"Neuronautics must present itself as corporation so that Neuronautics has the rights of individuated personhood ,as a corporation we will be obligated to operate for profit there will be no more brickity brack about financial gains"- Gary Rainy 1985
Corporate personhood is the legal concept that a corporation may be recognized as an individual in the eyes of the law. This doctrine forms the basis for legal recognition that corporations, as groups of people, may hold and exercise certain rights under the common law and the U.S. Constitution.
As a matter of interpretation of the word "person" in the Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. courts have extended certain constitutional protections to corporations. Opponents of corporate personhood seek to amend the U.S. Constitution to limit these rights to those provided by state law and state constitutions.
The basis for allowing corporations to assert protection under the U.S. Constitution is that they are organizations of people, and the people should not be deprived of their constitutional rights when they act collectively
The word "corporation" derives from corpus, the Latin word for body, or a "body of people." Roman Law recognized a range of corporate entities under the names universitas, corpus or collegium. These included the state itself (the populus Romanus), municipalities, and such private associations as sponsors of a religious cult. burial clubs, political groups, and guilds of craftsmen or traders. Such bodies commonly had the right to own property and make contracts, to receive gifts and legacies, to sue and be sued, and, in general, to perform legal acts through representatives. Private associations were granted designated privileges and liberties by the emperor.
Dodge v. Ford Motor Company] is a case in which the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford owed a duty to the shareholders of the Ford Motor Company to operate his business to profit his shareholders, rather than the community as a whole or employees.
Where does Merge Technology and Human Testing fit into Corporate Rules of profit margin ?and Where does Human Testing fit into the scale of "greater good" for community protection and community security?
In the United States, there are rules to protect people in every study done by federal scientists, funded by federal agencies or those testing a product requiring federal approval to be sold.
But that oversight is inconsistent — ethical rules can vary among federal agencies. What’s more, if federal funding or review is not involved, an unethical study could be done and no one in authority would ever know about it.
“We have a leaky system,” said Eric Meslin, director of the Indiana University Center for Bioethics.
Dr. Robert Califf, Duke University’s vice chancellor for clinical research, agreed there are weaknesses.
“It’s night and day and what you could do in the ‘good old days’ with no one knowing about it. But there’s no 100 percent guarantee. There still will be bad things that will happen,” he said.
"Projects that pertain to New Sciences and New Systems that will empower man and perhaps progress mankind cannot be defined by ethics which can only be defined by creation and experimentation to create New Ethics especially in the fields of Mind Augmentation. We have no comparatory paradigm to even discuss what these" Ethics" might be- {citation needed }
Where does Merge Technology and Human Testing fit into Corporate Rules of profit margin ?and Where does Human Testing fit into the scale of "greater good" for community protection and community security?
In the United States, there are rules to protect people in every study done by federal scientists, funded by federal agencies or those testing a product requiring federal approval to be sold.
But that oversight is inconsistent — ethical rules can vary among federal agencies. What’s more, if federal funding or review is not involved, an unethical study could be done and no one in authority would ever know about it.
“We have a leaky system,” said Eric Meslin, director of the Indiana University Center for Bioethics.
Dr. Robert Califf, Duke University’s vice chancellor for clinical research, agreed there are weaknesses.
“It’s night and day and what you could do in the ‘good old days’ with no one knowing about it. But there’s no 100 percent guarantee. There still will be bad things that will happen,” he said.
"Projects that pertain to New Sciences and New Systems that will empower man and perhaps progress mankind cannot be defined by ethics which can only be defined by creation and experimentation to create New Ethics especially in the fields of Mind Augmentation. We have no comparatory paradigm to even discuss what these" Ethics" might be- {citation needed }
For purposes of electronic evaluation Remote Neural Monitoring must be studied, the studies include scanning electrical activity in the speech center of the brain so it can be translated in to the subject's verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the auditory cortex of the brain directly bypassing the ear. This encoding helps in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the brain's activity from the visual center of the brain, which it does by bypassing the eyes and optic nerves, thus projecting images from the subject's brain onto a video monitor. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualized and analyzed. This system can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 millwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain. The nerves produce a shifting electrical pattern with a shifting magnetic flux which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. There are spikes and patterns which are called evoked potentials in the electromagnetic emission from the brain. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject.
