.If the target is journalist ,agitator ,singer/songwriter of dissident or inciting material, a writer ,artist ,filmmaker ,professor persuade the target via neurotronics to present their material (ideas) in the social media so this "type" may publicly show signs of disintegration online -this might serve to not only track those who follow this type of dissident but also warn followers of this kind what can happen to those who purposely instigate detractive persuasion. Deliberately induced symptoms of mental illness via both neuro weaponry(synthetic telepathy( and /or Gaslighting street theater exercises "
(Jason Russll)
American cofounder of ‘Invisible Children’ detained by San Diego Police in ‘state of undress’
March 15 2012: A classic example of this is the case of Jason Russell, ‘an American film and theater director, choreographer, and activist who co-founded Invisible Children, Inc. He is the director of Kony 2012, a short documentary film that went viral in the beginning of March 2012.Some believe Kony was given Neurotronic Devices to "test: Synthetic Telepathy on his follwers.Many "fringe groups" are "used" for "off grid testing " In the first two weeks his video gained more than 83 million views on YouTube and became the subject of intensive media scrutiny and criticism. Its subject is the Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony, his alleged war crimes, and the movement to bring him to the International Criminal Court’.
On March 15, 2012, Russell was detained by San Diego police after he was found in a state of undress, interfering with traffic and screaming incoherently. Russell was then taken to a local hospital. According to a family statement, the diagnosis was “brief reactive psychosis, an acute state brought on by extreme exhaustion, stress, and dehydration
But this was no isolated incident. Look at the dates of similar cases of sudden ‘mental illness’ on aircraft in the United States. There were three such cases in the same month that Jason Russell was taken ill:
- American Airlines flight attendant restrained by crew
March 9 2012: ‘On March 9, an American Airlines flight attendant screamed ‘don’t blame me if we crash’ and ranted about 9/11 over the intercom during the pre-flight safety briefing. First class passengers on the flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to Chicago had to help cabin crew restrain the attendant, who suffered from bipolar disorder. Terrified onlookers called 911, telling police that the flight crew were plotting to crash the plane over the intercom. The plane was turned around and taxied back to the gate where the woman was arrested. http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/flight-attendant-rant-sends-american-airlines-flight-back/story?id=15886557.
- American pilot arrested after suffering ‘mental breakdown’ on flight
\27 March 2012: A pilot flying for the American airline JetBlue was arrested yesterday after he suffered some sort on mental breakdown during the flight. Flight 191 flying from New York’s JFK to Las Vegas had to make an emergency landing in Amarillo yesterday, some 900 miles away from its destination. A statement was issued from JFK saying that the plane was diverted “for a medical situation involving the Captain”. It’s not exactly clear why the pilot, who has been identified as Clayton Osborne, suffered a mental breakdown during the trip. However, it has been
Veteran: Clayton Osborn was a respected airline captain before he went ‘berserk’ and began running through the cabin of his own plane. He had to be restrained by a passenger and was taken to a mental hospital
- Air Canada co-pilot had nervous breakdown – hostess helped land the plane
‘In January 2008, an Air Canada flight attendant had to help make an emergency landing in Ireland after the co-pilot had a nervous breakdown. The co-pilot had to be dragged from the cockpit after he started ranting and become ‘uncooperative’ in the cockpit. He was sedated by doctors onboard the flight from Toronto to London, while the hostess who held a commercial pilot’s license took the co-pilot’s seat and helped land the plane at Shannon airport in Ireland.’
7 April 2012: ‘Since the late 1990s, there have been two high-profile crashes involving airlines that U.S. experts concluded were caused by unbalanced pilots seemingly bent on suicide. In 1997, a SilkAir Boeing 737 en route from Indonesia to Singapore went into a steep dive without any distress call, and crashed, killing all 104 people aboard. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board determined that the captain most likely disconnected the plane’s cockpit voice recorder before the dive, and the board couldn’t identify any onboard malfunctions or failures likely to have contributed to or caused the crash.
In the end, the NTSB said intentional pilot action was the only plausible explanation. But Singapore authorities disputed those conclusions and said they weren’t able to identify the cause of the crash.
Two years later, when an Egyptair Boeing 767 departing New York crashed into the Atlantic off Massachusetts’ Nantucket Island and killed 217 people, the safety board concluded that the co-pilot shut off the engines and purposely put the jetliner into a steep dive. Investigators stopped short of specifically calling it a suicide, but they couldn’t find any other explanation or cause for the accident.
Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/traffic/transit/Flight-to-OHare-Diverted-For-Cabin-Pressure-Issues-119062974.html#ixzz2MJ76VFa3
April 1 2011: Four passengers apparently fainted on an American Airlines flight headed to Chicago from Washington, D.C. because of a possible issue with cabin pressure. An American Airlines spokesman told NBC News that a couple flight attendants got dizzy as the plane reached 28,000 feet and asked the pilots to drop the oxygen masks just in case. “When the other flight attendent went up to tell the captain she got very wheezy, and actually she couldn’t speak right. She said, ‘I thought I was going crazy because the words that I had in my head were not coming out,'” said one passenger.
In his book ‘Project Soulcatcher’, Robert Duncan reports that perpetrators can turn people’s words into nonsense by using synthetic telepathy, subvocal binaural beats and maser/microwave intervention to delay the sounds people make at the subvocal stage. This is similar to what is said to happen to people with speech disorders, where audio anomalies resulting in delays in hearing their own thoughts may bring about distortions in expressing words.
A variant of the method is to take the sounds people make before they vocalise them and alter the vowel sounds, so the words come out wrong. Robert Duncan notes that perpetrators refer to this as ‘forced speech’. It is also possible to make people say words backwards, using the same principles. U.S. microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters’ brains to :go haywire down?’
April 2011: ‘A bizarre spate of television presenters dissolving into on-air gibberish has sparked claims that the U.S. military could be to blame. In four high-profile cases, the latest involving fast-talking Judge Judy’ ‘the presenters have started off speaking properly but have then descended into undecipherable nonsense – looking confused and unstable.
The frequency of the ‘attacks’ – and the fact that recorded examples of the mental meltdowns have been popular on websites – has led to conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at shadowy government experiments.
Latest victim: Judge Judy Sheindlin had to stop her courtroom TV show on Wednesday after descending into nonsensical language
A popular theory being circulated online blames the U.S. Military’s supposed research into using microwaves as a mind control weapon.
America has never admitted conducting such research but proponents say the effects – produced by microwave signals stimulating the brain with fake images and voices – exactly mimic those displayed in the recent on-air breakdowns. As to why the Pentagon might be targeting U.S. television presenters, the microwave theorists are less clear.
The phenomenon, which has provided internet video sites with some of the oddest footage for months, has now claimed one of America’s most highly paid broadcasters.
Serene Branson’s garbled Grammys report became an internet sensation, while WISCTV’s Sarah Carlson suffered a similar meltdown in January. Judith Sheindlin, the fast-talking judge on Judge Judy, was taken to hospital on Wednesday after she began speaking a nonsensical string of words during a live recording of her courtroom TV show. Studio insiders said Sheindlin, who earns £28 million a year for a show that is the most watched programme on American daytime TV, was sitting on camera and ‘started saying things that didn’t make any sense’.
Sheindlin then announced she needed to stop as she didn’t feel well and asked a crew member to call an ambulance.
The 68-year-old lawyer was released from hospital the following day but a spokesman said medical tests had not revealed what caused her garbled speech and double vision.
Over the border: Mark McAllister, of Canadian Global Toronto News, soldiered on with his report on Libya, despite his words being unintelligible Her verbal breakdown is the fourth such recent case and the odd coincidence has prompted feverish speculation over the cause.
No video has been released of the Judge Judy incident but footage of the other three has rapidly gone viral on the internet.
The first victim was Serene Branson, a Los Angeles reporter for CBS, who delivered a completely incoherent piece to camera on the Grammy music awards last month. The presenter was unable to get out her words and continued to struggle to speak for around 10 seconds outside the Staples Centre before producers cut to a video. She said later: ‘My head was definitely pounding and I was very uncomfortable, and I knew something wasn’t right. I was terrified and confused’. Her doctor later said she had suffered a complex migraine whose symptoms mimic a stroke.
Her case was followed by a Canadian news reporter whose report on his country’s contribution to the military campaign in Libya suddenly collapsed into gibberish. Mark McAllister of Global Toronto News told viewers that the Canadian defence minister had confirmed that ‘more than sifty four 18 fighter jets are spending about as much as 20 and ready to assist 600 hundred, hundred deployed over the an-amount needed’. His piece-to-camera went on to become even more odd before he signed off. His employers later confirmed there had been no problem with the autocue but McAllister had also suffered from a migraine.
