What becomes of a leadership that is frightened by agencies it once restrained with checks and balances?
Evan graphs..
it gets
corrected..?or more likely becomes subjected to "The New Way" it buried it's head in the sand from...
convinced by the "New Way"that has intimidated those placed in power ONLY to not be so intimidated.....we watch and we know YES the future is ours
who better than those in the field of Mind Science
know best how to convince a collective mind
to be so AFRAID of it's citizens ...so AFRAID it begins watching it's OWN....
know what happens to a child that is watched and watched. and judged and judged suspiciously
that child becomes
what he is considered...why should he not?
has he not already been branded "BAD"?hell ,I hear now EVAN mimicking his father's tone,
hell..."The Old Man" thinks I'm a degenerate, a bum...he thinks I have to be watched....like some
hood....know what I'm gonna do..
I'm gonna show that S.O.B.
something to watch
Now we gots us a Motherment who watches.
and waits
who studies and
hides behind technology
that would blow our minds
because it is scary
but because if it were out in the open it could CHANGE the world
the whole world into
now wouldn't that be terrifying.
no more war.
no more lack of empathy
congressmen? YOU DON'T think they KNOW
about these Non-consensual synthetic telepathy experiments are being done upon
they 're more concerned about their thousand dollar suits
this is not
How We Will Run the World
who can be lead by such cowards afraid of three letter agencies with guns? and now "apps"?

The world runs on first of all on the trust it places in one's leader
one's trainer
one's mentor
look how mentor ship has cleaned up your act...Dumbo
your mind.
you have learned to respect to those who "stuck by you"
who stuck
Merge Technology in you
to save you
Let me explain ,Evan graphs,How important "a neural read is"
a New Movement
like Neuronautics
who understands
HUMAN- HOOD just a wee bit better than some guys in Black Slacks ?
the world seen by Black Slacks becomes .or soon becomes a world
that sees it's self the way Black Slacks see the population
the world !
begins to see this nation
as Black Slacks ...
we wear blue shirts and beige pants.we wear a tie that says :I respect that my Father wore a tie to work each morning..
and the beige pants symbolize
"hey ...every day as a Neuronaut is Dress Down Day"
the light blue shirt
is the light blue sky
WE use the very same technology THEY misuse to
to the Wilder Blue Yonders
have technology that can decipher the mind's electrical impulses
allowing once private thoughts to be broadcast by means of microwave transceivers, infrasound and ultrasound and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer.
The *** calls this technology SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and the need for microscopic computer implants is obsolete as this "work" has been studied and re developed in one form or another for close to 40 years
Synthetic Telepathy is used for conducting "hands off" exercises against targeted "dissidents"...silent words thought by their victims literally may appear on the operator's computer monitor screens and more elaborate "Brain Link"technology enables a "Tele-Operator the capacity to literally feel and sense their target's emotions and memories . Billions of dollars and dozens of private industries are involved in this "research" The synthetic telepathy operators can also place their own emotions and words into their victims by means Mind Augment technology and they can alter the texture ,tone and quality of " voice" behind words so the target can not convincingly remain sure his thoughts are his or her own ...electromagnetic psychological warfare and mind control which today is "on again off again" declassified:
I type on knowing that as difficult as it may be to believe this information for one not "branded" with it for whatever reason....I also have no doubt that no matter how many facts, allusions or demonstrations(fictions) I use to introduce the reader to the reality of this technology's nature...Those on control of this technology will not be stopped...many senators and congressman have tried to dissuade this "work" but have been encouraged it is for our own security...and there are equally threats to their own private security in terms of career security and otherwise.I would not be writing this if I had a wife or child...I know how these things often end...ironically one becomes not so scared of an early end because the technology is that horrific, intrusive and soul destroying.-
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