Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Fast & Furious 8 Soundtrack Yelawolf - Louder ft InkMonstarr

BLACKIE had shown DENNY PACE his decoded words on his phone
///// B l a c k i e a n d t h e r e s t o f t h e h u ma n t r a s h h e r e a t t h e s h e l t e r li k e me s s i n g w i t h t h e w h i t e g u y s n o w o n d e r t h e y c a l l t h e m ..///
After "BLACKIE' showed him his decoded thoughts DENNY PACE was petrified
not because he did know the "apps' in his body allowed The New Way to read and write upon his mind but because "Blackie " was huge.
"Hey,hey Denny ,Lincoln said ,'I'm not going to hurt you
it's about time people really said what's on their mind"
Lincoln ,the man who slept below him on the bunk put his arm around Denny's shoulders,it was the first warm feeling Denny had experienced in months.

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