In January, Sarah Carlson of WISC-TV in Wisconsin was also struck. She started out fine in her report on Wisconsin’s challenge to Barack Obama’s health care reforms, but it soon became apparent that she was having trouble forming words and the camera switched to a startled-looking co-presenter. Unlike the others, Carlson, 35, has a history of seizures, but America’s army of conspiracy theorists are unconvinced by the medical explanations.’
Settling scores, manipulating industries and communication channels "Change Agents may be using synthetic symptoms of physical and mental illnesses as a weapon in covert test according to some "just to take to spin the technology round' the
Because synthetic mental illness is inflicted invisibly, it is indistinguishable from genuine mental health conditions. This has been the biggest problem for Targeted Individuals over the years. How can they be believed, when what they are trying to describe is caused by highly classified military technology. They haven’t a hope, particularly as the medical profession has been steered away from an educated understanding of electromagnetic effects on the human body and mind.
Dr Carole Smith, in her article on ‘On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology’, Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003 and 2007, argues that for this reason, it is no longer sufficient to use traditional symptoms of mental illness as a guide for clinical diagnosis, because electromagnetic technologies used to target individuals can produce identical effects.’ http://www.globalresearch.ca/on-the-need-for-new-criteria-of-diagnosis-of-psychosis-in-the-light-of-mind-invasive-technology/7123
Perpetraitors routinely use synthetic mental illness technologies as part of criminal mind control activities. TIs also bring in the money to pay for these activities through the funding they earn for perpetrators as subjects of illicit nonconsensual research into different aspects of mental illness and altered states of awareness.
Perpetrator research tends to have a dual purpose of testing for lethal and non-lethal weapons purposes at the same time. One of the things they are testing is effectiveness of different torture methods, and there is no doubt that TIs are being used as nonconsensual subjects for that research.
What types of research are we talking about? Based on the technologies discussed above, which are used by perpetrators to inflict synthetic mental illness on TIs, it is quite possible that perpetrators are using TIs in the types of research discussed below:
Perpetrator's use a number of electromagnetic and Psychotronic tools to create the appearance of synthetic mental illnesses. One of these tools, their relevance to research on new technologies and their impact on TIs are discussed below:
- Hallucinations
- Oxygen deprivation
- Virtual reality
- Psychosis
- Brain wave immersion
Brain entrainment software:
- Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity – A.L.I.C.E.
ALICE is a synthetic telepathy audio software package designed to drive people temporarily insane. In his book ‘Project Soul Catcher‘, Robert Duncan describes a software automation tool known as a chatter ‘bot’ – short for robot – that can hold a conversation with a human indefinitely, using the same technology as synthetic telepathy.
ALICE will not stop talking to you unless you stop thinking. The moment you think, it will pick up on the thought and play it back to you in some way. It can deliver a subvocal non-stop chorus of male/female synthetic voices and sounds – scornful laughter etc, using invective, and comments on TI feelings.
The system was applied non-stop for the first two weeks of mental targeting. After that was withdrawn.
The robotic system is usually pre-programmed with recordings of a TI’s thoughts over a period of several weeks. It can be totally automated or interlinked with perpetrator real-time input. If the TI stops participating, invective or sounds like laughter or hissing may follow. Shortly afterwards the software starts again on some other topic.Often the software is Fractal...meant to "grow /learn"as "it" goes along
- Predicting TIs’ thoughts
Another technology known as a MIND (magnetically integrated neuron duplicator) function seeks to duplicate a target brain through a copy-cat parallel artificial neural network. ‘Over time the artificial network should accurately cognitively model the target‟s cognition. Because the model is artificial and computed, it can be run in fast forward and thereby predict probable next states with a set of confidence levels, speech and reactions for example, before the target‟s brain has achieved those states…Patterning previous Neural Evoked Potentials
- Psychic driving
Wikipedia describes this as: ‘A psychiatric procedure in which patients were subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behaviour. In psychic driving, patients were often exposed to hundreds of thousands of repetitions of a single statement over the course of their treatment. They were also concurrently administered muscular paralytic drugs such as curare to subdue them for the purposes of exposure to the looped messages. The procedure was pioneered by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, and used and funded by the U.S. CIA’s MKULTRA program in Canada.’ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychic_driving
The Restorative Encoding Memory Integration Neural Device (REMIND) program determines which short-term memories are encoded to enable restoration of memory through use of devices programmed to bypass injured regions of the brain. (A.I.) Researchers have demonstrates the ability to restore performance on a short-term memory task in animal models, as well as determine quantitative descriptive methods for describing the means and processes by which memory is encoded. http://www.darpa.mil/Our_Work/DSO/Programs/Restorative_Encoding_Memory_Integration_Neural_Device_(REMIND).aspx
October 16 20120: ‘The REMIND program is funded to develop a neural prosthesis, in software and in hardware, that can substitute for a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is responsible for forming new long-term memories.’ – See more at: http://viterbi.usc.edu/news/news/2012/another-grant-for.htm#sthash.b6c4ovja.dpuf
Synthetic visual hallucinations
Here’s what Robert Duncan has to say about synthetic hallucinations. ‘One objective of psychic attacks or more accurately called EEG heterodyning* attacks is to screw up someone’s visual perception.’
