Better than Google recommending your issues are cause by neuroweapons
yes..there is some weird scam going on "Creepy pasta" -like to ( it seems ) get people like me
away from psychiatry and typing online
EVIDENCE from my information foraging
wild huh ?
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Jade See
Had a WTF moment today when I went to see a specialist today.
Doctor: What medications do you take?
Me: I am on medication for anxiety and depression.
Doctor: You have anxiety and depression? Why?!
He reccomended yoga as a way to solve my problems.
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Any TIs try Neuroleptics
anyone get tardive dyskinesia
boy, what a horror ...
Thanks .
I hear VOICES and SEE THINGS - I also Have Delusions
people in my Ten Mile Radius etc are 'playing with my mind"
on top of this I believe my thoughts are read and wrote upon by some - who knows what -
obviously my life has taken a turn for the worse
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The Life Of A Former Mental Patient
Instead of fearing people because they're different, we should embrace them because they're unique. It doesn't really matter what we look like, what we believe or how much money we have. Accepting that we all have struggles and mostly looking for the same thing, happiness/peace.
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