Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Hoarding is often viewed as a compulsive behavior that involves the excessive acquisition of items, regardless of their value. For some individuals, inanimate objects hold a special significance and are seen as a way to preserve memories or validate their existence. The act of hoarding low-value items, such as plastic dinner trays or old magazines, can be compared to collecting high-value luxury objects. Both behaviors involve curating one's surroundings and documenting one's life in a unique way. While some may question the significance of hoarding seemingly insignificant items, it is important to recognize that the need to possess and save objects is a common human trait. In contrast, our online activities, such as posting selfies and sharing fleeting thoughts, are often considered disposable content that does not hold the same weight as physical possessions. It is essential to understand that individuals who engage in hoarding behavior are not necessarily seeking attention or validation, but rather are driven by a deep-seated need to hold onto tangible objects as a way to make sense of their world.

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