*To combine (a radio-frequency wave) with a locally generated wave of different frequency in order to produce a new frequency equal to the sum or differential
Referring to the Malech Patent by Dorn and Company, there is an apparatus created to cause hallucinations in remotely zoning in on the visual cortex and not the retina or cortex.’ The Matrix Deciphered – Freedom From Covert Harassment’ and…www.freedomfchs.com/thematrixdeciph.pdf
The human mind can receive both audio and visual sensations transmitted on radio electromagnetic frequencies, in the same way as we can receive radio and TV in our homes.
‘The main feature of psychosis is not hallucinations, but the inability to distinguish between internal and external stimuli. Close relatives to psychotic patients may hear voices, but since they are aware that they are unreal they can ignore them, so that the hallucinations do not affect their reality perception. Hence they are not considered to be psychotic.’
Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced, haptic systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback, in medical and gaming applications.
Furthermore, virtual reality covers remote communication environments which provide virtual presence of users with the concepts of telepresence and telexistence… The simulated environment can be similar to the real world in order to create a lifelike experience—for example, in simulations for pilot or combat training—or it can differ significantly from reality, such as in VR games.
‘In ‘The Ipcress File‘ a 1965 British espionage film, the hero is transported to a virtual reality torture base in an ‘Eastern Block’ Country for brainwashing. He is subjected to several days of immersion – isolation and sensory deprivation, and then a vivid world of flashing lights, horrific torture and unrecognized implanted / imprinted events, designed to convince him that his assumptions about the world were wrong, and that he is on the losing side.’ When he finally escapes, he finds he has been in London all the time.
‘The brainwashing shown is similar to a shock technique called Psychic driving pioneered by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, originally on unwitting mental hospital patients, and utilized and funded by the U.S. CIA’s MKULTRA program in Canada.’ According to this study, electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped and focused, affects the human brain/body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions and actions, produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short and long-term memory, produce an experience set and delete an experience set.
The study argued that the concept of imprinting a virtual reality experience was the coming thing.(1990'a)
‘Immersion is the state of consciousness where an immersant’s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an engrossing environment; often artificial, creating a perception of Presence in a non-physical world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immersion_(virtual_reality
True Immersive Virtual Reality’… is ‘most likely to be produced using a Brain-computer interface. An intermediate stage may be produced by “Virtual Space” using a head-mounted display with head tracking and computer control of the image presented to the helmet.’
Software interacts with the hardware technology to render the virtual environment and process the user input to provide dynamic, real-time response. To achieve this, software often integrates components of artificial intelligence and virtual worlds.
Research and development
Many universities have programs that research and develop immersive technology. Examples are Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, USC’s Computer Graphics and Immersive Technologies Lab, Iowa State Virtual Reality Applications Center, University of Buffalo’s VR Lab, and Teesside University’s Intelligent Virtual Environments Lab.
‘EEG cloning means to copy someone else’s brainwaves onto another person. The discovery made by Robert Malech allows this to be done wirelessly anywhere in the world.’ Page 8. http://www.freedomfchs.com/thematrixdeciph.pdf
‘Malech discovered he could influence brain waves just as easily as reading them. So at the other extreme, a psychic "remote viewer" can EEG clone his brainwaves onto a target.
In practice, EEG cloning would involve some kind of brain-computer interaction, possible wireless, rather than via BCI done with nano scaled bio sensors les than the size of a white blood cell bio sensors or wearable headset with biosensors in them Whole brain emulation ( mind transfer) is thel process of transferring or copying a conscious mind from a brain to a non-biological substrate(algorithms based A.I. by scanning and mapping a biological brain in detail and copying its state into a computer system or another computational device running a captured Neural Read so faithful to the original that it would behave essentially the same way as the "detained brain" such overlay was created for After being subjected to a mix of synthetic symptoms similar to mental illnesses, at some stage in the process, the TI loses touch with reality. To a clinician that looks like mental illness. It is not uncommon for TIs to be sectioned or consigned to a secure mental institution at that point.
