Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Believe in conspiracy theories? You're probably a narcissist: People who doubt the moon landings are more likely to be selfish and attention-seeking
March 8 2016
"Psychologists from the University of Kent carried out three online studies
Hundreds of people completed questionnaires on conspiracy beliefs
They showed conspiracies are likely to be attractive to narcissists
People lacking control in their day to day life, needing to reduce anxiety or stress, might be inclined to conspiracy theories.Conspiracy theories provide a means to project feelings of control and reduce anxiety or stress. ‘Magical thinking’ attributes the source of unexplained or extraordinary events to unseen, intentional forces. It originates in a highly adaptive and unconscious cognitive bias to draw causal connections between phenomena. A common example is when someone presumes that a malevolent force is behind a strange noise in a dark house at night. Such causal attributions arise not only from cognitive biases but can also be motivated by emotional tensions. As with much religious, superstitious, and other types of beliefs, “magical” thinking provides a mean to project feelings of control and reduce anxiety or stress.Almost all psychological research on ‘conspiracy theories’ found this constraint often addressed as ‘powerlessness’. researchers Viren Swami and Rebecca Coles.
A Danger to themselves and others
Someone delusion or conspiracy theory minded has much more going on beneath their doubts than theory but a manifesto of deep,deep paranoia of the government .The schizophrenic will look anywhere and everywhere for some "rational" reason or reasoning to explain his or her symptomology. A mental patient for good reason does not often like being thought of as a mental patient so much so perhaps that one with mental illness would prefer being told or perhaps "excused' of their stigma by reclassifying themselves as a "test subject" a "project. Some experiment of the Transhumanistic Movement.." No longer does this type explain away their illness ,their hallucinations as caused by little green men or the supernatural .No these days this type feels their condition is caused by technology. Perhaps the stigma of mental illness is still so great that especially concerning the more devastating forms of mental disease such as schizophrenia or psychosis that is has become easier for the unfortunates suffering from delusions and deviation of their senses to believe that "something or someone" has deliberately tinkered with their "internal guidance systems.In increasing numbers many of these unfortunates have actually pulled their wits together enough to "act" and set forth legal claims that this agency or that has indeed "somehow" caused some type of intervention with their minds and nervous systems electronically or biologically or a combination of the two.Something called Biotechnology. According to some mentally unbalanced individuals there is some type of world wide epidemic of Post Nuremberg sanctioned causation to Biotechnological Experimentation on their specific demographic which can best hide the human testing...as who better to play mind games with than one who already has a previous diagnosis of let us simply call it diversion of "the norm" in terms of both emotional and cognitive states.Schizophrenia and Psychosis the cinema and literature has taught us are especially dangerous abnormalities .According to clinicians this type of individual is not grounded in our mutually understood reality ,so why not by all means take advantage of their low position on the social totem pole and experiment with psychotronic devices and neurotronic advanced technologies as are these unfortunates not already essentially "masked" or labelled bizarre...according to several so called "Targeted Individuals" their previous psychiatric label ,which did not include hallucinations neither aural or visual placed them in "harms way" with Big Pharma and The Mind Augment Industry which indeed exist to be considered "the perfect stooge/Guinea Pig" for research and development with an array of "new toys' and "gadgetry".I suppose one might "have to be excuse the term ,"mental" to understand the logic of "the BIG SCHEME OF THINGS"although I can empathize that a person afflicted with the "there but for the grace of god go I "conditions of Psychiatric illness may very well be entitled or at least predisposed to search for answers as to "Why Me?"..Why am I like this?Why am I mentally Ill?
In the last decade if not before the personal computer and thus access to the internet has become so ubiquitous that even a citizen with mental defect and the financial deficits usually associated with "this kind" of persons can gain access to the World Wide Web and this is very dangerous, not just for persons whose diagnosis precludes a clearness of mind to differentiate between reality and fallacy,as the "Internet told me" is becoming the new "the devil made me do it" for this section of the population that are now disregarding their doctor's advice and regiment to attempt to if not cure but at least temper their psychiatric symptoms as NOW "because the internet told me" I am not hallucinating or behaving in an aberrant fashion NOT because I am ill but because this link on the internet TOLD ME I was not sick but "chipped"
I am sympathetic to those who are too ill to function and garner the rewards of a normal existence ,I feel for their suffering.I understand that many of these unfortunates can not or will not hold a job .I understand that this segment of the population because of their inability to function "normally " in the world often has many hours of the day they must fill because the world tends to exclude those who "walk to a different drummer"
The mind of anyone with too much time on their hands may wander ...Who amongst us has not spent or should I say wasted the day away "online'.Now imagine the hold the computer might have on one with a diseased mind who might use the computer to seek out explanation of their delusions? They might turn to all matter of substantiated and unsubstantiated websites that almost seem catered to this "fringe element " of society:The Mental Patient.
