he wouldn't call me Kalev
"too Jew-ie,"Evan said...."Neuronautics Gets the "Jew" out....how about Karl...I can't call you Kalev..Karl is good"
the annex.....was freshly carpeted.
Evan said he couldn't take the smell...
and besides
there was a new "thing" that
'like a millions billions times' more accurate than the Pinky Ring
or the "See meter"
he said," this bad boy
literally read your mind..."
on the ride over to the Neuronautics Culver City Annex Evan and I smoked some crack-
"so we'll both be ..like Simpatico
for the
Interface -"
Never one to turn down an excuse to partake-
crazy talk or not-
I simpatico-ed with Evan in the car.
and Evan says ,"and
* Neurophys- iological Experimental Brain Research and the necessity of offshoot outsourcing for multi lateral "context"-
"Whilst you can hide certain technology to an extent, what becomes very difficult to hide as time passes is the physics of a given technology"-
". Information is processed by the brain in the form of electro-chemical interactions. That is, every perception you have sends electrical signals to the brain that are routed to specific areas that deal with them. The neuron has a long strand called an axon, along this axon propagates an electrical charge. With a resting potential of -70mV an action potential moves along the axon, in a millisecond, elevating it to a voltage of +30mV which drops off over a few milliseconds. This makes an action potential a form of alternating current with an almost triangular waveform. As such, this produces a very weak form of modulated electromagnetic radiation or radio source. A neuron is a type of transducer. 
whenever you have a thought, feeling, speak or our heart beats, tiny little radio emissions are being made by the brain that emanate into free space. The real questions are, given modern technology can these signals be detected and does a method exist of associating them with particular functions? That is, whilst signals in this power range may be detectable, is there something unique about the signals that can be used to differentiate between different roles?
Let's deal with first problem, detection. I tracked down an example of satellite sensitivity to radio frequencies that should act as a baseline.
The sensitivity of our deep-space tracking antennas located around the world is truly amazing. The antennas must capture information from a signal so weak that the power striking the antenna is only 10 exponent -16 watts (1 part in 10 quadrillion). A modern-day electronic digital watch operates at a power level 20 billion times greater than this feeble level.
So, does the brain emit radio waves at a power level greater than 0.0000000000000001 Watts Never under-estimate the capabilities of current classified technology. Or one pressed to find out who and what is killing them softly with sound and vision based upon one's once private thoughts."-
he wouldn't call me Kalev
"too Jew-ie,"Evan said...."Neuronautics Gets the "Jew" out....how about Karl...I can't call you Kalev..Karl is good"
the annex.....was freshly carpeted.
Evan said he couldn't take the smell...
and besides
there was a new "thing" that
'like a millions billions times' more accurate than the Pinky Ring
or the "See meter"
he said," this bad boy
literally read your mind..."
on the ride over to the Neuronautics Culver City Annex Evan and I smoked some crack-
"so we'll both be ..like Simpatico
for the
Interface -"
Never one to turn down an excuse to partake-
crazy talk or not-
I simpatico-ed with Evan in the car.
and Evan says ,"and
there's this shit called nano...
Merge is working on- that goes beyond wearable headsets...bio
tech..it's called
little tiny undetectable shit...
attaches itself to your actual neurons..
like jizm on jockey shorts
Merge is working on- that goes beyond wearable headsets...bio
tech..it's called
little tiny undetectable shit...
attaches itself to your actual neurons..
like jizm on jockey shorts
and literally your
mind becomes a tv set,a radio and projection system all at once..
but for now all we got is the headset
I have no idea what he's talking about
mind becomes a tv set,a radio and projection system all at once..
but for now all we got is the headset
I have no idea what he's talking about
* Neurophys- iological Experimental Brain Research and the necessity of offshoot outsourcing for multi lateral "context"-
"Whilst you can hide certain technology to an extent, what becomes very difficult to hide as time passes is the physics of a given technology"-
whenever you have a thought, feeling, speak or our heart beats, tiny little radio emissions are being made by the brain that emanate into free space. The real questions are, given modern technology can these signals be detected and does a method exist of associating them with particular functions? That is, whilst signals in this power range may be detectable, is there something unique about the signals that can be used to differentiate between different roles?
Let's deal with first problem, detection. I tracked down an example of satellite sensitivity to radio frequencies that should act as a baseline.
The sensitivity of our deep-space tracking antennas located around the world is truly amazing. The antennas must capture information from a signal so weak that the power striking the antenna is only 10 exponent -16 watts (1 part in 10 quadrillion). A modern-day electronic digital watch operates at a power level 20 billion times greater than this feeble level.
So, does the brain emit radio waves at a power level greater than 0.0000000000000001 Watts Never under-estimate the capabilities of current classified technology. Or one pressed to find out who and what is killing them softly with sound and vision based upon one's once private thoughts."-
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