He's not your little puppet Evan,"Valerie,said,referring to Cole Cohen,Evan Rainy's Proxy
Valerie often wondered how someone who looked so fuckable could also be such as fuckhead.
Gary only married his first wife ,Sally Brenning because she was " starlet gorgeous."..
Gary Rainy had published his bestseller "Inway to the Enways "
The book made him something of a star. A property.
And Sally Brenning was THAN
something of a property herself
These two properties Propped each other up
Gary made the rounds to promote the book and his philosophy the book was based upon
Tv interviews
Radio interviews
Magazine interviews
and Sally Rainy
quit 'the acting biz"
to play act " The author s"wife'
Sally did not realize just how much genuine "play acting" Gary
expected of her....
His 3nd book -an addendum to "Inways to the Enway's" was to be about raising children in a "Stylized Manner"
that require the children of Neuronautics not only "role play their Inways to adulthood...but that the adults in their ward would Role Play their "parts: as Parents in a manner that was symbolic in nature rather than "hand's on" and sentimental....
Gary saw his dream of a Collective Mind only being made possible and access-able to the largest number by asking all member's of The Movement to raise their children in a manner that might be refferred to as "Street Theater"for lack of a better term
In this way
the EVERYONE in the Group
would have the same Referentials
to later look back on
Gary's plan was to create world based on associations and cues that
would cause a subconscious affinity
with The New Way
that he literally wanted his son's life to be
event to event
Gary believed in ritualized parenting .
and ritual
and routines meant
following a paradigm
a script
he said "you can't make a π , a product of a sequence
with out cooking the sequence just so
unless you want me to just through the π out...
and you sure can't serve a π without all the fillings inside
being mixed just right
can ya'? Or you'll just have to through the product of sequence away and start from scratch
and you sure can't layer a π surface
and present this π
to guests
and constituents
if every stage of theπ 's preparation was billydibunk built
When Sally told Gary that Evan was not a pie..or a π..project
Gary told Sally that he'd better be...
or he have to throw the π and the πmaker the π RUINER out into the street
Sally knew Gary was under alot of pressure and got "carried away" with his idea concerning
his philosophies regarding spreading the "good News" of Neuronautics
not only in his words but in his actions
but Sally had never assumed Gary would purposely birth a child to raise
with Ingrains...Ingrain He Himself instilled -so he would know exactly what
Ingrains he would have to remove from Evan whom he already called π
so Evan would be free and clear of Ruiner based Associations
..One was only as good as one's last book..
and Gary had received (after asking for a very large advance) for his follow up which would make Dr.Spock look like the Dr Shlock that he was...His follow up to "Inways " was to be about a "Neuronautic's based child rearing techniques...or "Child Crafting'
It was the beginning end of America being concerned so much with juvenile delinquency
as the new Brood
"long hairs" made parent's nostalgic ,according to Rainy for the days when their kid at least had a little "linquent" in them
and they could tell whether their kid was a boy or girl
Instead of Gary researching modern child "breakthroughs"
that in Gary's mind all but gave the keys to the car and deed to the ranch to the kid to celebrate
the unformed child's Glories of "what wonders He or she ..presented to the world just by "falling into it"
it was the beginning of "the times" where children
were told to be praised for every smile, successful bowel movement or burp..
the few time Sally took Gar to a "playdate" or children's party or g-d forbid a playground Gary could do all he could not to bandy his hand into a fist so tight his nails to palm didn't cause bleeding.
Sally blamed it on the Dexedrine he was taking to write
his new book on "How to raise a child in Neuronatic Format"
but Gary blamed his righteous rage and vexation on
his observation of "this new breed" of future dilatant dawdlers.
Glad and Happy with themselves "just for Being"
...but Being What?
as far as Gary new no mammal he had ever heard of did not learn "How to Be" a useful member of one's tribe by
a mother or father
throwing a parade each time their kid
crawled across a room with out tumbling over...
Gary based his ideas on parenting on ancient tribal rituals that challenged their child's
"survival mechanism"
according to ancient texts...if a child was not fit enough to "take" a walk with wolves
he was fed
to the wolves
Instead Gary
concocted an idea based
nothing to chance
nothing left to the "Ruiners" who only saw Neuronautics as a Parlor Game
or extension of some time of Freudian Analysis
something housewives might take with their Miltown
to "find their impetus'
to find what "got them into "this mess" of being "owned " by a two car garage .2.5.kids and ,by now two faced husband
Gary claimed that the burgeoning Women's Liberation Movement was simply create by" the Motherment" to make most women feel worse and not better about the constraints of Motherhood and the Commitments they had made to themselves and to their husbands "for better or worse ...and all the Mendacities Betwixt the two.."