Websites,chatrooms that provide alternative reasoning for the psychiatric illness of hallucinations and the sense that "one is not entirely "in control: 'of their sense BUT is in FACT controlled by forces or powers outside themselves often pertaining to genuine technologies that do in fact exist to "do" just this.I have tried to place myself in this demographics' shoes. I have imagined myself on a government pension with no need to work ,,perhaps eventually no reason to even shower or shave..."well I may as well spend the day in my housecoat or bathrobe ..after all "I have nowhere to go, no one to see.I sit at the computer(mind you a computer that was probably bought with a provided subsidy)and search for all sorts of explanations for my thinking disorder.I might type in key words -"visions"...""hearing things" ..I might even begin typing in the words "mind Control"..and what pops up on my screen? ...you guessed it .A smorgasbord of information and misinformation about things like Brain Computer Interface .Psychotronic Testing..Synthesized telepathizing,,and perhaps for good measure HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION.
I can only imagine these unfortunates eyes glazing over coming upon some of these websites about corporations and nonsuch making significant progress with real advancements in things such as Virtual Reality ,Human Computer Interface and Artificial Intelligence.It is perhaps inevitable that one who is not quite "in their right senses" might consider that "another" might be "tampering " with their senses..
In the "old days" this type often believed their delusions were caused by space aliens ,supernatural possession and UFOs .After WW2 there was an unheralded amount of psychiatric patients that began assuming and thus propagating their belief that small transmitters and receivers were placed in their tooth fillings ,In the next couple of decades there were some rather vague articles that indeed other nations were "playing around" with pulsed sound waves and signaling that could bypass the typical biology that enables one to hear...a few scant articles that certain new technologies could indeed facilitate "messages" in or upon another's mind. Certain films and books joined the bandwagon of this "New World Order" and new terms such as "Brainwashing" and "Mind Control" became part of public discourse. And part of the mental patient's view of their own mental impairment coming from "outside " themselves and not from "with in".Late night radio personalities of the time might have encouraged these "unfortunates" that indeed outside forces might be the reason for their mental deficits ,their hallucinations, their "voices" etc. Talk of sound waves, microwaves ,frequency fields being used to broadcast "messages". In this century the radio transmitter in "the tooth filling" has been replaced by speculation of microprocessors and or RFD chips being oh so mysteriously placed inside one's body..one's tooth fillings one's person..Let me give you a disturbing glimpse of how "urban myth" of this sort might cause undo stress and harm on those amongst us who already are "out of touch " with reality due to psychiatric problems concerning the mother of all fostered fears.The nanochip....which has become the "new UFO", thenew "alien abduction" of the "tin foil hat brigade". The nano chip or nano tube is so small that it can enter a human nervous system through one's pores or lungs, no "alien abduction necessary". Since the nano chip can enter the bloodstream without incision you can imagine the ramifications of this speck of knowledge upon the mentally ill and how nano devices have all but become the false McGuffin of causation of "hearing a Voice or Seeing Objects or things that nobody else can to those afflicted with mental disease.
One website by a so called Targeted Individual who explains in depth that this country has a rather lurid history of preforming unspeakable "tests" on "subjects". When does being weary of America turn to Violence towards America
THIS is why I and others in the medical field propose a bill that Disallows the Mentally Ill to use the internet except when supervised so they cannot and will not be influenced by information that might overwhelm their already overwhelming circumstances .-Dr.Eileen Rosen 2011-Clearwater, FLA
(site removed march 2012)
Medscape Medical News
Obama Gun Regs Ease Mental Health Reporting to FBI
Robert Lowes
January 06, 2016
The current administration approved the American Psychiatric Association 's new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (5th Edition) deemed highly controversial by many mental health practitioners. As many of these practitioners point out, the new DSM-V makes a pathology out of what it refers to as -"political paranoia,” which is now diagnosed as a type of mental illness.The new manual targets internet users and so called ' conspiracy theorists". Furthermore the DSM 5 deems that people who write too much about politics on the Internet are revealing a deep seated psychological problem when "sharing" their apprehension or distrust government,banking,corporations etc and can now be judged as "politically paranoid "and thus ineligible to own a gun .Under these guidelines "over posting " about government or corporate mis -doing would and could be grounds for gun confiscation.

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