Bodies hanging from bridge in Mexico are warning to social media users
Mexico hangings a warning?
(CNN) --
Signs say two people were killed for denouncing cartel activities on the Internet..Their bodies show signs of torture.Online posts have become some of the loudest voices reporting violence in Mexico
Social media users say they will stand strong.Social media users who denounce drug cartel activities along the Mexican border received a brutal warning this week: Two mangled bodies hanging like cuts of meat from a pedestrian bridge. Attackers left her topless, dangling by her feet and hands from a bridge in the border city of Nuevo Laredo. A bloodied man next to her was hanging by his hands, his right shoulder severed so deeply the bone was visible.
Signs left near the bodies declared the pair, both apparently in their early 20s, were killed for posting denouncements of drug cartel activities on a social network.
"This is going to happen to all of those posting funny things on the Internet," one sign said. "You had better pay attention."
The gruesome scene sent a chilling message at a time when online posts have become some of the loudest voices reporting violence in Mexico
Targeted Individuals advocate Violently Attacked, Life-Threatening
Thursday, August 13, 2015 7:00
Magnus Olsson revealed he is suffering life-threatening injuries from being violently attacked Wednesday. Founding director of the European coalition defending TI human rights, European Coalition Against Covert Harassment (ECACH) Olsson told Dupré that his assault was so violent, he is feeble, canceled his speaking engagement at a Berlin conference hosted by his organization.
Entrepreneur, stockbroker and successful businessman, between 1988-1991, Olsson studied economics at Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris, and Harvard. In 1994, he founded Jon Sandman company, a well-known bedding industry brand. He met a wonderful woman, had two children, but all that harmony and success suddenly ended. Olsson became targeted for non-consensual experimentation done at St. George (Carpio) hospital , Awakening from sedation, unable to recognize himself, his personality also had changed. He went from life as an ordinary citizen into a world where violence and torture was the norm. “It was not a journey across continents, but in life circumstances. It also included a science fiction drama that completely shattered my life,” he writes on his homepage, mindcontrol.se.
After that, “life has been about a constant struggle for survival,” he writes. Olsson’s research led to his becoming an expert on brain implant technologies and artificial intelligence. He warns that since 1999, development of human nano-brain implants connected to computers that can then communicate with the victim, has been happening very fast, raising ethical and moral questions. Medicos, however, deny psycho-designing exists, leaving today’s first subjects’ behavior controlled against their will, the greatest of all human rights abuses. Usually, no physical examination is made and no explanation given about why victims suffer debilitating pain in very specific areas of their bodies.
In heavily slurred speech, Olsson struggled to explain to Dupré today’s assault on him and his last four months leading to it.
“I had to wait two hours to call you because my mother could not recognize me the first two hours and I had to learn to speak again,” he began, barely intelligible, far from his usual bright, chipper, articulate speaking voice. “It’s never been this bad. Approximately 1000 [indistinct]…”
The impaired voice of this beacon of hope for thousands of TIs reflected such suffering, it was painful to listen to the highly respected colleague of ten years. Olsson’s account was hauntingly similar to that of beloved Dr. Deborah Gilmaker, tortured to death the same way. “I am pretty sick now and constantly assaulted, so not much chance for recovery anymore,” she’d written to Dupré last year.
Like Dr. Gilmaker, Olsson’s compassion, intelligence, wisdom and charisma have inspired countless people. Whether making victorious history on air, in front of EU Parliament, or on Russia Today TV, Magnus Olsson has represented TI survivors with utmost professionalism, empowering others’ actions in best interest of all innocent TIs he represents. (Human Rights Abuses of Targeted Individuals Exposed on TV News]
“I’ve been quite clear in trying to organize my mind in a manner to perfection. I always used basic [indistinct...], he said. “It happened two hours in a row this time. I couldn’t even think. I was demolished in some way in my brain.”
Olsson alluded to military-grade electric weaponry (EW), the same applied to other Tis, hundreds of whom communicate with Dupré, pleading for referrals to trusted professionals who will emancipate them from torture so they can return to life they once knew. The number of such professionals is limited. As the Hoffman Report recently revealed about APA’s torture scandal, the caring field, such as most psychologists, has replaced “Do no harm” with, “Just follow orders.”
“You know what CP is?… [indistinct] Cerebral Palsy. I have the same twitches, couldn’t talk, couldn’t even think clearly. This is the most major blow for me. I couldn’t even stand up. I had to throw myself into my bed. My muscles were spastic – all muscles moving. I got very bad pain afterward. It was overwhelming. It cannot be described in words.”
Olsson’s experiences with lesser injurious attacks date back twelve years. Tireless research and government whistle blowers’ aid from people such as his hero, 36-year NSA veteran whistle-blower William Binney, led Olsson’s tracing TI torture attacks to nano-brain implants, among the EW arsenal for mind/behavior control, “artificial intelligence.”
EUCACH is hosting a Covert Harassment Conference 2015 in Berlin, Oct. 1-2. (EUCACH is in no way affiliated with Derrick Robinson’s U.S. group, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Stalking (FFCHS). Most professional TI advocates do not recognize FFCHS as working in best interest of the TI community. Many warn against it.) Scheduled to give the second Berlin conference presentation, after Dr. Nich Begich, author of the book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, today, Olsson requested his name be removed as a speaker.
Olsson admitted, “Today is the first day I’ve been this close to death. When attacked on this level, your brain is more or less neutralized and you can’t find yourself or anything else. It’s a very difficult procedure going on in your brain. [Indistinct]… but when they did this attack today, it was almost like they came very close to killing me. This weaponry could bring anyone down.”
Hospitalized for heart problems after lesser attacks, he had tests run, but says no doctors helped. He has no trusted medical help in the EU.
“When I go to the hospital, doctors are stumped. They have never seen anything like this before. I had to stay 2 days. They could see symptoms but gave no diagnosis.
“...committing suicide,” he said,". That’s what they want. It’s a blank shoot-out. I’ve been attacked like this for 12 years. Every time, I just get stronger inside. So these kinds of V2K – when they tell you to kill yourself – it’s a reminder of just how strong you are.”
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