Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cole /day441

I am bad
I am soulless on the eugenic scale
and I must exit the world.

they must have known
and now I know

my mentor says it takes  integrity to exit the world privately for the greater good
The team


 neuromorphic chips that can mimic the way a human brain can process information in real-time.
With the assistance of an artificial sensory processing system, these chips are able to display cognitive abilities.
Giacomo Indiveri, professor at the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, explained that the goal of the team was to “emulate the properties of biological neurons and synapses directly on microchips.”

Researchers at the University of Berkley have   implanted mind-reading “neural dust” into human brains to facilitate connectivity of man to machine.
This dust were sprinkled onto a human brain, it  forms an “implantable neural interface system that remains viable for a lifetime.”
This dust consist of particles no more than 100 micrometers enabling millions of sensors capable of measuring electrical activity in neutrons within the brain.The activity is than interfaced to a system that has been created to recognize and decode speech and words..the system builds upon itself.The more diversity of neural patterns the easier it has become to decipher entire modes of individual language and "thought styles"
Also the brainwave to language these sensors d enable a human brain – machine interface and create a mechanical “telepathy”.
Another way scientists are endeavoring to connect man to machine is through the use of newly developed stretchy conductive material that could be attached to electrode implants to the brain or pacemakers.



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