...he does not have a single shape but his appearance changes. Sometimes he is ruddy, sometimes he is white, sometimes he is red, sometimes he is wheat coloured, sometimes he is pallid like ascetics, sometimes he is a youth, sometimes an old man ...Origen,Contra Cesum 185 A.D
Shape-shifting Nanoparticles Flip from Sphere to Net in Response to Tumor Signal
Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, have designed tiny spherical particles to float easily through the bloodstream after injection, then assemble into a durable scaffold within diseased tissue. An enzyme produced by a specific type of tumor can trigger the transformation of the spheres into netlike structures that accumulate at the site of a cancer, the team reports in the journal Advanced Materials this week.Each nanoparticle is made of many detergent-like molecules with one end that mixes readily with water and another that repels it. In solution, they self assemble into balls with the water-repellant ends inside, and in that configuration can easily be injected into a vein.
Different versions of these nanoparticles could be designed for different functions including cosmetic surgery
the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
SUBJECT :"Day of the Proxy "
Dear Dumbo..sorry about the outburst at the depo)
Dear Dumbo..sorry about the outburst at the depo)
I do not like being
nor like feeling mandled or interrogated
DO YOU by either your Mandlers or Real People?
I know I know your Mandlers ARE Real people
and to be honest IT helps to think like you
I mean like that for the movie script
and to be honest IT helps to think like you
I mean like that for the movie script
nuff" said
about the dodge dakota dakota fanning incident which we will NEVER refer to again
nuff' said is always better than sorry
nuff' said is always better than sorry
besides your Mandlers might think saying sorry is "too gay" or something
anywho I painted the cupboard" a whiter shade of pale"
and rushed back to "the story"
first of all I've decided no more Zac Effron...
I simply cannot see Zac and Eric Bana together on screen as a couple, much less fucking each other
Zac is handsome but this Brandon Eaton is hot
I know
I Know
your mandlers hate when I talk about sex
you autistic schizo affect types aren't into sex
you just sorta lay there.
if say United Artists or something says we want Zac Effron for the part of Cole
not Brandon Eaton
I will tell them we will take our screenplay ,our original screen play!elsewhere(based on true facts by the way I will tell them...as my dear friend was taken by such a group quite some time ago
and we ain't talkin aliens)
in fact
perhaps we say screw Hollywood entirely!
fuck the bourgeois
fuck United Artists
I say we take this bitch straight to France
if we let them make the film in France
no Brandon:(
the story so far....
Cole,a 20 something hipster (Brandon Eaton) is turned into a human puppet by some trolls/igor "body snatchers" at DomeProxyCyber
DomeProxyCyber is a company that specializes in testing mind augment technology
and has a strange working relationship with both a "self help group"
and a movie company who places referentials based on the self help group's teachings
into film and Tv already(That wicked Valerie Prentis!don't worry dumbo she gets hers in the 3rd act...I hate Mandlers!!I will save you from being Mandled and all your Mandled brothers and Sisters!this film will expose psychotronic slavery and the plight of poor fucked up Dumbo!who they have all but destroyed!)
and has plans to place all sorts of associations and "triggers"into Parasol Picture's latest venture...
Immersive Reality
not suprisingly
Parasol pics & the Neuronauts have carte blanche to do what they like
including human testing
and to bring some money into
this nasty endeavor some of
these "foundlings" are used
Human Traffic
as DomeProxyCyber has the hardware and wetware
to literally
a person
to a transmit both their thoughts and sensations
besides these acquisitions
these owned
selling their flesh face to face
they are also "doing johns" mind to mind
to anyone who has paid to use a special bio sensor headset which
for instance if Cole gets punched or blown
the person wearing the headset also Feels as if he is getting punched or blown
Cole has been essentially sold to a "sponsor" who keeps him under his thumb
by the thumb he keeps on his
remote control
there are more horrors than a complete sensory cognative over -ride!!!
DomeProxyCyber has created nano particles that can alter one's appearance!
the Cosmetic Nano is used to control a Proxy's appearance
and DomeProxyCyber takes full advantage of this for utmost control!
besides making someone a near perfect ten (Brandon Eaton..yum!)
they can also make a person hideously disfigured!!
Brandon Eaton goes zero to 100 to Brandon Beaten ...
act 2
A turncoat from DomeProxyCyber decides to stir up waves
by visiting some "on the list" of human experiments
letting them know who did this to them
and where they can be found
in return the turn coat wants some "get some get some " from Cole
until of course his Mandlers shift his looks
to monster mash
he must gain the confidence of a scientist who can "turn off the transmission"and turn on the Looks inducing Nano
the turncoat (Ed Norton) convinces a scientist (Eric Bana) to create a Mega Q Wave Defender!
all the scientist wants in return
is Cole
even in his currently
disfigured state
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