Unfortunately, ITO is generally too stiff and too brittle for brain implants. Even if it could be made flexible, the high temperatures required to process it are incompatible with many of the materials (like parylene) that are used in the implants. Furthermore the transparency bandwidth of ITO is insufficient to fully exploit the wide spectrum of new UV and IR capable optogenetic proteins that have researchers fairly excited. The solution, now emerging from multiple labs throughout the universe is to build flexible, transparent electrode arrays from graphene.
Global Graphene Market Growth to 2025 Led by Asia, Wherein China Graphene Industry is Forecast to Grow at 95% CAGR to 202,.The European Commission will award a total of 2 billion euros for research into brain disease and into the "miracle material" graphene which could be used to make flexible neural prosthetics.The Human Brain Map Project wants to read your mind and Grapheme is the key.Global Graphene Market Growth to 2025 Led by Asia, Wherein China Graphene Industry is Forecast to Grow at 95% CAGR to 2020
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