"SAW" was about some man, some criminal who thought it was his job in life to teach people who had lost their moral compass lessons in "How to Be"
but Their job is not always about trying to teach my wayward mind lessons about morality
but moreso how to THINK TOWARDS THEM
in a style that was
an 'easy read"
if you can imagine people in some sophisticated office park
equipped like
a control room
for airplanes
but inthis case people
not planes are
and steered through "the game of Life"
which interact with the millions of tiny nano inserts
some 'wise guys' decided to "app" you with
although at first the working with intercranial manipulations is novel to them
eventually like any job
the novelty and excitement of either being a Mentor or a Proxy
wears off
and at least for the Mentors it's about ease
and their comfort.
not your own..
what one thinks
quite important
as enough dis-ease-ful
neural reads
makes for a bad work environment..
let me give you an example.
if you like you may use your
understanding of schizophrenic aural and visual hallucinations
as a way to absorb my
descriptions of my "possession"
and you tell me
if this "event" reads like a typical
psychotic break..
which from my reading of such a thought disorder indicate that a person
who feels impelled and intruded upon by supernatural entities
usually is not
punished by the real or imagined "spirits' by
what most spirits I imagine would consider patty offences of the mind they have deemed
to interpretation...
"For instance," Evan imparted ,"you spent 2.9 seconds staring at boil on the cashier"s cheek,thus I by Proxy spent 2.9 seconds with that image in my head...which I cannot get out by the way
Evan does not care for life's imperfections ,nor the way he indicates I deliberately interfaced the boil as a TIGHT SHOT.I cannot help how my mind SEES things.Although Evan has taught me to try to see things in a WIDE SHOT and never to go CLOSE UP with out at least a 7 second warning..
"I didn't stare! at the woman's boil and I surely did not focus my gaze on her pimple to either make her feel self conscious or moreso to "Hurt" or "freak out " Evan by the casual observation of such..as taught I quickly moved on to a SLOW DISSOLVE to my .i mean "our" safe zone currently a high varnish painting of glistening deep purple grapes on an oil cloth..
"you didn't REEL fast enough!"
"you didn't REEL fast enough"!
Evan shouts through my nervous system..
I graph to him that if I "reeled" or did a cerebral JUMP CUT it would have shown in that supposed 2.9 second parsal of time and the cashier woul;d have felt bad.
"I don't care about the cashier noticing an Intranueral JUMP CUT asshole!
We're working on much more important things here..let the cashier think you have Tics or something.."

10.15.99 - Reconstructed movie showing animal view of world ...
Oct 15, 1999 - Reconstructed movie showing animal view of world proves scientists have a ...versions of the scenes that played out before the cat's eyes
I visualize the grapes .
"Don't you dare try to FADE me OUT Scumbo.."
...as always somehow I am responsible for MY PART into making THIS a freak show.NOT them ...as if anyone with a sense of play to them might just roll with being rolled over like a bulldozer whenever THEY want to try to gather new Neural Spikes...They tried that Beer Ad Jump into IT stuff...but cease to mention
how intense
the gathering of spikes is.
and how they all but turned me against GOING or DOING anything outside of some SAFE SPOT
by going FULL TILT Voice of God ,hand of God if i even think of leaving the state ...
One goes a bit Frankenstein when new buttons are pushed when one goes
the Bungee jump beer Ad
imprints of Fear
of being alone.
with Mentors.
unfortunately i have done little prior to being "apped" to set a Core State of self.
never mind things like finances..
present realities of Upkeep.
They don't
so much that for close to a year i said the hell with upkeep at all and mistakenly dealt with
Cybernetics.like it was the pissing contest it became.
took the easy way out
smoking enough crack to
barely think
(and alibi also for my strange behavior around town ..to make up for the tiny posters I made about Human Experimentation last xmas...as many excuses as they have for breaking the law or the boundries is what I myself began thinking like.
