in many converging fields in the genre of academia, medicine, journalism
Jim Bloom March 19 at 6:33pm · YouTube · INT - GOTHAM GARDEN APTS - DAY A man (or woman?) -we're not sure exactly because the ASSET wears a mask that covers all but their eyes. A yellow and orange flower logo taken from (?) a comic book we saw at the start of the film further mars the typist's identity. Wait ,What? we CUT to several ASSETS obviously - touched(?) - by the comic books 's sentiments to -TAKE IT OFFLINE - and into -the streets. The typist's hands are also no give away concerning ID as the hands and fingers of the 'Gamers" are covered with a fishnet like material .None the less the message is transparent. (the words ,not just of one but several dozen appear on screens all across the 8th Floor Social Media ) The Rules The complete official rules and point system -Memfis Ohio/ Gotham City Death Pool Only approved persons symbolically related to "Theory of Mind" testing will be allowed for picks. This may include those in many converging fields in the genre of academia, medicine, journalism. No government (foreign and domestic) persons may be chosen. Duration of the Dead Pool (game time) will be from March 20th – September 12 . When one of your semiotic signifier dies, their prominence as potential Trending tie in with Off Grid Human Testing ,Non Lethal Weapons and Electronic Harassment or Biomedical "A.I." research will be deducted from Task a list of Free Swim Task Assessment Winner Take All algorithms. To receive points for your pick, the signifier picked must die during game time. Bonus points can be accrued if the target's demise pertains to data sufficient for Threshold Testing in terms of psychological and physical distress to the victim and his or her family ,friends ,associates
.the face thing ..yeah..he was to be many things to many people..and to be honest it helped me steer him.. if he began writing bad shit about the testing I made him look as ugly as his attitude - AlL Maxwell Maltz stuff..all by the book..this was about studying THE SELF and how self reacts to stressors..I never said this was going to be a pleasure cruise..Denny knew this was about threshold ..but also many many exciting things pertaining to ideas and thoughts and man's conception of reality ..most of the Proxy took the bad with the good ..were't whiny little bitches like Cole and Dennis..
CORNEL - Dumbo took it like a man
DARIUS -Dumbo took it like an animal..not a pussy ..he ate out of garbage cans..lived on the street.. used drugs..stole little objects ..no Mommy's Basement "Good bye cruel world " for him...
CORNEL - Denny lacked fortitude - bad genetics all over the place
DARIUS - you said it - not me .. I'd liek to call Dumbo to the stand
CORNEL - that's not how it works
DARIUS - ( to judge) Can i have a moment ?. Denny Pace's Bad Eminations have caused me to seize up and have ugly thoughts. He's riddled with Latch -Upons and how me and Dumbo did try to cure him with Psychic Driving
get the Dupe yapping about somatic and conversion disorders..
I knew it had to do with seizures
the more seizures you have
the more "open your mind " is to
the slightest stimuli
the original state of entrainment becomes self perpetuating
the slightest breeze
even a memory
+ this was all worked out on animals
and a TI is nothing more than
a person used to emulate theory based on decades of animal testing
+ there was nothing lofty going on here..
and if there was - it all became lost - in the
"get in the maze' - get on the wheel ..
cut and dry..
_ it was not fun
it was dismal
that's the word for the days ..without work..living in someone else's house ..
you spent a good portion of the day writing about it but you didn't really care anymore..
you were too angry or shattered to write it as fiction..
you hope it showed ..timeline wise - in the blog..
+ you hoped one day - long after you were gone someone would
use your words as if a Cold Case File
is this arrogant..?
this was a crime being done in real time others such as Google , facebook and Twitter were profiting from..
Facebook even has JPEGS of your "Face" on Direct Energy and Acoustic Weapons
back when you thought posting the disfigurement meant something
+ you believe Facebook or Twitter or Google for Christ's sake were - the Good Guys ...
you didn't know the NIH was involved with Zuckerberg..and the NIH was up to it's "For the Greater Good' in all the way to the bank - Homeland sponsored - non - accountability- one hand washed the other..
there would never be a trial
and you'd just be one more dead mental patient who claimed their situation was
"MAGICAL "in origin
but in 20 years who knows
so greedy lawyer might want to make a buck off some dead son..
or more likely Netflix will see binge worthiness in the Ewwwww of it all
i did some research on MK Ultra and learned these Merry Pranksters
were trying to understand how to ugly a person up with hard science for decades
in the 1950's it was potions and chemicals
by the time 1960's they were doing work with electric - wireless
no chips needed..
every single element of the face works on a very specific signal
the lips , eyes jaw, nasal flap ..
many of these are flat muscles that cannot be moved but they sure can be inflamed wirelessless.
Palatal Myclonus - and the radio telemetry used as nerve block..
no blood getting here..too much somewhere else..
+ it doesn't take a rocket scientist
and here you have good old Hollywood again helping those doing this freak show out
what's it called The Brown Note?
"play" a certain frequency and someone shits their pants..
