I have a psycho therapist who I
must see to collect a my monthly check
It’s the rules or no checkHe is quite different than Dr Delgado,my psychiatrist.
The New Way
I am not a Bettor. And I am not a Mentor .
I am low on the scale.In terms of human evolution
Which The New Way believes in, first off and foremost.
They believe a lot of
damage was by allowing certain people
who should never have existed at all to go forth and multiply.
They are concerned that there is a weakness of mind and soul
in me for instance
that is questionableand During this transitional period
In history
This period of finding New Ways to Resolving The problem
And new techniques in finding with exact scientific proof
Amongst us should
not be here”
so far off the “track of normalcy” are They
but not me.
Not as Much
Thank my Mentors and Thank my Bettors.
And Psycotronic augments taking place during myprocessing.
Call it mind control call it whatever you like
But give me a call sometime and hear my voice
And hear what I say…I am not what I was…I am proud to say I have been saved
I no longer draw the same sick way.i no longer draw at all.
Cartoons sometimes and small postcard landscapes are OK.But nothing that might disturb another in the Enway
I resisted and fought at first.
So odd and scary I thought the mind reading equipment and odder still the
Impart system that can literally subjugate and re-format certain dendrite and synaptic “pivot points”
And you don’t have to go to a hospital .for intellectual re assignment
or whatver they call it...they call IT something different every day.
the nano particles they can put you with just some suntan
Nano means small.like super small .like ten thousands of times
smaller than this this period > (.)
The New Way and
Has co-opted the
inserts(the nano,the chips,the particles,the components) into their Program of Human Betterment
And sometimes free of charge types such as mine can be fixed and adjusted
and cleared of disruptive traits
- For according to Gary Rainy a type like mine is not only bad to themselves and infectious in his decay of spirit ,soul and mind
- A deviant cannot help but spread their badness and illness of soul (there is scientific evidence of this) into the world around them
- Badness, mind sickness is contagious…like germs
Just ask my mentors who have withstood
A man .
a child man who has made a side show of himself and
his degeneracy on and off line
..rolling about in his his moral crumblings like a pig
in mud
Perhaps trying to stir up and foster some type of crumbliness
and rumblings in others.
I am not aware of many others being retaught by mentors
using both direct neural and brain
computer interface to help resolve them...Perhaps because this method of social recalibration is so new.
I was initially quite against it.
As it was put upon me To travel “in “ me
To “save me’
And it is working…
In spite of my what Tru Christie calls my whiny ,wuss like
diatribes and sometimes slanderous insinuations that The New Way is somehow
using these Psychotronic Neural Meters of Being
In a way to deliberately drive me jackrabbit mad.
I am not a rocket scientist
And misunderstanding some of the harsh methods being used to
clear awayCenturies of predisposition and mind sickness
I ask my mentors to forgive me for writing what they say can
be taken as disrespectfully of Them .(Mutinous).I am a dead man walking they sometimes say and say over and over in diffrent pitches and rythem all throught the night )
In the notebooks that pile up in the corner of my room.
Without my mentorship.
I might still be thinking as I was.
And spreading my Enrot into the
Hurting people with my thoughts that according to
Neuronautics travel into the air ,invisibly of course and into the minds of
“it Is too bad your thought transmissions cannot be seen…or
smelt..or in some way by people who do have access to mind reading and remote
neural monitoring equipment
So people in the immediate
vicinity could run from your emmitance …”
Tru Christie has said especially
when I interface
“mind rages” and Brainstorms
that Tru thinks are not only against the New Way but thought
to deliberately harm the only people in the world that Know how to Help Me..
as I know it's is mind to mind
According to Neuronauitics
We are all psychic to a degree.
But it is “the bad people” who according to Gary Rainy “
hate the world around them.. ,since a certain type of individual are so odd ,so outside the realm of normal
that they cannot help but
despise the Enway(the neural pathway,unseen,unoticed and
unstudied, except by Gary Rainy and now all matter of industry also interested in mind to mind
My social worker,my psycho therapist
at first thought my
Explanation of “The Voices’ was a thought disorder.And did not believe in “my story”
until he saw the notebooks
Filled with articles.
