Monday, May 13, 2019

THIS - the word press BOG means NOTHING ..

except to those whose JOB is following a SCHIZO AFFECTIVE wee wee wee weee weee
from Pillory ( what i am on socially havinjg Called Myself a TI ! it embarrasses people to KNOW ME online and OFF in a way schizophrenia NEVER would )
and POST and POST and POST

bec ause ya' see, man

Ima' sharin' evidence Ya SEE!!!!
yeah !!!!!
I'm a TI God Damn It Sharing EVIDENCE!!!!!

to who zactly HUH!!!!
if this were real I reckon ....ah fuck it man

the point is ..
I like YOU fellow TI
( who made up that word YOU? huh ...some shill ? some mental patient ? HUH ? do you even know ???? does it even MATTER anymore did didn't it when you began this CAMPAIGN because you were terrified because something very scary was happening to you ...


let's call it what GOOGLE does - what was / is happening to you 9 and me )


also by backing these TI Targeted individual Sites

calls us REAL>>>>>>>>>>>>>
or allows us to be swayed by some very organized people
claiming INDEED !!!!!!
we are NOT CRAZY ...

huh ??
how can Google want BOTH  definitions
on it's platform

irresponsible is not really the WORD for what has happened to "supposedly thousands of TROUBLED PEOPLE " who believe

they are NOT CRAZY but in some kind of TORTURE or AI like Funded Project ..

who told us about these projects
a BOOK ?
or a website.

who is sponsoring these web sites that Kept ME and perhaps YOU
away from a Psychiatrist
away from medicines that might have prevented me
( and you ) for spending YEARS and YEARS on this USELESS TOY 


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