The EMF emissions from the brain can be decoded into current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generating sounds and visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual communication systems, RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain to brain link or a brain-to-computer link.
A sort of "hey man I only work would I know.." Shrug
As his job is only to try to teach "how to" speak "with Merge Technology without words..
"Words," according to EVAN ,"get in the way of a good soul to soul interface , much like words get in the way of a good fuck."
"i know enough" I graph back,"I know enough that I am willing to die for my cause...and YOU have made my CAUSE perhaps not willingly a CAUSE absolutely against your own..
....tell me Evan
will "consumers" of your "product" know that they will not be able to "SHUT IT OFF"
the interface?
that once the nano goes in it never comes out
...that their mind will always be OPEN
. and that "the therapy " soon enough becomes only about Transgressionz. Or perceived disrespect..."I think ,I interface ,I Impart
...yet I know in advance I will not be answered .Only Told.
Although the interface "goes 2 ways"
it always comes down "a One Way" street of No Way Out
Evan Imparts-
"Being afraid of being made MORE OF by People who ARE MORE than you
is simply your arrogance reintroducing itself.. ...
it's as if you have chosen to remain stilted and sick because you have deluded yourself into this "I have to be me" sensibility that went out of fashion in the fucking mid 1970's buddy
if nothing else are proof that there are indeed PEOPLE in the world who so deviate from the norm that they must be watched
one who is inclined to celebrate their ABNORMALCY and attempt to distribute this sick thinking
with so called "art" that's only attribute as far as we are concerned is that it
a TYPE of degeneracy of thought so vividly is not we
but YOU who seeks to "interface" sickness into another's senses
..The world is changing finally to The New Way.
.and trust me ...TYPES such as you will be weeded out .
be re-educated
this exciting New Way of Communicating
becomes a THING of Earthly Delights
that can only be sustained in a world without dissent and diseased
The EMF emissions from the brain can be decoded into current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generating sounds and visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual communication systems, RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain to brain link or a brain-to-computer link.
Memristors simulate synaptic exchange sequences ..that we use sometimes to "keep the flow going" to alter some of your neural pathways..EVAN IMPARTS helps keep you accustomed to The New you don't wake up every morning thinkin" "what's this what's this
maybe future subjects won't need the "all nite jive" you're not the only one New at this ya know spare us the histrionics huh?
Wanting to Know all the mumble jumble of how it works's really none of your business ..
EVAN Yawns...He makes a point of projecting his annoyance at my "need to know "basis" and rather grouchily interfaces that-"quite simply the bio sensors that pepper your ingrate brain
transmit and decode the electrical synaptic connections in your fucked up noggin into either scores and scores of teletype or language
that sounds much like your whiny voice
so that we can hear what nonsense is your meandering mind is thinking,,,
trust me .by now it has become the equivalent of elevator music as so little new imput! King Baby has decreed to partake of !as it might actually mean King Baby being given "this ride for free!" might actually "share " something exciting with his Mentors.
Memristors give me and your Team a hardware like version of your "brain" and a number of predictive responses to whatever your Autistic little mind actually allows in...even your television viewing evoked potentials are somehow aberrant enough not to be of much use to other sponsors of this fantastical endeavor that Dumbo only finds tiresome...well, this blueprint of your predictive responses and this little switch that allows me to alter your emotional and cognitive capacity is my favorite part of being on THIS SIDE of the interface
for these tools
even more than Occipital Overlays and Auditory Over-Ride make ME your Master and you
to put it bluntly my bitch
in ways you have only begun to experience....
would you like to know more? Evan Imparts emoting himself as one of my unfinished paintings...which I must say look much better in 3 -d
maybe future subjects won't need the "all nite jive" you're not the only one New at this ya know spare us the histrionics huh?
Wanting to Know all the mumble jumble of how it works's really none of your business ..