Saying öh yes.oh yes..”it is all true..Still… as my mentors graph.
A psychotherapist will say nearly anything to goad a patient”on”.
TECHNOLOGY*,”Evan Rainy has graphed
Report: Nonlethal sCould Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia
Report: Nonlethal sCould Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia 
“see him if you if you must..but be careful what you say “to
those types”OR
you will be paid in kind for your trespasses.
You dear reader who haven’t the Apps !
Or components! imbued in your left and right frontal lobe!and
have no idea! how one is paid in kind !
When one’s mind is tethered to a Virtual Reality/Artificial
Intelligence tele-presence system
Oh yes oh yes This Sounds funny huh!
Absurd.! Looooooooony!
You think of some Keanu Reeves movie or your little brother
sci fi book collection with cover art of
some half naked lady with gold skin
dancing on the ring of Jupiter or some some bullshit when you think of someone writing they are
linked to a brain computer over ride
guidance system
Fuck you dear reader.
would I love to shove
this stuff into you
And show you..how sci fi and 20 years away this is ..20
years away…huh
Like to
Over ride your fucking senses ..show you how it goes..
ENOUGH Evan Booms . next sending a loud shrill pitch
Any display of
anger(I am sorry dear reader,I simply wish to be understood)excites the powers
that seize into
Submission mode.
I feel a pain in my arm
Alright asshole I graph
And Evan backs off
The pain goes away but the warning to not go “aggressive
psycho” especially about shit I really “don’t know shit about”
“who’d have thought you’d turn into g-d damn Sidney
Sheldon....”Evan Imparts
Oh yes oh yes it all
The psychotherapist,who reads my journals states” that it is
That in the journals there is no mention of what he calls
“touchstones of reality”no entries about friends ,family or what I do all
Sometimes I am struck by how odd it is to speak to someone,in
this case the psycho therapist
Face to face
And not through nano mind to mind communication.
There is so much mincing of words,holding back ,self
censorship when one is engaged with another in Old Way “speak”
I do not trust that
the psycho therapist always means what
he says.
I tell him I would like to
Get a hold of some the equipment that my mentors use.
(headsets and virtual reality,A.I. helmets studded with bio
sensors that interact with my nano laced brain)
For mind to mind is really the only
way one can really know
“what one is dealing with including you sir..”
Previously my psychotherapist
has asked .’who tells you all this stuff…you say and write?
Hmmm..he knows I barely finished
high school
The words came out of his mouth in a way few others had…the
question was unguarded
As if he made a mistake saying exactly what was on his mind.
He put his hand over his mouth as if to apologize for his
spoken words to exactly match his thoughts.
“My mentors sometimes exchange some of their own thoughts
without buffer…I inadvertently intercept something from them that I should not..There
is a growing trust between myself and my mentors. As each day I spend engaged
with better minds than my own I am …growing..Evan graphs me an image of giraffe
which only I can see. Reminding me not to say too much ..or they will stop my
evolution and threaten me all night with scary sounds and visions..”.
‘we were speaking about common realities that are nowhere to
be read in your journals, this concerns me very much <”the psychotherapist
says and I long to be in the arms of Dr Delgado ,a New Way Associative Level 6

I explain to Mr Justin that in the near future it will only
No ground bound reality.
No In the body
reality to speak of
That ground bound realities such as friends or family will exist.but not in the conventional;
sense of the word(psycho therapists are so conventional)
And that Neuronautics ARE my Friends and Family
And have promised me and my “Brothers and Sisters” of The
New Way
That for our participation in the Liberation of Spirit
That is being pounded into us ..only that we will be smooth
and clear and clean enough to
To fly into stars and cosmos …free of Old Way styles of mind .FREE of Societal
Parental Wreckage of man’s true state of existence ..which is
Mind free of body
De Justin says, interrupting me,”so ..The New Way is about the Soul?”
I tell him ,”we do not use words that have been bent into mind
“Mind Pictures”Dr Justin asks..