Now things ..thanks i admit to my treating the interface like "survivor' as they seemed to treat the interface Mentorship as fucking "Scanners"
sometimes I imagine myself in court sueing a group allowed to "fiddle about" as they reiterate that any "normal fella" would love to be an Urban Astronaut not a Narc about it...but I barely get into HOW
CRUEL some of these
Mentors can be...
the taunting however is to WAKE ME UP and FORTIFY me against
future "apping' by OTHER companies...
or some such shit...
this ain't no Beer Ad..
this isn't a Bungee jump
I sometimes must remeber I did nothing so wrong in life to deserve to be a human experiment
that no one including real criminals should ever be punished with a technology that is unseen and beyond the law..and that a right above all man and "machinery man makes" is the right to think what one likes'
'should a child molester be allowed to think as he likes Dumbo or a person with a box cutter getting on a plane? OR is it proven science that some fantasies .some intent by criminals lead in fact to action.Mr Know It All huh Dumbo...Mr Know nothing.Mr Ruiner ," Evan says
as I try to think if murderers or molesters etc should "be allowed" to think "wrong" if their fantasies lead to intent and action"
Leave me alone !" I graph in a manner that i cannot tell if Evan hears as high pitched and meant to "hurt him" with a sense of sound..
I stop.thinking like this.This is how one goes genuinely crazy....and one cannot take bacvk a graph as one cannot unring a bell or take back a transmitted boil on a casdhier 's face.
Cyber means steer in Latin
i suppose there was no word for record in Latin because back than there were no devices for recording,let alone a human being.
I am a reluctant Cyborg I think ...trying to get a vague sense of humor.and skip to less serious thoughts as to the Reasons Why this type of Testing might have to be done...
.I am hesitant to write that word .-Cyborg.
"WHY! " Evan shouts" "Because IT is Fun and Frivolous! Because it might display a sense of "letdown" we feel who has gone all "gee suddenly I am Michael Criton on Us..This IS a Company that you are slandering that thought you might be Game is all...and might oh I don't know DUMBO keep a lid on it!"
immediately EVAN chimes in as if he's had a lightbulb moment to divert my growing KNOWING what's going on
"ancient Alien technology"recorded human thought ,Gary Rainy spoke to Aliens all the time..if you don't get better at this I might ask one of the meaner Aliens to intervene."
"as might I ,"I inadvertantly graph..as whom else does one ask for help in this situation but The Real Thing.?
for a moment there is silence..
"I telepathize him some grapes and hope he knows .
My neural intentions
to 'not go there"
but Their job is not always about trying to teach my wayward mind lessons about morality
but moreso how to THINK TOWARDS THEM
in a style that was
an 'easy read"
if you can imagine people in some sophisticated office park
equipped like
a control room
for airplanes
but inthis case people
not planes are
and steered through "the game of Life"
which interact with the millions of tiny nano inserts
some 'wise guys' decided to "app" you with
although at first the working with intercranial manipulations is novel to them
eventually like any job
the novelty and excitement of either being a Mentor or a Proxy
wears off
and at least for the Mentors it's about ease
and their comfort.
not your own..
what one thinks
quite important
as enough dis-ease-ful
neural reads
makes for a bad work environment..
let me give you an example.
if you like you may use your
understanding of schizophrenic aural and visual hallucinations
as a way to absorb my
descriptions of my "possession"
and you tell me
if this "event" reads like a typical
psychotic break..
which from my reading of such a thought disorder indicate that a person
who feels impelled and intruded upon by supernatural entities
usually is not
punished by the real or imagined "spirits' by
what most spirits I imagine would consider patty offences of the mind they have deemed
to interpretation...
"For instance," Evan imparted ,"you spent 2.9 seconds staring at boil on the cashier"s cheek,thus I by Proxy spent 2.9 seconds with that image in my head...which I cannot get out by the way
Evan does not care for life's imperfections ,nor the way he indicates I deliberately interfaced the boil as a TIGHT SHOT.I cannot help how my mind SEES things.Although Evan has taught me to try to see things in a WIDE SHOT and never to go CLOSE UP with out at least a 7 second warning..
"I didn't stare! at the woman's boil and I surely did not focus my gaze on her pimple to either make her feel self conscious or moreso to "Hurt" or "freak out " Evan by the casual observation of such..as taught I quickly moved on to a SLOW DISSOLVE to my .i mean "our" safe zone currently a high varnish painting of glistening deep purple grapes on an oil cloth..
