Evan Rainy.
Mind to Mind.
no Stanford undergrads doing the Remote Neural Monitoring these last few days.I suppose I should be proud.
but Evan has returned to a direct neural interface because I am in real trouble...not only with what i am writing ..
but moreso what i am thinking .
so much trouble
that Evan had one of his "ground Bound' Mandlers place a rather real looking toy pistil outside my house.
(another toy pistol came in the mail 2 weeks ago,but I won't get into that,not right now anyway..)
some in my boat call the ground Bound "mandlers" gang stalkers.*
I like the old fashioned term "goon squad"
sort of "the Truman Show" by way of "street theater" but based on one's neural output..
My thinking is Sub Sicko Deviant (SSD)
usually a SSD has to simply repeat one's initial course work
Level one and two..Neuronautics .a sinch
but this time
he has doubts.
I can tell.
my nervous system is more Evan Rainy than me ..he has overridden not only my seeing and hearing but through nano part of my mind that trigger shame..
"would you feel shame? "Evan graphs,"If I did not light up your emotive dendrites? Would you..?
My team does not like how i responded to a boat crash off the coast of New Zealand.
According to My Team i should have felt more sad for the passengers and crew.
he said my neural data displays how sick i am .
How little I feel towards the outside world .
it seems I had a barely recordable reaction to a televised news feed about "the event"
I cannot help but feel that Evan is right.
I purposely try not to follow the news,or events or anyone reporting anything.
Moreso since my Remote Neural Monitoring was re-established because i "had the nerve' to return to LA in 2011 after all that went on in 1994 between me
and my "breakaway from Neuronautics and The New Way system of Mentored Living.
regarding the boat crash off New Zealand .
I walked down the steps.
and first heard than saw that CNN was on...( a channel i never watch) and there was a boat split in two .
I quickly turned away from the TV ,not wanting to hear or see it.A friend had turned on this CNN and had left it on while he went to get some cigs.
This friend knows that station is never to be turned on.
either upstairs or downstairs.
I go to pour me some milk ,the reason I went downstairs to begin with..
and my head swivels to the TV ,a small amount of curiosity and I suppose a natural "that's a tragedy,that's sad " reaction crossed my mind.But moreso than this I got nervous ,knowing that my neurals were being recorded.My thoughts and feelings about the broken ship at sea,I knew were being absorbed and studies by my Mentors.
sometimes when i am nervous I act inappropriately.
like a get tics.
Like once at a funeral I was so nervous I smiled..
I do NOT "know How" to respond "normally" to certain intense 'stuff"
and that is the reason,or one of the reasons I am to always be Remote Neurally Monitored.
All i wanted to do was turn the channel .
i put down the milk.
I think i jumped around a bit to shake "the image" of the boat out of my head and body..
and closed my eyes as I pressed the clicker.
I went outside than for a smoke ,now the the channel was safely changed/
I was worried .
I am not getting along well with my mentors anyway
and things like this
inappropriate Emotional REACTIVES to "stimuli" ...
I take a pill.
another "no- no" with The New Way.
I just DON'T always wanna be studied
I KNOW I will Always be found wanting
found out.
I try to explain .
to think
to my Mandlers.
to explain some how my substandard neural firing.
I graph .
I interface
that I cannot viscerally relate to a boat accident.
I have never been in one.
I graph,I interface, i think quickly before the pill muddles my mind..
"Just like I cannot or could not relate or absorb other catastrophes that are too overwhelming ..or beyond the scope of my understanding and thus empathy..
maybe that's why for instance i can feel bad for a man or woman I see on TV being hit or punched on a subway platform more than dozens of people leaping from a burning building..
I have been punched you see.
i relate.
i empathize.
the other.
the hugeness.
the "exotic-ness" of the ....
"you're only making things worse for yourself,"Evan graphs<" we,They do not care ,as you know,about explanations of Feeling ..we ,they ,I care about Neural Spikes.
Hope you enjoyed that pill by the way."
I try to explain the reason for the pill..i find myself so heated up I am talking aloud.
if someone walked in ,all they would see was me talking to myself.
they would not know that i am graphing,interfacing..
"you're regressing," Evan says..."The pills are making you "disturbed"
I graph ,angry ,"I am by all accounted outside of Neuronautics disturbed Evan!I hear voices and see things no one else does..."
Evan graphs the usual "company line" that i have been 'blessed" by "raindrops" ...by the way.there was no cognitive neurality that read ," What a tragedy,what a shame.." Evan graphs ,switching the subject..
"what i think..
"Towards the boat accident,You see I for one don't care...But THEY do...do you see? can you imagine What a Monster you seem like to Them..?He graphs..

according to Doug ,a Neuralist who was doing your reads at the time ...there was no appropriate feeling towards the passengers or crew on the ship..."
"every one survived" I graphed back..<" I saw it in the scroll..