EVAN Yawns...He makes a point of projecting his annoyance at my "need to know "basis" and rather grouchily interfaces that-"quite simply the bio sensors that pepper your ingrate brain
transmit and decode the electrical synaptic connections in your fucked up noggin into either scores and scores of teletype or language
that sounds much like your whiny voice
so that we can hear what nonsense is your meandering mind is thinking,,,
trust me .by now it has become the equivalent of elevator music as so little new imput! King Baby has decreed to partake of !as it might actually mean King Baby being given "this ride for free!" might actually "share " something exciting with his Mentors.
Memristors give me and your Team a hardware like version of your "brain" and a number of predictive responses to whatever your Autistic little mind actually allows in...even your television viewing evoked potentials are somehow aberrant enough not to be of much use to other sponsors of this fantastical endeavor that Dumbo only finds tiresome...well, this blueprint of your predictive responses and this little switch that allows me to alter your emotional and cognitive capacity is my favorite part of being on THIS SIDE of the interface
for these tools
even more than Occipital Overlays and Auditory Over-Ride make ME your Master and you
to put it bluntly my bitch
in ways you have only begun to experience....
would you like to know more? Evan Imparts emoting himself as one of my unfinished paintings...which I must say look much better in 3 -d
Evan ,as filled in plaster cast of one of my doodles I suppose he found interesting enough to "expand upon"
interfaces that he can interface all night
...I sense Evan is high
for I feel a Vicodin-ish/meth rush through my Merged mind
. .A treat?
Or an inducement for me to "get back on the wagon"
EVAN Imparts more science-ie junk to try to stop my obsession with Process and What he calls rudimentary med-speak of how my embeds "work"...
...I sense Evan is high
for I feel a Vicodin-ish/meth rush through my Merged mind
. .A treat?
Or an inducement for me to "get back on the wagon"
EVAN Imparts more science-ie junk to try to stop my obsession with Process and What he calls rudimentary med-speak of how my embeds "work"...
A sort of "hey man I only work would I know.." Shrug
As his job is only to try to teach "how to" speak "with Merge Technology without words..
"Words," according to EVAN ,"get in the way of a good soul to soul interface , much like words get in the way of a good fuck."
"You are playing a game you can't win," Evan Imparts
you are messing with people who don't like messes
you think you KNOW
but you don't know...we are teaching you
the right way to think and "to Be"
"i know enough" I graph back,"I know enough that I am willing to die for my cause...and YOU have made my CAUSE perhaps not willingly a CAUSE absolutely against your own..
....tell me Evan
will "consumers" of your "product" know that they will not be able to "SHUT IT OFF"
the interface?
that once the nano goes in it never comes out
...that their mind will always be OPEN
. and that "the therapy " soon enough becomes only about Transgressionz. Or perceived disrespect..."I think ,I interface ,I Impart
...yet I know in advance I will not be answered .Only Told.
Although the interface "goes 2 ways"
it always comes down "a One Way" street of No Way Out
Evan imparts a long yawn
and a Conceptual Emmitance of his Boredom .
He purposely directs my emotions to
reflective glimpse of how my "whining"
and frays upon an audience
The Audience Being Him\\.At all times Him
Evan Imparts-
"Being afraid of being made MORE OF by People who ARE MORE than you
is simply your arrogance reintroducing itself.. ...
it's as if you have chosen to remain stilted and sick because you have deluded yourself into this "I have to be me" sensibility that went out of fashion in the fucking mid 1970's buddy
if nothing else are proof that there are indeed PEOPLE in the world who so deviate from the norm that they must be watched
one who is inclined to celebrate their ABNORMALCY and attempt to distribute this sick thinking
with so called "art" that's only attribute as far as we are concerned is that it
a TYPE of degeneracy of thought so vividly is not we
but YOU who seeks to "interface" sickness into another's senses
..The world is changing finally to The New Way.
.and trust me ...TYPES such as you will be weeded out .
be re-educated
this exciting New Way of Communicating
becomes a THING of Earthly Delights
that can only be sustained in a world without dissent and diseased
Nishimoto, S. et. al. (2011). Reconstructing Visual Experiences from Brain Activity Evoked by Natural Movies. Current Biology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.08.031

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