Monday, September 25, 2023


Envision being informed of the entirety of your experiences, including being involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric facility, being compelled to consume hazardous neuroleptic medications resulting in a permanent and irreversible movement disorder, losing your place in society, and being destitute with the exception of a monthly SSI stipend that renders you dependent on others. Furthermore, imagine being informed that your psychosis was induced by neuroweapons and that your sense of paranoia was a component of a gangstalking program created by the very government that directed 'V2K' weapons at your brain, leading to your hospitalization. According to the New York Times' "The United States of Paranoia*," tens of thousands of schizophrenic social media users are being informed of this very narrative. However, journalist Mike McPhate fails to inquire as to the reason behind this phenomenon. Why are these Targeted Individual groups exacerbating an already volatile situation? These groups, which encourage schizophrenics to reinterpret their suffering as a result of an 'MK Ultra'-like Stasi government equipped with advanced weaponry intended to induce mental illness, are not only dissuading schizophrenics from seeking psychiatric treatment but also inciting them to commit acts of violence.


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