American cofounder of ‘Invisible Children’ detained by San Diego Police in ‘state of undress’
March 15 2012: A classic example of this is the case of Jason Russell, ‘an American film and theater director, choreographer, and activist who co-founded Invisible Children, Inc. He is the director of Kony 2012, a short documentary film that went viral in the beginning of March 2012.Some believe Kony was given Neurotronic Devices to "test: Synthetic Telepathy on his follwers.Many "fringe groups" are "used" for "off grid testing " In the first two weeks his video gained more than 83 million views on YouTube and became the subject of intensive media scrutiny and criticism. Its subject is the Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony, his alleged war crimes, and the movement to bring him to the International Criminal Court’.
On March 15, 2012, Russell was detained by San Diego police after he was found in a state of undress, interfering with traffic and screaming incoherently. Russell was then taken to a local hospital. According to a family statement, the diagnosis was “brief reactive psychosis, an acute state brought on by extreme exhaustion, stress, and dehydration
But this was no isolated incident. Look at the dates of similar cases of sudden ‘mental illness’ on aircraft in the United States. There were three such cases in the same month that Jason Russell was taken ill:
- American Airlines flight attendant restrained by crew
March 9 2012: ‘On March 9, an American Airlines flight attendant screamed ‘don’t blame me if we crash’ and ranted about 9/11 over the intercom during the pre-flight safety briefing. First class passengers on the flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to Chicago had to help cabin crew restrain the attendant, who suffered from bipolar disorder. Terrified onlookers called 911, telling police that the flight crew were plotting to crash the plane over the intercom. The plane was turned around and taxied back to the gate where the woman was arrested. http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/flight-attendant-rant-sends-american-airlines-flight-back/story?id=15886557.
- American pilot arrested after suffering ‘mental breakdown’ on flight
\27 March 2012: A pilot flying for the American airline JetBlue was arrested yesterday after he suffered some sort on mental breakdown during the flight. Flight 191 flying from New York’s JFK to Las Vegas had to make an emergency landing in Amarillo yesterday, some 900 miles away from its destination. A statement was issued from JFK saying that the plane was diverted “for a medical situation involving the Captain”. It’s not exactly clear why the pilot, who has been identified as Clayton Osborne, suffered a mental breakdown during the trip. However, it has been
Veteran: Clayton Osborn was a respected airline captain before he went ‘berserk’ and began running through the cabin of his own plane. He had to be restrained by a passenger and was taken to a mental hospital
- Air Canada co-pilot had nervous breakdown – hostess helped land the plane
‘In January 2008, an Air Canada flight attendant had to help make an emergency landing in Ireland after the co-pilot had a nervous breakdown. The co-pilot had to be dragged from the cockpit after he started ranting and become ‘uncooperative’ in the cockpit. He was sedated by doctors onboard the flight from Toronto to London, while the hostess who held a commercial pilot’s license took the co-pilot’s seat and helped land the plane at Shannon airport in Ireland.’
- - Jet Blue flight attendant arrested after escaping down emergency exit slide
- In August 2010,
7 April 2012: ‘Since the late 1990s, there have been two high-profile crashes involving airlines that U.S. experts concluded were caused by unbalanced pilots seemingly bent on suicide. In 1997, a SilkAir Boeing 737 en route from Indonesia to Singapore went into a steep dive without any distress call, and crashed, killing all 104 people aboard. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board determined that the captain most likely disconnected the plane’s cockpit voice recorder before the dive, and the board couldn’t identify any onboard malfunctions or failures likely to have contributed to or caused the crash.
In the end, the NTSB said intentional pilot action was the only plausible explanation. But Singapore authorities disputed those conclusions and said they weren’t able to identify the cause of the crash.
Two years later, when an Egyptair Boeing 767 departing New York crashed into the Atlantic off Massachusetts’ Nantucket Island and killed 217 people, the safety board concluded that the co-pilot shut off the engines and purposely put the jetliner into a steep dive. Investigators stopped short of specifically calling it a suicide, but they couldn’t find any other explanation or cause for the accident.