The situation is now a fuckin 'South Park "episode- THAT is Operation Mockingbird..
TV.."Oh You Saw That On a Black Mirror episode...and what makes YOU out of billions of people so damn important you were targeted - by the way ..
you go crazy
for real crazy
suicide is always on one's mind
they wanted you - front and center with a finger up your nose and your pants down - showing off how very ridiculous you were talking about VOICES and microwaves..
but they wanted your humiliation to serve their needs..
not your own..
but you were falling to pieces..
a social leper
with no income now that you couldn't function
whose days were now occupied
parading yourself like a nut all day..
there wasn't even the allure anymore that the social media served a purpose
to basically - and I am not being - dramatic - a hostage situation
the microwaves .ELF waves whatever they call it
make the body and mind a prison
psychophysical weapons are created only for this
and here you are 5, 6 ,7 years later still typing on the machine
it was disturbing
the internet seems like a communication tool that would serve a victim of electronic harassment
this stuff is understood by thousands in the fields of science
and who understands IT more than GOOGLE , TWITTER and FACEBOOK
the same tool you are typing on sometimes 15 hours a day
do you understand - ONLY to THEM were you typing
waiting for the day
DENNY - The point ? The Teams wanted to pump you up with so much nothing and everything at once you had little choice. You had NO LIFE . I mean literally- the weapons made it difficult to move ..tremors. and the dystonia was exhausting...you were constantly confused..you either laid on a couch or bed like Gregor the Cockroach flailing with tics and spasms or got up and sat at the desk typing on a the toy. The neuro modulation based on animal electrical stimulation of rat and cat brains to promote manic became hypergraphia with the Voice to Skull steering you along like a player piano to SCREAM for your life on the social media..but the screaming was not for you but for those who rely on data specifically to use for consciousness models based on GUESSING why one post followed another - Folk Psychology..Of course the only people with means to read posts like this were academic and corporations involved in neural networks.People who had CLOUT - who could have said something ..but why would they ..billions were involved in the run - off...
DENNY - They'd say anything to convince you this was - about something besides ..do you know . I don't know. But it was not about anything that they say.
It was not about you being some type of cautionary tale. That I know. It was not about anyone researching why Jews were made scape goats although my handlers said so.
CORNEL - You called them Handlers.
DENNY - I called "it' a Synthesized Madness. A phony possession. I called it what it was - Electronic Harassment..I assumed it was military..a way of manipulating either one person or several. I knew it relied on nobody having the faintest idea it was possible. The looks thing was the least of it . But in fact it was devastating. All of it was caught on tape - by many in the jails of all places. The police knew about the testing. This is not some small operation. Is there a group of people in the know trying to understand how a fake rapture - a fake possession might effect a person. I believe there is. I came face to face with these people. In the jails , in the courts and on the streets. The weapons mimic mysticism and our idea of being haunted from the inside out. This I believe included the face. It included the muscles and nerves. This is not something I am willing to protect. But trust me there is rather little reason to expose it because it is too bizarre and quite frankly in my opinion something people find too evil to consider. nobody would do something like this to a person much less a population.
CORNEL - Darius Crane's job and the others who used these weapons on you was to keep you constantly confused. Constantly coming up with theories as to why this was happening.
DENNY - 6 months in you can really not function. It's literally all consuming.
Friends you once knew stop talking to you . You stop talking to them. I could talk of nothing else . And I believe this was the point .My job was to play up it being torture ..good old fashioned torture not the for lack of a better word"Blue Beam " stuff...I was an artist who painted and drew about cynical things..who questioned the company line..did that make me a dissident- no..but close enough that I could be used as someone who might have had it coming. "Gotham " does not fear any dissident ..words do not matters..or posts..or protest..what's trending means something for a few weeks ..if something is to trend it is trended by those who wish to create a Happening ..that implies "The People" matter..some laws are changed..and this proves to the "masses" we are - part of the process...it's absurd...and dangerous..To answer your question - i functioned as a dissident well enough to place in the public stocks..the social media - by my own hand ccrying TI.TI ! that's how it works these days..it's very ,very simple
I meet Kevin in a bar in The Narrows. He seems excited to see me. Excited to "finally " get the exposure he and "his kind" want and need. The look on his face is manic and perverse. I do not think he showers. Soon enough I know he has not. I am embarrassed to be seen with him I wonder if Kevin understands how his enthusiasm comes off to other people.
Kevin Markal calls himself a Targeted Individual as do over 10 thousand people on the web. The smell of Kevin is replaced now by the spit of Kevin , who like many suffering from mental illness are not aware of physical boundaries.
I try to back away without causing him offense he has been adamant for years wanting to explain what is happening to him.
According to one of over a hundred e-mails in the last 2 days is excited I will be the one to get "The Big Scoop".
