Monday, September 18, 2023

Comic Strip

Dear Senator Lotts,

I plan to kill a stranger with a knife to get your attention. Before I do it , I will be mailing this letter. I could think of no other way of being heard. I have been ignored by every lawyer, politician and journalist I have contacted. 

As you may be aware, Gotham’s social media groups are having a people party collecting the cries for help of the mentally ill. The data is sold the mentally ill user types another day. Unheard. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW! 

I am not sure who decided it would be a grant worthy  idea to create online groups whose sole purpose was to convince voice hearers their voices come from mind control weapons. To what end? Except to cue the voice hearer to stop treatment and have their false beliefs snowball. To what end except to illicit from the user maladaptive daydreaming. 

It is concerning how many more schizophrenics will be lured into a style of thinking that only leads to violence. IF I DO NOT DO WHAT I INTEND to stop this I have done my part to stop social media from peddling these dangerous ideas to users experiencing auditory hallucinations who need to hear their voices come from mind control weapons like a suicial person needs to be given directions to the highest building in Gotham City!  These groups, which go by various names such as Targeted Individuals, Anti-Gangstalking, Anti-Electronic Harassment, and Freedom from v2k group, among others, encourage voice hearers to believe that their voices are coming from cell towers, 5G, and even their neighbors who are supposedly armed with these weapons. The term v2k refers to voice to skull.

I urge you to take action to address these issues and prevent further harm to vulnerable individuals. We cannot allow social media platforms to continue promoting these dangerous narratives that only appeal to people who hear voices. It is our responsibility to protect those who are most vulnerable and prevent them from being lured into a style of thinking that only leads to violence.

I trust that we share the same belief that one should not encourage a voice hearer to join a conspiracy group that only caters to individuals experiencing psychosis and schizophrenia. Let us work together to ensure that these dangerous narratives are removed from social media platforms and that vulnerable individuals are protected.


Nick Dumas

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