“we do not use words that have been bent into mind pictures
yes…you do realize that once one associates a word such as “soul” and by the
word ‘soul” you mean a sense of being
unencumbered by body nor the death of body.. The true meaning of the
word has been destroyed .also by some lame painting or photograph your mind has
made of the word that all but cheapens the meaning..you see some ethereal light
..some gold aura
Some horse shit..Evan and I are learning this the hard way
through our interfaces how much mind movie associatives have been mind controlled
into our minds this is why The New Way
is about gleaning,interfacing graphing to another without words..or even images
sometimes..but imagery so long as it is your own and not some Nike ad’s version of such being so..let me
explain it this way//Do insects speak to another .Or do trees speak to another
with words or simply through some unseen interface that’s primary instinct is
survival the main transmission of course at least amongst insects is through a
system of Betters all the way down to the workers..there are no insects whose
task it is to lay about collected government assistance or food stamps is
there.No tree being propped up that can not grow tall and shiny on it’s own
unless it is coddled by some altruistic misinformed Pinko! Agitator who in m,y
opinion has no business making any decision whatsoever.as This type has all but
destroyed the world but caring for those and that that should be left to die.
Dr Justin pipes in and tells me to keep my voice down,,that
I am getting aggressive and scaring him
Next he asks if these are my beliefs or the beliefs of the New Way ..
“it is one in the same Dr Justin.Evan feels what I feel.and
I feel what he feels
Besides the words Dr Justin,I am being taught that this
rotting ruinatious
Society has all but destroyed a man’s true sense of feeling
Instilling upon them
Anxiety. Fear.hesitancy
Would a caveman be anxious and hesitant and fearful and
still be able to kill for his tribe Dr Justin? NO!
Dr Justin asks me ,”and where are you in all this”
I explain that .”The “you” in me .And the “I” in me ,the Ego
as your type might call “it”is being collected and siphoned to remove all the
debris and lies and over-rides that Society has put in me .I am being separated
into black and white
Zeros and Ones.all but my light,my frequency that will soon
be pure emmittance .
And next my mind will be not only truly opened to Gary Rainy’s
True Way
of Being
But open to an actual over lay of Gary Rainy’s literal neural data.I suppose if I
somehow make enough money I can have my neuralities placed into either a
hologram format or something more physical in it’s ground bound presence ..some
“Form of the Future” in case my free flying emmittances desire for whatever
reason to walk amongst YOU all in a vesselled ,more contained ‘layout”
“like an avatar”Dr Justin says
“something I suppose like that..” I look at his eyes and
even without having to read his mind I sense his mocking thoughts and figure I will play into his notion of my silliness.””
yes or a robot..Dr Justin..I make a fist and slam it on the chair..I hate
people who dismiss my exuberance..EVAN is right about these psychiatrist. these
non believers.
Depleted ,I explain nonetheless” that the form s of the
future are the reason we must lose our bodies when the Process is finished
,get rid of our “husks” as it would look a little funny dotcha think Mr Justin
to have 2 of the same person walking around
So,Dr Justin says scratching his chin”so Evan wants you to
do away with your bodies…to in fact kill your self..”

“because it would look silly you say to have 2 YOUS walking
on earth..can’t they just place your neurals in a different “vessel” one that
looks different than you so nobody knows..i mean according to you in your Life
Everlasting situation can’t you just be placed immediately into a holographic
form..some other form that does not look like you
You missing the point..entirely ,I say,the main point is one’s
emmitance being free of the body manufactured or otherwise,free to soar and fly
and braze and shift and swing.
Mr Justin pauses ,again rubbing his chin..looking down at
his pad of paper..”what I don’t understand is if your mind is made clear and
clean and closer n words,no past no Ego ..so clean that it is deemed
worthy to be over -riden
And Overlayed only with Gary rainy’s Divine Neuralities ,brain
waves,in fact collected brain activity..than there will be No YOU
left.regardless of your new format ,emmitance, or vessel..
“yes .Yes “ I say ,” Paradise .
In our time
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