- ‘I thought I was going crazy because the words that I had in my head were not coming out’
Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/traffic/transit/Flight-to-OHare-Diverted-For-Cabin-Pressure-Issues-119062974.html#ixzz2MJ76VFa3
April 1 2011: Four passengers apparently fainted on an American Airlines flight headed to Chicago from Washington, D.C. because of a possible issue with cabin pressure. An American Airlines spokesman told NBC News that a couple flight attendants got dizzy as the plane reached 28,000 feet and asked the pilots to drop the oxygen masks just in case. “When the other flight attendent went up to tell the captain she got very wheezy, and actually she couldn’t speak right. She said, ‘I thought I was going crazy because the words that I had in my head were not coming out,'” said one passenger.
In his book ‘Project Soulcatcher’, Robert Duncan reports that perpetrators can turn people’s words into nonsense by using synthetic telepathy, subvocal binaural beats and maser/microwave intervention to delay the sounds people make at the subvocal stage. This is similar to what is said to happen to people with speech disorders, where audio anomalies resulting in delays in hearing their own thoughts may bring about distortions in expressing words.
A variant of the method is to take the sounds people make before they vocalise them and alter the vowel sounds, so the words come out wrong. Robert Duncan notes that perpetrators refer to this as ‘forced speech’. It is also possible to make people say words backwards, using the same principles. U.S. microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters’ brains to :go haywire down?’
April 2011: ‘A bizarre spate of television presenters dissolving into on-air gibberish has sparked claims that the U.S. military could be to blame. In four high-profile cases, the latest involving fast-talking Judge Judy’ ‘the presenters have started off speaking properly but have then descended into undecipherable nonsense – looking confused and unstable.
The frequency of the ‘attacks’ – and the fact that recorded examples of the mental meltdowns have been popular on websites – has led to conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at shadowy government experiments.
Latest victim: Judge Judy Sheindlin had to stop her courtroom TV show on Wednesday after descending into nonsensical language
A popular theory being circulated online blames the U.S. Military’s supposed research into using microwaves as a mind control weapon.
America has never admitted conducting such research but proponents say the effects – produced by microwave signals stimulating the brain with fake images and voices – exactly mimic those displayed in the recent on-air breakdowns. As to why the Pentagon might be targeting U.S. television presenters, the microwave theorists are less clear.
The phenomenon, which has provided internet video sites with some of the oddest footage for months, has now claimed one of America’s most highly paid broadcasters.
Serene Branson’s garbled Grammys report became an internet sensation, while WISCTV’s Sarah Carlson suffered a similar meltdown in January. Judith Sheindlin, the fast-talking judge on Judge Judy, was taken to hospital on Wednesday after she began speaking a nonsensical string of words during a live recording of her courtroom TV show. Studio insiders said Sheindlin, who earns £28 million a year for a show that is the most watched programme on American daytime TV, was sitting on camera and ‘started saying things that didn’t make any sense’.
Sheindlin then announced she needed to stop as she didn’t feel well and asked a crew member to call an ambulance.
The 68-year-old lawyer was released from hospital the following day but a spokesman said medical tests had not revealed what caused her garbled speech and double vision.
Over the border: Mark McAllister, of Canadian Global Toronto News, soldiered on with his report on Libya, despite his words being unintelligible Her verbal breakdown is the fourth such recent case and the odd coincidence has prompted feverish speculation over the cause.
No video has been released of the Judge Judy incident but footage of the other three has rapidly gone viral on the internet.
The first victim was Serene Branson, a Los Angeles reporter for CBS, who delivered a completely incoherent piece to camera on the Grammy music awards last month. The presenter was unable to get out her words and continued to struggle to speak for around 10 seconds outside the Staples Centre before producers cut to a video. She said later: ‘My head was definitely pounding and I was very uncomfortable, and I knew something wasn’t right. I was terrified and confused’. Her doctor later said she had suffered a complex migraine whose symptoms mimic a stroke.
Her case was followed by a Canadian news reporter whose report on his country’s contribution to the military campaign in Libya suddenly collapsed into gibberish. Mark McAllister of Global Toronto News told viewers that the Canadian defence minister had confirmed that ‘more than sifty four 18 fighter jets are spending about as much as 20 and ready to assist 600 hundred, hundred deployed over the an-amount needed’. His piece-to-camera went on to become even more odd before he signed off. His employers later confirmed there had been no problem with the autocue but McAllister had also suffered from a migraine.
In January, Sarah Carlson of WISC-TV in Wisconsin was also struck. She started out fine in her report on Wisconsin’s challenge to Barack Obama’s health care reforms, but it soon became apparent that she was having trouble forming words and the camera switched to a startled-looking co-presenter. Unlike the others, Carlson, 35, has a history of seizures, but America’s army of conspiracy theorists are unconvinced by the medical explanations.’
