"Wouldn't it be fun
to be able to send another your dreams.
send "mind movies" * via headset to another person..,"Valerie Prentis said ,in an exaggerated kindergardern teacher way,holding up a child's drawing of a rainbow and ponies ,ice cream and balloons,theatrically Valerie slowly ripped the drawing into pieces.
to be able to send another your dreams.
send "mind movies" * via headset to another person..,"Valerie Prentis said ,in an exaggerated kindergardern teacher way,holding up a child's drawing of a rainbow and ponies ,ice cream and balloons,theatrically Valerie slowly ripped the drawing into pieces.
She had dozens of children's drawings just like that and always began training future Muralists with the same examples..
The Muralists were not like the Mentors chosen for their training in behavioral modification or interrogation techniques.Auditors ,mainly.Financial and OTHERWISE
Most of the Muralists were chosen to participate "in the program" because they had criminal backrounds.Valerie loved Muralists there was something almost sexual about sociopathology The Jeff Cunanin intensity ,,the Linda Casabian glint in their eyes.
People who enjoyed hurting others were not as difficult to come by as one might think.Nor was it difficult getting many of the "artists" to work at minimal pay in return for reduced sentencing.The more violent offenders,murders and rapists often worked in their cells with only an Epoch or Emotive headset and beat up Mac without any pay whatsoever
People who enjoyed hurting others were not as difficult to come by as one might think.Nor was it difficult getting many of the "artists" to work at minimal pay in return for reduced sentencing.The more violent offenders,murders and rapists often worked in their cells with only an Epoch or Emotive headset and beat up Mac without any pay whatsoever
.."fun doesn’t keep the lights on at Proxy Cyber.."Valerie said,ripping up several more drawings of carousel horses and candy canes and ponies..threshold keeps the lights on .Thresholds of psychological pain keep the lights on At Proxy Cy"..
I suppose one day virtual reality will be used for fun stuff like Gaming and having Tea time with one's favorite aunt via headset.
..but the main goal
right here
right now
is to learn how to drive another either mad or to full submission with smoke and mirrors and the magic of Merge Bio Tech which just happens to be compatible with Merge headsets that allowed a Operating Tele-Operator (an OT) to direct and steer both a Brain Computer Interface and Direct Neural Interface
I suppose one day virtual reality will be used for fun stuff like Gaming and having Tea time with one's favorite aunt via headset.
..but the main goal
right here
right now
is to learn how to drive another either mad or to full submission with smoke and mirrors and the magic of Merge Bio Tech which just happens to be compatible with Merge headsets that allowed a Operating Tele-Operator (an OT) to direct and steer both a Brain Computer Interface and Direct Neural Interface
Sound and imagery was Valerie Prentice's specialty. as she was both producer and head of research and development for Parasol Pictures new foray into Immersive Tele-Perception,
Valerie explained that -
Valerie explained that -
A fear begins with
an idea
an idea begins
with an experience
the experience can be second hand.
second generation
Valerie said..to the class.of wanna be future muralists and Mandlers
an idea
an idea begins
with an experience
the experience can be second hand.
second generation
Valerie said..to the class.of wanna be future muralists and Mandlers
If you graph a visual of cattle cars moving through a valley to a Christian…they might think of the train and the scenery as something pastoral
.now Valerie said if you send the exact same imagery to a Jew for instance .I guarantee quite a different neural spike..
now I want every one to take out their notebooks
This morning I emailed each of you a film clip.
a still.
with these headsets you will be able to alter the original still .
now i want you to imagine having the control
of another's eyes.another visual cortex which you will if you study the techniques both Figer and I will present to you in the next 30 weeks
we will work up to the headsets.
and painting with your brain
making murals with your mind
for now i simply want you to "rewrite" that still.
as something unpleasant.
and scary
.now Valerie said if you send the exact same imagery to a Jew for instance .I guarantee quite a different neural spike..
now I want every one to take out their notebooks
This morning I emailed each of you a film clip.
a still.
with these headsets you will be able to alter the original still .
now i want you to imagine having the control
of another's eyes.another visual cortex which you will if you study the techniques both Figer and I will present to you in the next 30 weeks
we will work up to the headsets.
and painting with your brain
making murals with your mind
for now i simply want you to "rewrite" that still.
as something unpleasant.
and scary
*as Micromanipulation systems are based on pure master/slave tele-operation techniques and are capable of creating a complete over ride of another's 5 senses
"note for note ' exactly what a Proxy sees
Augmented Reality (AR) is based on mixture of the
real environment, that the user senses combined with his or her mentor 's optical
although this is only possible when the visual cortex has been stimulated ( or trained) enough to forged a new dendrite and synaptic tendancies which work in tandem with specific nano particles created for this "New Way" of viewing the world
components "turn on and off "specific neurons sequence themselves to one's "mentor''s "script"
which the Proxy has by now parlayed "as his own"
if the Mentor has been diligent in his re adaptation (re-education).assuming the "Proxy" is at least somewhat open to the exchange that will make tele-micromanipulation possible.. soon enough
the temporal lobe can suppose a state of ‘full immersion’
and "conglomerate" "the operator/mentor's identity,perceptions and will..
as the successful "pushing" based
micro/nano tele-manipulation continues a "Proxy" may begin to feel like a "human puppet" in spite of visual rewards and heightened 'state of being" and resists once again "control" often threatening self harm or inflicting self injury ..
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