Evan ignores me,"The proxy switched the channel to "Friends and than had a strange thought about the character on "Friends" that plays the character named Ross...The Proxy thought ,"Nobody likes a Ross.Or someone Like a Ross.Than You wondered why "Rachel" liked Ross..This was a full 7 seconds after you saw the boat accident,the boat on fire.mind you.Before everyone was safely rescued.You did not know they were all rescued..."Than,"Evan continued ,the benzo kicking in"Than you wondered why anyone even watched the TV show "friends" and that in your opinion IT hasn't held up well.
Not a thought to the passengers on the damaged ship.,
and than
I heard a knock on the door.
in my mind to minds with Evan or my other mentors I sometimes forget the world around me..
I pause with Evan...but remember the graphs...
I open the front door.,
I see a toy gun sitting on the porch.
I don't see anyone.
I don't see anyone who may have rung the buzzer.
I pick up the toy gun looking for the person who i presume placed it there ,turning my head back and forth.
"Death by Cop" might be in order after this horrible response to the boat tragedy" My Team saw to it that the gun looked real enough ,that if I made a move to aim it at a policeman I would surely be shot.
I sat down on the couch.
Thinking about how bad it would be to be stuck on a boat that crashed and was sinking..
"stop it! Stop your apple polishing! and your brown nosing to the Team trying to pretend you have feelings!"Another "voice" says
*Though relatively unknown, “Gang Stalking”, also know as “Organized Stalking” and “Cause Stalking”, is a covert protocol of harassment and torture which is widespread in California and around the world.
This protocol is characterized by 24/7 surveillance, ... home break-ins, .... home, personal property and automobile vandalism, .... theft, ... pet torture, ... slander, ... noise campaigns, ... chemical assault, ... income sabotage, .... electronic harassment, ... and persistent, never-ending stalking by multiple stalkers.
http://civilrightsconsult.blogspot.com/2013/01/covert-crimes-against-women.html http://www.nowpublic.com/world/gang-stalking-conversation-sheriff-mack http://www.randomcollection.info/catchcanada/
The gang stalking protocol can last for many years and it is intended to produce isolation, psychological and physical illness, destitution, homelessness and incarceration.
Seventy percent of the victims are single women. Many victims are also of African-American descent.
Gang Stalking is also used as a tool of retaliation against whistle-blowers and activists, but independent women appear to be the largest group of victims, especially those who have been politically active or who have ended abusive relationships.
Police appear unwilling or unable to help and some victims report that they are involved. Most media sources seem reluctant to cover the story, though there are more and more exceptions to this reality.
If you do an internet search for “gang stalking”, you will find thousands of victims who are crying out for help, and hundreds of websites and videos attempting to expose these crimes. . These are well organized attacks on innocent citizens and should not be confused with typical regional gang violence
Mind to Mind.
no Stanford undergrads doing the Remote Neural Monitoring these last few days.I suppose I should be proud.
but Evan has returned to a direct neural interface because I am in real trouble...not only with what i am writing ..
but moreso what i am thinking .
so much trouble
that Evan had one of his "ground Bound' Mandlers place a rather real looking toy pistil outside my house.
(another toy pistol came in the mail 2 weeks ago,but I won't get into that,not right now anyway..)
some in my boat call the ground Bound "mandlers" gang stalkers.*
I like the old fashioned term "goon squad"
sort of "the Truman Show" by way of "street theater" but based on one's neural output..
My thinking is Sub Sicko Deviant (SSD)
usually a SSD has to simply repeat one's initial course work
Level one and two..Neuronautics .a sinch
but this time
he has doubts.
I can tell.
my nervous system is more Evan Rainy than me ..he has overridden not only my seeing and hearing but through nano part of my mind that trigger shame..
"would you feel shame? "Evan graphs,"If I did not light up your emotive dendrites? Would you..?
My team does not like how i responded to a boat crash off the coast of New Zealand.
According to My Team i should have felt more sad for the passengers and crew.
he said my neural data displays how sick i am .
How little I feel towards the outside world .
it seems I had a barely recordable reaction to a televised news feed about "the event"
I cannot help but feel that Evan is right.
I purposely try not to follow the news,or events or anyone reporting anything.
Moreso since my Remote Neural Monitoring was re-established because i "had the nerve' to return to LA in 2011 after all that went on in 1994 between me
and my "breakaway from Neuronautics and The New Way system of Mentored Living.
regarding the boat crash off New Zealand .
I walked down the steps.
and first heard than saw that CNN was on...( a channel i never watch) and there was a boat split in two .
I quickly turned away from the TV ,not wanting to hear or see it.A friend had turned on this CNN and had left it on while he went to get some cigs.
This friend knows that station is never to be turned on.
either upstairs or downstairs.
I go to pour me some milk ,the reason I went downstairs to begin with..
and my head swivels to the TV ,a small amount of curiosity and I suppose a natural "that's a tragedy,that's sad " reaction crossed my mind.But moreso than this I got nervous ,knowing that my neurals were being recorded.My thoughts and feelings about the broken ship at sea,I knew were being absorbed and studies by my Mentors.
sometimes when i am nervous I act inappropriately.
like a get tics.
Like once at a funeral I was so nervous I smiled..
I do NOT "know How" to respond "normally" to certain intense 'stuff"
and that is the reason,or one of the reasons I am to always be Remote Neurally Monitored.
