Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pace Taker 8

The man in the trailer used as an office was the antithesis of the well dressed Tru Christie at the TruGenic Rational Research Laboratory .The man seemed too large to fit in the office ,too large really to fit inside anywhere ,everything about the man from his clipped regulation style haircut ,hunting jacket ,boots and dark aviator glasses emphasized a style of intimidation that Layla ,in spite of her concern that this was not what she had wished this encounter to be hoped the large man's voice would go with his demeanor as to not destroy the effect the man so very much seemed to want to instill in others.The man removed his dark glasses to reveal even darker eyes and made a gesture to a chair across from the cardtable that was postioned where a built -in dinning table might have been...
In the 3rd trailer
the words in Layla's mind, thanks to the fMRI and MEG equipment hidden in the ceiling and walls of the 2nd trailer
-played on a large computer screen
////he too large to fit in the office ,too large really to be inside anywhere ////
on a screen a visual of how Layla percieved -clipped regulation style haircut ,hunting jacket ,boots -pixeled and repixeled imagery
The technicians
monitoring the screens noticed that Layla's thought style kept "a non pathological" distance from the "large man's "receding hairline
and the technicians
recording everything Layla did with every means other than a camera or microphone
noted that Layla's inner monologue seemed consistant with her education
and the cryptic tone of many a TV style of 'the times"
that according to the technicians
whose job it was to graze and gauge such seepage from broadcast sound and vision took heed that Layla's cortical processing was neither cold nor warm to
Large Man
as Evoked Potential
As yet the screen within a screen that monitored Layla's skin temperature and heart rate indicated no a trace of fear in Layla
As if her inner monlogue was her shield from physiogical response
The technitians recognized "the type' in less than a 20 second read.
Layla 's mind was in what the Remote Neural Montitors called 'plane mode"in terms of her need and her brain scan's indication of her means -of escaping from stress and potential threats. The computer program that trnasposed Layla's inner vision and thoughts into pictures and words automatically began to cross reference 'Layla's Mood Cadence by gathering a cross section of Layla's known associates whose online data resonated "reasoning' for such response .
A current driver's licence photo of Layla 's ex- husband and a quick speakerfull of Patrick's last telephone call indicated to the technicians in trailer 3 that Layla Pace was all too familair with intimidation tactics .
Thanks to the nano biotech that had bypassed Layla 's Blood Brain Barrier by way of a Mocha Latte one week ago the technitians read on -
waiting as diid Layla to see if Mrs. Pace woulkd be satisfied with Edwin's vocal style
"Will you please take a seat "
The man's voice and demeaner indeed went with the persona the man ,thought Layla , as no doubt the large man wished.

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