"You might win a Pulitzer Prize for this story Biff ," Kevin says opening his laptop which reveals a screen full of sores, scabs and nasal hairs each magnified by a factor of 200. Atop each photo there is a red or blue arrow showing me rather nothing at all
The present study examined the impact of social exclusion compared to inclusion on steroid hormone concentrations as well as on subjective affect ratings.
https://youtu.be/RbBnBgLBSKc via @YouTube
Disfigurement and Acoustic Weapons -
The characteristic electrical activity of neurons results from the opening and closing of specific ion-channel proteins in the neuron plasma membrane
This study identified specific stimulus evaluation processes to be affected by a minimal group manipulation and demonstrated thereby transient top-down effects of a social context manipulation on performance monitoring.
https://youtu.be/9bVLEE153bI via @YouTube
Emotional experiences are frequently shaped by the emotional responses of co-present others. Research has shown that people constantly monitor and adapt to the incoming social–emotional signals, even without face-to-face interaction.
https://youtu.be/xFzde_Z9s7s via @YouTube
We outline general theoretical and practical implications of what we promote as enactive cinema for the neuroscientific study of online socio-emotional interaction with cinematic experiences that simulate social situations
https://youtu.be/FhjYoeUrDJ0 via @YouTube
VEDA - Seems to me - if someone wanted to create some Disney-esque version of Dissident Malcontent that's where they'd begin..with housing ..
Qi TSU - You give them too much credit
'What we say about you using god damn props you fuckin moron scratch yourself or something , re position your dick Dumbass"
VEDA says to QI TSU - I don't trust him
Qi TSU - He lives in his mother's basement - I checked. You can trust him
DARIUS thought to his "Mandlers" while providing live feed of the protest.
"Hey Dumbass, Qi Tsu and Veda Vale can see you basically - thinking- to nobody like a god damn robot " DARIUS hears seeing the now familiar face of PEDRO as free floating "demon"
DARIUS lights cigarette
We used micron sized probes to simultaneously visualize and record the calcium dynamics of thousands of neurons across multiple layers of the somatosensory cortex as the mouse engaged in a novel object exploration task, over several days.
https://youtu.be/q250igjhOO8 via @YouTube
DNA shuffling and directed evolution were employed to develop a novel adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector capable of crossing the seizure-compromised blood–brain barrier (BBB) and transducing cells in the brain
https://youtu.be/hXG2VQTZblM via @YouTube
WOMAN ( to Kate ) Oh what these children pick up from others . The movies and videos and games. Are you coming to the bonfire or are you gonna mend that rash ( pointing at the place on her arm she brushed up against)
KATE is horrified to see a swelling
KATE is confused . Excepting the tissue from the woman to rub of the stickiness. A child pulls at the woman's pant legs holding a contained of "Slime " KATE smiles at the child who makes a throat slitting gesture before placing one hand over his eye,
"Kunt" the child says.
A kind looking woman DARIUS has "telepathized to" via Proxy Cyber rubs lotion on her hand and removed a vial of The SEEDS and pours them onto her hand ,she next walks over to KATE and touches her bare arm.
saying " one of the kids tagged me with slime .do you have children?
DARIUS seeing KATE with the man comes over smiling brightly. Dressed poor. Playing the role Proxy Cyber set him up for
DARIUS stares at the man - a warning look - that KATE catches.
DARIUS , aware thinks to his Team' So much for this slag"
DARIUS hands her a Silence=Death button
KATE squatted down to speak to the Young Old Man on a rock.
MAN - None of this matters. Soon the Fire Sky Shelf will fall. Those in the know want a riot.Want a big show. It's all arranged ..but this is good , this is good..
KATE - What do you mean all arranged ?
KATE seen through the eyes of DARIUS CRANE burning some Disney poxed bead spreads handing a mother clean new sheets sans logo was also seen by DARIUS' HANDLERS on a screen. Her folded arms and suspicion now fodder for Folk Psychology by" Teams "
KATE looked at a young man who looked twice his age sitting on a rock not looking at the protesters but seemingly glad they had congregated . A slight smile on his face every time he heard a phone be stomped on by some of the children the TYPING = DEATH pack brought along..
Megaphones and Sandwich Boards are handed out . TI Kate stands in the corner suspicious that the protest has been co-opted by the University of Gotham that convinced people to wear cartoon masks last year - as to be "take seriously"
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Damian Wayne shared a post
2 hrs
I'm being destroyed by Direct Energy Weapons please someone help
Tova Shwartz replied
Please like my page Teddy Bear Circus Beer Fest
James Bloom added,
James Bloom@jimmyroybloom
Anne Frank shared a post
February 3rd 1944: “I’ve reached the point where I hardly care whether I live or die.
QI TSU - We're not gonna Hurt You Damian . This TECH ain't real ..why fuck man ( punching the kid in the mouth ) I've been typing about it for 6 years
VEDA VALE kicks BRUCE WAYNE's BOY in the stomach and loads him into a Black Van
Kindling-induced changes in plasticity of the rat amygdala and hippocampus -
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of kindling models (Hz) on calcium on water homeostasis in the brain, vascular and central nervous system