what did wesaybouthevideosaboutthechatterthe chatterboxsaysand saysandidontcaretheynevercaredtheyreadme theyhearmetheyleymerottheyknowishouldnt belikethuiscrazyin somanywaysbesidesoundandseeingbuttherestnomoneyalwaysjustenuftotototototonothingtodobutlistenandhopethatsoontheykillsmeiwonderifthey
theydostufftoyoubesidestheymakeyouanxityandsadanddepressedandonereadsmoreandknowsmorethan maybeoneshould from andevenbeforereadingboutittheywillonceandforallonceandforallruntheworldweyouwillbuyintoitandgetyourappsandimplantsandbesomuchsmarterandbetterbetterwinningwinningthantherestandsoonpeopleliekmewhodrawsicksickersickoandwritesickothingsandlooksickandspeadsicknessintootherswillbegone
they send me visuals heads
cartoon heads with blotches all over their face
downward and spiraled so that I may serve the cause
and remove myself
ecstatically from the world
the voices
the hallucinations
the delusions
I play safe I want to live god only knows whymaybe hedoesmaybehe DOES
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Psychotronic Torture & Harassment
theydostufftoyoubesidestheymakeyouanxityandsadanddepressedandonereadsmoreandknowsmorethan maybeoneshould from andevenbeforereadingboutittheywillonceandforallonceandforallruntheworldweyouwillbuyintoitandgetyourappsandimplantsandbesomuchsmarterandbetterbetterwinningwinningthantherestandsoonpeopleliekmewhodrawsicksickersickoandwritesickothingsandlooksickandspeadsicknessintootherswillbegone
they send me visuals heads
cartoon heads with blotches all over their face
downward and spiraled so that I may serve the cause
and remove myself
ecstatically from the world
the voices
the hallucinations
the delusions
I play safe I want to live god only knows whymaybe hedoesmaybehe DOES
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Type "mind control" or "gang stalking" into Google, and Web sites appear that describe cases of persecution, both psychological and physical, related with the same minute details: red and white cars following victims, vandalism of their homes, snickering at by those around them.."the posting that appeared on the internet were a big relief to find the community," said ******, 55, a mechanic in Bensalem,Pa. "I felt that maybe there were others, but I wasn't real sure until I did find this community,"There is no concise survey of mind-augment or Human Experimentation to pursue data and uses for the technological advancement ,some call the advancement a threat to those who are considered agitators or expendable to the system ..the homeless ,the mentally ill ,the drug addict,the criminal..Often the hidden "tests" work symbiotically with what is called gang stalking ,he describes " Referentialism" and speaks of a type of " Manchurian Candidate" game people play based on a created assimilations and associations perhaps taken from one's own personal experiences ,he describes "...a what do you think of when you see this,or when I show you this queen of hearts poker card scenario..
Well one thinks of the same card I was given by a severe angry looking man out of nowhere three blocks in the other direction ,true story by the way he says".Gang Stalking has also been called "The Community Theatre or "The Truman Show"by Targeted Individuals used to learn how a mind might function in rather bizarre circumstances" The technology I cannot even begin to describe"he states"except to say that It's function is madness,what do you think it was modeled from synthetic telepathy it is called How do you think one is thought of explaining it.I had long ago given up trying If I say nanochip what do you think of":he asks ,I cannot help but smile "Exactly,Exactly!"he says.
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