All i wanted to do was turn the channel .
i put down the milk.
I think i jumped around a bit to shake "the image" of the boat out of my head and body..
and closed my eyes as I pressed the clicker.
I went outside than for a smoke ,now the the channel was safely changed/
I was worried .
I am not getting along well with my mentors anyway
and things like this
inappropriate Emotional REACTIVES to "stimuli" ...
I take a pill.
another "no- no" with The New Way.
I just DON'T always wanna be studied
I KNOW I will Always be found wanting
found out.
I try to explain .
to think
to my Mandlers.
to explain some how my substandard neural firing.
I graph .
I interface
that I cannot viscerally relate to a boat accident.
I have never been in one.
I graph,I interface, i think quickly before the pill muddles my mind..
"Just like I cannot or could not relate or absorb other catastrophes that are too overwhelming ..or beyond the scope of my understanding and thus empathy..
maybe that's why for instance i can feel bad for a man or woman I see on TV being hit or punched on a subway platform more than dozens of people leaping from a burning building..
I have been punched you see.
i relate.
i empathize.
the other.
the hugeness.
the "exotic-ness" of the ....
"you're only making things worse for yourself,"Evan graphs<" we,They do not care ,as you know,about explanations of Feeling ..we ,they ,I care about Neural Spikes.
Hope you enjoyed that pill by the way."
I try to explain the reason for the pill..i find myself so heated up I am talking aloud.
if someone walked in ,all they would see was me talking to myself.
they would not know that i am graphing,interfacing..
"you're regressing," Evan says..."The pills are making you "disturbed"
I graph ,angry ,"I am by all accounted outside of Neuronautics disturbed Evan!I hear voices and see things no one else does..."
Evan graphs the usual "company line" that i have been 'blessed" by "raindrops" ...by the way.there was no cognitive neurality that read ," What a tragedy,what a shame.." Evan graphs ,switching the subject..
"what i think..
"Towards the boat accident,You see I for one don't care...But THEY do...do you see? can you imagine What a Monster you seem like to Them..?He graphs..

according to Doug ,a Neuralist who was doing your reads at the time ...there was no appropriate feeling towards the passengers or crew on the ship..."
"every one survived" I graphed back..<" I saw it in the scroll..
Evan ignores me,"The proxy switched the channel to "Friends and than had a strange thought about the character on "Friends" that plays the character named Ross...The Proxy thought ,"Nobody likes a Ross.Or someone Like a Ross.Than You wondered why "Rachel" liked Ross..This was a full 7 seconds after you saw the boat accident,the boat on fire.mind you.Before everyone was safely rescued.You did not know they were all rescued..."Than,"Evan continued ,the benzo kicking in"Than you wondered why anyone even watched the TV show "friends" and that in your opinion IT hasn't held up well.
Not a thought to the passengers on the damaged ship.,
and than
I heard a knock on the door.
in my mind to minds with Evan or my other mentors I sometimes forget the world around me..
I pause with Evan...but remember the graphs...
I open the front door.,
I see a toy gun sitting on the porch.
I don't see anyone.
I don't see anyone who may have rung the buzzer.
I pick up the toy gun looking for the person who i presume placed it there ,turning my head back and forth.
"Death by Cop" might be in order after this horrible response to the boat tragedy" My Team saw to it that the gun looked real enough ,that if I made a move to aim it at a policeman I would surely be shot.
I sat down on the couch.
Thinking about how bad it would be to be stuck on a boat that crashed and was sinking..
"stop it! Stop your apple polishing! and your brown nosing to the Team trying to pretend you have feelings!"Another "voice" says
*Though relatively unknown, “Gang Stalking”, also know as “Organized Stalking” and “Cause Stalking”, is a covert protocol of harassment and torture which is widespread in California and around the world.
This protocol is characterized by 24/7 surveillance, ... home break-ins, .... home, personal property and automobile vandalism, .... theft, ... pet torture, ... slander, ... noise campaigns, ... chemical assault, ... income sabotage, .... electronic harassment, ... and persistent, never-ending stalking by multiple stalkers.
http://civilrightsconsult.blogspot.com/2013/01/covert-crimes-against-women.html http://www.nowpublic.com/world/gang-stalking-conversation-sheriff-mack http://www.randomcollection.info/catchcanada/
The gang stalking protocol can last for many years and it is intended to produce isolation, psychological and physical illness, destitution, homelessness and incarceration.
Seventy percent of the victims are single women. Many victims are also of African-American descent.
Gang Stalking is also used as a tool of retaliation against whistle-blowers and activists, but independent women appear to be the largest group of victims, especially those who have been politically active or who have ended abusive relationships.
Police appear unwilling or unable to help and some victims report that they are involved. Most media sources seem reluctant to cover the story, though there are more and more exceptions to this reality.
If you do an internet search for “gang stalking”, you will find thousands of victims who are crying out for help, and hundreds of websites and videos attempting to expose these crimes. . These are well organized attacks on innocent citizens and should not be confused with typical regional gang violence
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