"you didn't REEL fast enough!"
"you didn't REEL fast enough"!
Evan shouts through my nervous system..
I graph to him that if I "reeled" or did a cerebral JUMP CUT it would have shown in that supposed 2.9 second parsal of time and the cashier woul;d have felt bad.
"I don't care about the cashier noticing an Intranueral JUMP CUT asshole!
We're working on much more important things here..let the cashier think you have Tics or something.."

10.15.99 - Reconstructed movie showing animal view of world ... 
"Don't you dare try to FADE me OUT Scumbo.."
...as always somehow I am responsible for MY PART into making THIS a freak show.NOT them ...as if anyone with a sense of play to them might just roll with being rolled over like a bulldozer whenever THEY want to try to gather new Neural Spikes...They tried that Beer Ad Jump into IT stuff...but cease to mention
how intense
the gathering of spikes is.
and how they all but turned me against GOING or DOING anything outside of some SAFE SPOT
by going FULL TILT Voice of God ,hand of God if i even think of leaving the state ...
One goes a bit Frankenstein when new buttons are pushed when one goes
the Bungee jump beer Ad
imprints of Fear
of being alone.
with Mentors.
unfortunately i have done little prior to being "apped" to set a Core State of self.
never mind things like finances..
present realities of Upkeep.
They don't
so much that for close to a year i said the hell with upkeep at all and mistakenly dealt with
Cybernetics.like it was the pissing contest it became.
took the easy way out
smoking enough crack to
barely think
(and alibi also for my strange behavior around town ..to make up for the tiny posters I made about Human Experimentation last xmas...as many excuses as they have for breaking the law or the boundries is what I myself began thinking like.
Now things ..thanks i admit to my treating the interface like "survivor' as they seemed to treat the interface Mentorship as fucking "Scanners"
sometimes I imagine myself in court sueing a group allowed to "fiddle about" as they reiterate that any "normal fella" would love to be an Urban Astronaut not a Narc about it...but I barely get into HOW
CRUEL some of these
Mentors can be...
the taunting however is to WAKE ME UP and FORTIFY me against
future "apping' by OTHER companies...
or some such shit...
this ain't no Beer Ad..
this isn't a Bungee jump
I sometimes must remeber I did nothing so wrong in life to deserve to be a human experiment
that no one including real criminals should ever be punished with a technology that is unseen and beyond the law..and that a right above all man and "machinery man makes" is the right to think what one likes'
'should a child molester be allowed to think as he likes Dumbo or a person with a box cutter getting on a plane? OR is it proven science that some fantasies .some intent by criminals lead in fact to action.Mr Know It All huh Dumbo...Mr Know nothing.Mr Ruiner ," Evan says
as I try to think if murderers or molesters etc should "be allowed" to think "wrong" if their fantasies lead to intent and action"
Leave me alone !" I graph in a manner that i cannot tell if Evan hears as high pitched and meant to "hurt him" with a sense of sound..
I stop.thinking like this.This is how one goes genuinely crazy....and one cannot take bacvk a graph as one cannot unring a bell or take back a transmitted boil on a casdhier 's face.
Cyber means steer in Latin
i suppose there was no word for record in Latin because back than there were no devices for recording,let alone a human being.
I am a reluctant Cyborg I think ...trying to get a vague sense of humor.and skip to less serious thoughts as to the Reasons Why this type of Testing might have to be done...
.I am hesitant to write that word .-Cyborg.
"WHY! " Evan shouts" "Because IT is Fun and Frivolous! Because it might display a sense of "letdown" we feel who has gone all "gee suddenly I am Michael Criton on Us..This IS a Company that you are slandering that thought you might be Game is all...and might oh I don't know DUMBO keep a lid on it!"
immediately EVAN chimes in as if he's had a lightbulb moment to divert my growing KNOWING what's going on
"ancient Alien technology"recorded human thought ,Gary Rainy spoke to Aliens all the time..if you don't get better at this I might ask one of the meaner Aliens to intervene."
"as might I ,"I inadvertantly graph..as whom else does one ask for help in this situation but The Real Thing.?
for a moment there is silence..
"I telepathize him some grapes and hope he knows .
My neural intentions
to 'not go there"
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