Gary admitted to "friend" Valerie Prentiss what he wanted from Sally was simply
a "template" to produce beautiful looking kid...no other reason..
.Physically Gary 's "Mating Math" was right concerning their "variables producing a" hot Number
"but Valerie thought he could have at least chosen a "Proxy"for Mothership that had something inside her besides the skin deep Tele-Genic genetics.Gary so wanted...
..as Gary 'dream was to produce a beautiful heir and next groom" his heir,his boy" (Valerie only guessed what would have happened if Gary first "spawn' was a girl....) to be...what now Adam Parker "would soon be
and because Evan knew his father found him unsuited to the task at had "to Lead and Rule" Evan's mean streak toward his father and Neuronautics intensified...Adam Parker was not Gary's nor Neuronautic's first choice to be "King Creole" but another actor who Adam had "app-ed" and made perform like some kind of" Loon" at a televised interview from Milan ...hyping Parasol Pictures version of "Communion with Imbuement" a semi fictional account of Gary's first "Walk In /Mind Walk " with the Great Entity...(while it did poorly in USA.it recouped it's costs in Europe)
Just as Evan had done with "the man who might have been King" Evan was doing on Cole Cohen ,their first choice to be a liaison between "The Jewish Problem" concerning the Jews stance on Neuronautic's hinting they wanted their influence to go beyond the Movie House to another "house "way back east...The Jews as a rule,Gary said,but did not write (at least after his than publicist encouraged him ,"Ixnay on the Ewbay"...but Gary insisted he was not Anti Semitic....but felt that the Jews minds were simply not Evolved enough "to get" Neuronautics" principals... and to damn stingy to pay for Mentorship...Anything in uniform makes the Jews Regress into Imprinted Ingrains...UNLESS of course it's an Israeli in uniform who can DO NO wrong...a decade ago Gary insisted that Neuronautics begin offering "the blacks" more status and more authoritarian positions in the Movement ...as in Gary's opinion Blacks make the best protectors...of course when Gary wrote this in Neuronautic's bi monthly magazine. All hell broke loose....and Gary(as told to be his publicist ) to elaborate that the REASON "Afro Americans make the best protectors is BECAUSE African Americans "for so long" knew what it was like to Be and feel Unprotected....Decades ago Gary foresaw The Jewish problem and therefore began a small program to raise Jews in aceratain way....and also raise non jews in the same family "stageplay" as Jews who would eventually join Neuronautics and
become Key players...in the organization .....
and debunking "the myth" that Neuronautics didn't like Jews
by Having their "King Creole " actually marry 'One of them"
or at least what would be perceived as One of them
which of course Cole Cohen (one of their many "Cole Cohen's"
was deliberately trying to undo with his endless writing-
EVAN saw fit to let slip during Tele Presence that
"his family" was a scam
Evan's replay ..was,"well I didn't think he'd believe it..!or let alone write about it..
Gary socked him in the face
and said if he wanted to
he could shove nano in his arm that would swim their way up to his face and begin
doing nano surgery on his pretty boy face that would make him see quite vividly
how ugly his duplicity was...
"yeah," Evan said holding his bleeding nose,"There's no such thing"
Gary grabbed Eva's arm and took him into his den and showed him
videos and blue prints for a bot that was designed to shape shift another.
for the rest of your life I can remotely morph you sneak ass into version of Ruiner that you can't even imagine ...."
Tru Christie their main Muralist.and terror presence OT
tried to damage control on Cole 's Woodward and Bernstein bullshit by going full mental jacket on Cole
convincing him all the BCI had been for was to
"man him up"
for his
his position as some fed.
and in 2 days time Cole Cohen became Cole L.Cohen for all time..
from day one that script was "an alternate" in case
something like this occurred
his surrogates had made him versatile in this regard
the same conversation Val had with Evan she was having again...
"He's not your puppet Evan, whatever shit your graphing to Dumbo is obviously not being gleaned by Dumbo from some osmosis"
Evan smiled and took a big gulp of beer.
Valerie smiled
knowing that the chips that could make Evan look 'not so much well on their way to more vivid forms of Persuasion
Pretty boy had been warned
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