Settling scores, manipulating industries and communication channels "Change Agents may be using synthetic symptoms of physical and mental illnesses as a weapon in covert test according to some "just to take to spin the technology round' the
Because synthetic mental illness is inflicted invisibly, it is indistinguishable from genuine mental health conditions. This has been the biggest problem for Targeted Individuals over the years. How can they be believed, when what they are trying to describe is caused by highly classified military technology. They haven’t a hope, particularly as the medical profession has been steered away from an educated understanding of electromagnetic effects on the human body and mind.
Dr Carole Smith, in her article on ‘On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology’, Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003 and 2007, argues that for this reason, it is no longer sufficient to use traditional symptoms of mental illness as a guide for clinical diagnosis, because electromagnetic technologies used to target individuals can produce identical effects.’ http://www.globalresearch.ca/on-the-need-for-new-criteria-of-diagnosis-of-psychosis-in-the-light-of-mind-invasive-technology/7123
Perpetraitors routinely use synthetic mental illness technologies as part of criminal mind control activities. TIs also bring in the money to pay for these activities through the funding they earn for perpetrators as subjects of illicit nonconsensual research into different aspects of mental illness and altered states of awareness.
Perpetrator research tends to have a dual purpose of testing for lethal and non-lethal weapons purposes at the same time. One of the things they are testing is effectiveness of different torture methods, and there is no doubt that TIs are being used as nonconsensual subjects for that research.
What types of research are we talking about? Based on the technologies discussed above, which are used by perpetrators to inflict synthetic mental illness on TIs, it is quite possible that perpetrators are using TIs in the types of research discussed below:
Perpetrator's use a number of electromagnetic and Psychotronic tools to create the appearance of synthetic mental illnesses. One of these tools, their relevance to research on new technologies and their impact on TIs are discussed below:
- Brain entrainment software
- Hallucinations
- Oxygen deprivation
- Virtual reality
- Psychosis
- Brain wave immersion
Brain entrainment software:
- Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity – A.L.I.C.E.
ALICE is a synthetic telepathy audio software package designed to drive people temporarily insane. In his book ‘Project Soul Catcher‘, Robert Duncan describes a software automation tool known as a chatter ‘bot’ – short for robot – that can hold a conversation with a human indefinitely, using the same technology as synthetic telepathy.
ALICE will not stop talking to you unless you stop thinking. The moment you think, it will pick up on the thought and play it back to you in some way. It can deliver a subvocal non-stop chorus of male/female synthetic voices and sounds – scornful laughter etc, using invective, and comments on TI feelings.
The system was applied non-stop for the first two weeks of mental targeting. After that was withdrawn.
The robotic system is usually pre-programmed with recordings of a TI’s thoughts over a period of several weeks. It can be totally automated or interlinked with perpetrator real-time input. If the TI stops participating, invective or sounds like laughter or hissing may follow. Shortly afterwards the software starts again on some other topic.Often the software is Fractal...meant to "grow /learn"as "it" goes along
- Predicting TIs’ thoughts
Another technology known as a MIND (magnetically integrated neuron duplicator) function seeks to duplicate a target brain through a copy-cat parallel artificial neural network. ‘Over time the artificial network should accurately cognitively model the target‟s cognition. Because the model is artificial and computed, it can be run in fast forward and thereby predict probable next states with a set of confidence levels, speech and reactions for example, before the target‟s brain has achieved those states…Patterning previous Neural Evoked Potentials
- Psychic driving
Wikipedia describes this as: ‘A psychiatric procedure in which patients were subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behaviour. In psychic driving, patients were often exposed to hundreds of thousands of repetitions of a single statement over the course of their treatment. They were also concurrently administered muscular paralytic drugs such as curare to subdue them for the purposes of exposure to the looped messages. The procedure was pioneered by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, and used and funded by the U.S. CIA’s MKULTRA program in Canada.’ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychic_driving
The Restorative Encoding Memory Integration Neural Device (REMIND) program determines which short-term memories are encoded to enable restoration of memory through use of devices programmed to bypass injured regions of the brain. (A.I.) Researchers have demonstrates the ability to restore performance on a short-term memory task in animal models, as well as determine quantitative descriptive methods for describing the means and processes by which memory is encoded. http://www.darpa.mil/Our_Work/DSO/Programs/Restorative_Encoding_Memory_Integration_Neural_Device_(REMIND).aspx
October 16 20120: ‘The REMIND program is funded to develop a neural prosthesis, in software and in hardware, that can substitute for a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is responsible for forming new long-term memories.’ – See more at: http://viterbi.usc.edu/news/news/2012/another-grant-for.htm#sthash.b6c4ovja.dpuf
Synthetic visual hallucinations
Here’s what Robert Duncan has to say about synthetic hallucinations. ‘One objective of psychic attacks or more accurately called EEG heterodyning* attacks is to screw up someone’s visual perception.’
*To combine (a radio-frequency wave) with a locally generated wave of different frequency in order to produce a new frequency equal to the sum or differential
Referring to the Malech Patent by Dorn and Company, there is an apparatus created to cause hallucinations in remotely zoning in on the visual cortex and not the retina or cortex.’ The Matrix Deciphered – Freedom From Covert Harassment’ and…www.freedomfchs.com/thematrixdeciph.pdf
- Manipulation of electromagnetic radiation can produce synthetic hallucinations
The human mind can receive both audio and visual sensations transmitted on radio electromagnetic frequencies, in the same way as we can receive radio and TV in our homes.
‘The main feature of psychosis is not hallucinations, but the inability to distinguish between internal and external stimuli. Close relatives to psychotic patients may hear voices, but since they are aware that they are unreal they can ignore them, so that the hallucinations do not affect their reality perception. Hence they are not considered to be psychotic.’
Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced, haptic systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback, in medical and gaming applications.
Furthermore, virtual reality covers remote communication environments which provide virtual presence of users with the concepts of telepresence and telexistence… The simulated environment can be similar to the real world in order to create a lifelike experience—for example, in simulations for pilot or combat training—or it can differ significantly from reality, such as in VR games.
‘In ‘The Ipcress File‘ a 1965 British espionage film, the hero is transported to a virtual reality torture base in an ‘Eastern Block’ Country for brainwashing. He is subjected to several days of immersion – isolation and sensory deprivation, and then a vivid world of flashing lights, horrific torture and unrecognized implanted / imprinted events, designed to convince him that his assumptions about the world were wrong, and that he is on the losing side.’ When he finally escapes, he finds he has been in London all the time.
‘The brainwashing shown is similar to a shock technique called Psychic driving pioneered by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, originally on unwitting mental hospital patients, and utilized and funded by the U.S. CIA’s MKULTRA program in Canada.’ According to this study, electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped and focused, affects the human brain/body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions and actions, produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short and long-term memory, produce an experience set and delete an experience set.
The study argued that the concept of imprinting a virtual reality experience was the coming thing.(1990'a)
‘Immersion is the state of consciousness where an immersant’s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an engrossing environment; often artificial, creating a perception of Presence in a non-physical world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immersion_(virtual_reality
True Immersive Virtual Reality’… is ‘most likely to be produced using a Brain-computer interface. An intermediate stage may be produced by “Virtual Space” using a head-mounted display with head tracking and computer control of the image presented to the helmet.’
Software interacts with the hardware technology to render the virtual environment and process the user input to provide dynamic, real-time response. To achieve this, software often integrates components of artificial intelligence and virtual worlds.
Research and development
Many universities have programs that research and develop immersive technology. Examples are Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, USC’s Computer Graphics and Immersive Technologies Lab, Iowa State Virtual Reality Applications Center, University of Buffalo’s VR Lab, and Teesside University’s Intelligent Virtual Environments Lab.
‘EEG cloning means to copy someone else’s brainwaves onto another person. The discovery made by Robert Malech allows this to be done wirelessly anywhere in the world.’ Page 8. http://www.freedomfchs.com/thematrixdeciph.pdf
‘Malech discovered he could influence brain waves just as easily as reading them. So at the other extreme, a psychic "remote viewer" can EEG clone his brainwaves onto a target.
In practice, EEG cloning would involve some kind of brain-computer interaction, possible wireless, rather than via BCI done with nano scaled bio sensors les than the size of a white blood cell bio sensors or wearable headset with biosensors in them Whole brain emulation ( mind transfer) is thel process of transferring or copying a conscious mind from a brain to a non-biological substrate(algorithms based A.I. by scanning and mapping a biological brain in detail and copying its state into a computer system or another computational device running a captured Neural Read so faithful to the original that it would behave essentially the same way as the "detained brain" such overlay was created for After being subjected to a mix of synthetic symptoms similar to mental illnesses, at some stage in the process, the TI loses touch with reality. To a clinician that looks like mental illness. It is not uncommon for TIs to be sectioned or consigned to a secure mental institution at that point.
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